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1416 Records Found.  
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1. 108 Divine Names of Dhanvantari (Sridhanvantayastottarasatam) / Manohar, P. Ram (Dr.)
2. Aadarsh Nidana Chikitsa - Anubhoot Chikitsayogasangraha (Kayachikitsa) (For B.A.M.S. According to C.C.I.M.) (in Hindi) / Pandey, Krishna Kant (Prof.) (Dr.)
3. Abhidhana Manjari of Bhishagarya (Text, English Translation, Notes and Appendices) / Krishnamurthy, M.S. (Dr.) (Tr.)
4. Abhidhana Ratnamala (Sadrasa Nighantu): A Compendium of Drugs Based on Taste (Text with English translation, explanatory notes and glossaries) / Prasad, Goli Penchala (Dr.)
5. Abhinav Navajeevanam with Siddhiprada Hindi Commentary by Prof. Siddhi Nandan Mishra
6. Abhinav Salya Vigyan / Principles of Salya-Cikitsa, 2 Volumes (Enriched with Ayurvedic as well as modern classical reference, in HINDI) / Thakral, K.K. & Sati, Radha Vallabh (Drs.)
7. Abhinava Manoroga Vijnana / New Science of Mental Diseases (in Hindi) / Chaudhary, Ravindra Chandra (Dr.)
8. Abhinava Rachana Avum Kriya Sharir Vijnana (Diploma in Ayurveda / Pharmacy / Nursing / Compounder ke liye) (in Hindi) / Mangal, P.C.; Khatri, Manisha & Sharma, Sachin (Drs.)
9. The Aconites of India (A Monograph) / Stapf, Otto.
10. The Actions and Uses of Indigenous Ophthalmic Drugs / Srikanth, N. (Dr.)
11. Acupuncture, Marma and other Asian Therapeutic Techniques / Thatte, D.G. (Dr.)
12. Adhunatana Paribhashika Sarira Sabda Nirupana / Thatte, D.G. with Gore, Kashinath Gopal & Pandey, Gyanendra (Eds.)
13. Advance Studies on Bhaishajya Kalpana / Mohapathra, Sudhaldev (Dr.)
14. Advanced Dravyaguna: The Materia Medica / Gupta, Chandni (Dr.)
15. Advanced Protocols in Dravyaguna Practical / Jani, Dilip K. & Sawant, B. (Drs.)
16. Advances in Ayurvedic Medicine / Arora, Chandralekha
17. Advances in Ayurvedic Medicine; 5 Volumes / Singh, R.H.; Udupa, K.N.; Ramji; Mamgain, Pratibha; Narasimhamurthy, K & Rastogi, Sanjeev
18. Advances in Indian Medicine and Herbals / Pandey, Gyanendra (Prof.) (Dr.)
19. Adverse Effects and Bio-Interactions of Ayurvedic Plant Drugs / Khare, C.P. (Ed.)
20. Agada Tantra - Visha Cikitsa: Ayurvedic and Contemporary Toxicology (in Hindi) / Sharma, Ajay Kumar with Sharma, Anita & Prabhakar, Sharon (Drs.)
21. Agada Tantra-Visha Chikitsa / Sharma, Ajay Kumar
22. Agada-Tantra and Vyavahara Ayurveda: Toxicology and Medical Jurisprudence / Nishteswar, K. & Kumar, A. Anil (Prof.) (Dr.)
23. Ageing and Ayurveda / Dwivedi, K.K. (Vaidya)
24. Agni evam Pitta Vigyan / Singh, Jay Prakash & Antiwal, Meera
25. Agnipuran ki Ayurvediye Anusandhanatmak Sameeksha (in Hindi) / Pandey, Vivekanand
26. Agro's Colour Atlas of Medicinal Plants / Prajapati, Narayan Das & Purohit, S.S.
27. Agro's Dictionary of Medicinal Plants / Prajapati, Narayan Das & Kumar, U.
28. Ahara: Ancient Secret of Diet in Ayurveda and Yoga / Suryawanshi, Pradipkumar R.
29. AIDS (With Many Pictures) / Javalgekar, Ravi R. (Prof.) (Dr.)
30. AIDS and Ayurveda: The Ayurvedic Concepts of AIDS and Its Management / Babu, S. Suresh (Prof.) (Dr.)
31. Alchemy and Metallic Medicines in Ayurveda / Dash, Vaidya Bhagwan
32. Ama-Vata Vigyana with Comparative Modern Study / Bhattacharya, A.R. (Dr.)
33. Amavata Vijnana: Rheumatology in Ayurveda / Sharma, Ashwini Kumar (Dr.)
34. Anal Fistula and Kshar Sutra Treatment / Pathak, S.N. (Dr.)
35. Analytical Ayurveda / Latheef, K.A. (Dr.)
36. Analytical Profiles of Selected Medicinal Plants / Bhutani, K.K.; Singh, I.P. & Jachak, S.M.
37. Anatomical Concept of Chakra and Energy System / Pal, Pradeep Kumar
38. Anatomical Nomenclature: According to Pratyaksasariram (English to Sanskrit and Sanskrit to English) / Saraswati, M.M. Gananath Sen
39. Anatomy of Marma / Pathak, Ashutosh Kumar (Dr.)
40. Ancient Indian Massage: Traditional Massage Techniques based on the Ayurveda / Johari, Harish (1934-1999)
41. Ancient Indian Surgery (AIS) based on Susruta Samhita; 10 Volumes / Singhal, G.D. (Chief Ed.)
42. Anemia in Ayurveda: Pandu Roga / Rai, Shalini
43. Animal Drugs: Introduction, Properties, Action and Uses [As per syllabus approved by the Board of Central Council of Indian Medicine] / Yadav, C.S. (Dr.)
44. Anjana Nidana by Maharsi Agnivesa (A short book on the spot diagnosis) / Babu, S. Suresh (Dr.)
45. Anorectal Disorders Ayurvedic Approach / Rajasree G. (Dr.)
46. Anthropometric Concept of Ayurved with Reference to Pain Endurance / Ram, Bhagwat (Dr.)
47. Anti-Aging Herbal Drugs of Ayurveda / Pandey, Gyanendra
48. Anti-Aids (Ojaksaya) Drugs of Ayurveda / Pandey, Gyanendra (Dr.)
49. Anticancer Herbal Drugs of India (With special reference to Ayurveda) / Pandey, Gyanendra (Dr.)
50. Antidiabetic Plants in India and Herbal based Antidiabetic Research / Pullaiah, T. & Naidu, K. Chandrasekhar
51. Anti-Leucorrhoeal Drugs of Ayurveda: Pradara Therapy in Gynecopathy / Pandey, Gyanendra
52. Antioxidants: The Miraculous Healers / Husain, Nisreen & Trak, Touseef Hussain (Drs.)
53. Anubhut Ayurved Chikitsa (Hindi) / Bhritya, Ramesh Kumar; Saxena, Ashok Kumar; Garg, Radheshyam & Solanki, Patta Singh
54. Anupana Darpan: An Insight into Therapeutic Vehicles by Sri Jnarasa Rama Sharma / Shreevathsa & Arhanth Kumar A. (Drs.) (Eds. & Trs.)
55. Anusandhan Paddhati evam Swasthya Sankhyaki / Agrawal, Sarvesh Kumar (Dr.)
56. Anushastra Karma (Parasurgical Therapy at a Glance) / Pande, D.N.
57. Aphrodisiac Therapy: Vajikarana Tantram / Pandey, Gyanendra (Prof.) (Dr.)
58. Aphrodisiacs and Treatment of Impotence in Alternative Systems of Medicine / Siddiq, Mohammed; Prasad, P.V.V. & Wadood, Abdul
59. Application of Leech Therapy in Clinical Practice / Kumar, Mahesh & Pandey, Sunil Kumar
60. Application of Standardised Namburi Phased Spot Test in Identification of Bhasma and Sindura Preparation of Ayurveda / Rao, Hanumantha (Namburi)
61. Applied Anatomy in Nakha Sharir / Dwivedi, Sunil Dutt & Dwivedi, Rashmi (Drs.)
62. Appraisal of Parahita Samhita: Lessor Known Compendium of Ayurveda / Pandey, Gyanendra (Prof.) (Dr.)
63. Arista Vigyan (Sadhyaashadhya Pariksha evam Praggyan) / Dwivedi, Ramanath (Dr.)
64. Arka Prakasa of Lankapati Ravana, with Hindi Teeka and Notes / Tripathi, Indradeva (Dr.) (Tr.)
65. Arogya Raksa Kalpadrumah: Kerala's Tradition of Ayurvedic Pediatric Care (Text with English translation) / Krishnan, Lal (Dr.)
66. Aroma Green Pages 2012: India and France: A Handbook of Updated Trade Information on Aromatic Plants' Sector / Rawal, Janak Raj
67. Aroma Green Pages 2013: India, Indonesia and France: A Handbook of Updated Trade Information on Medicinal Plants' Sector / Rawal, Janak Raj
68. Aromatic Plants and Essential Oils / Virdi, M.S. & Malviya, Suresh
69. Arthritis and Ayurveda / Nishteswar, K. (Dr.)
70. Asadhya evam Arishta Roga Nidana (Sanskrit text with Hindi translation) / Mishra, Swami Nath (Dr.)
71. Asceticism and Healing in Ancient India: Medicine in the Buddhist Monastery / Zysk, Kenneth G.
72. Ashtanga Samgraha (Multiple Choice Questions for Degree Examination and Post-graduate Entrance Tests) / Nishteswar, K. & Nagalakshmi, G. Ch. D. (Drs.)
73. Ashtanga Sangrah (Indutika); Part 1 in 2 Volumes (Critical Editions in Sanskrit)
74. Ashtanghridayam - Shrivagbhatta virachitam (Sarvangsundri vyakhya vibhushitam) / Vaidya, Lal Chandra
75. Astanga Hrdaya (Sutrasthana) Jiwanprada Hindi commentary by Dr. (Smt.) Shailaja Srivastava
76. Astanga Hrdaya of Vagbhata (Sutrasthana and Maulika Siddhanta) (Sanskrit text with English translation) / Rao, B. Rama (Dr.)
77. Astanga Hrdaya of Vagbhata, 3 Volumes / Lochan, Kanjiv (Dr.)
78. Astanga Hrdaya of Vagbhata, Vol. 1: Sutra Sthana and Sarira Sthana (Text with English translation, critical notes etc.) [To be completed in 3 Volumes] / Sitaram, B. (Dr.)
79. Astanga Hrdaya of Vagbhata: Text with English Translation and Commentary alongwith Appendices and Index, 3 Volumes / Rao, B. Rama
80. Astanga Hrdayam (Sutrasthana) evam Maulik Siddhant (Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda) (in Hindi) / Srivastava, Shailaja (Dr.) (Smt.)
81. Astanga Hrdayam of Vagbhata (Sutrasthana) / Tewari, P.V. & Asha Kumari (Drs.)
82. Astanga Hrdayam of Vagbhata, Volume 1 / Bulusu, Sitaram (Dr.)
83. Astanga Hrdayam of Vagbhata: Sutra Sthana / Lochan, Kanjiv (Dr.) (Tr.)
84. Astanga Hrdayam of Vagbhata: Text, English translation, Notes, Appendices and Indices; 3 Volumes / Murthy, K.R. Srikantha (Prof.) (Tr.)
85. Astanga Hrdayam: Sutrasathan evam Maullik Sidhant (Garima Hindi Vyakhya Yukt) / Sharma, Ramtirth (Dr.)
86. Astanga Hridayam of Vagbhata with Nirmala Hindi commentary, 3 Volumes / Tripathi, Brahmanand (Dr.) (Comm.)
87. Astanga Hridayam, Text with Sanskrit commentaries by Harinarayan Sharma
88. Astanga Samgraha of Vagbhata; 3 Volumes (Text with English translation and notes) / Murthy, K.R. Srikantha (Prof.)
89. Astanga Samgraha of Vagehata Sutra Sthana: (Made Easy for the Beginers of Ayurveda) (Student Edition) / Babu, S. Suresh (Dr.)
90. Astanga Sangraha of Vagbhata - Sutrasthana (Text with English Translation) / Rao, B. Rama (Tr.)
91. Astanga Sangraha of Vaghbhatta, Nidana Sthana (in Sanskrit) / Kinjavadekara, Ramachandra Sastri (Ed.)
92. Astanga Sangraha of Vaghbhatta, Sarira Sthana (in Sanskrit) / Kinjavadekara, Ramachandra Sastri (Ed.)
93. Astanga Sangraha of Vaghbhatta, Sutra Sthana (in Sanskrit) / Kinjavadekara, Ramachandra Sastri (Ed.)
94. AstangaHrdayam by Vagbhata (Sutrasthana): Originally 'The Samvartika' Hindi commentary written by Prof. Banwari Lal Gaur (Translated into English) / Gaur, Vishwavasu (Tr.)
95. Astangahrdayam by Vagbhata with the Samvartika Hindi commentary (Sutrasthana) / Gaur, Banwari Lal (Prof.) (Tr.)
96. Astangahrdayam of Vagbhata: Edited with 'Vidyotini' Hindi Commentary by Kaviraja Atrideva Gupta / Upadhyaya, Vaidya Yadunandana
97. Astangahrdayam of Vagbhata: With 'Sanketamanjari' and 'Anantsundari' commentary by Damodar Ranade, 2 Volumes / Vyas, Manindra Kumar (Ed.)
98. Astanga-Hrdayam Prasnavali: Study Material and Multiple Choice Questions / Nagaraju, P. (Dr.)
99. Astangahrdayam: A Compendium of the Ayurvedic System, composed by Vagbhata; With the commentaries 'Sarvangasundara' of Arundatta and 'Ayurvedarasayana' of Hemadri, collated by Dr. Anna Moreswar Kunte & Krishna Ramchandra Shastri Navre / Paradkar, Harishastri (Ed.)
100. Astangasamgraha of Vahata or Vrddha Vagbhata, with the Sasilekha Sanskrit commentary by Indu / Sharma, Shivprasad (Ed.)
101. Astangasariram: Concise and Complete Text Book of Human Anatomy and Physiology in Sanskrit with Commentary and Illustrations Compiled for the Use of Ayurveda Colleges (in Sanskrit) / Varier, Vaidyaratnam P.S. (Comp.)
102. Asthma (Swasa Roga) and Ayurveda / Sharma, Ajay Kumar (Prof.)
103. Astrology for Overcoming Cancer / Trivedi, Mridula & Trivedi, T.P.
104. The Atharvaveda and the Ayurveda / Karambelkar, V.W. (Dr.)
105. Atlas of Macroscopic and Microscopic Characters of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Drugs (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India) Part I, Volume I
106. Atlas of Root Drugs from Ayurveda / Srivastava, Sharad; Misra, Ankita; Kumar, Bhanu & Chaudhary, Mridul Kant
107. Aupsargik Rog / Infectious Diseases; 2 Parts (in Hindi) / Ghanekar, Bhaskar Govind
108. Aushadh Dravyon ka Tridosh Gun Vivechan (Hindi) / Bhutiya, Ramesh Kumar (Dr.)
109. Aushadhgan Mimansa (Analytical Study of Aushadha-gana) [in Hindi] / Purvia, Rajendra Prasad
110. Aushidhiye Paadap: Sarankshan, Sanvardhan evam Upyogita (in Hindi) / Khanna, D.R.; Malik, D.S.; Chopra, A.K.; Prasad, G. & Bhutiani, R. (Eds.)
111. Autobiography of Prof. Dr. T.L. Devaraj: His Works and Achievements / Joshi, T.S. Vanajakshamma P. & Bhat, Vaidya Poornima
112. Awakening Nature's Healing Intelligence: Expanding Ayurveda through the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health / Sharma, Hari
113. Ayodhya Prasad Achal's Agad Tantra: Text Book of Ayurvedic Toxicology / Pattanaik, Jina (Dr.) (Tr. & Rev.)
114. Ayurved and Diabetic Disorders / Kulkarni, P.H. (Ed.)
115. Ayurved and Hepatic Disorders / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.) (Ed.)
116. Ayurved Brihattrayi Manjusha / Ayurved Bruhatrayi Manjusha: Charaka-Susruta-Bagbhatta ke Vicharon ka Samanvyatmak Adhyayan (in Hindi) / Choudhary, Praveen K. (Dr.)
117. Ayurved Darshan (in Hindi) / Solanki, Rishidev
118. Ayurved Dwara Sampuran Swasthya (in Hindi) / Upadhyaya, Govind Prasad
119. Ayurved for Modern Medical Practitioners: Revealing Relevance of Ancient Indian Medicine & Its Holistic Approach for Better Health Care Today / Nagral, Kumud S. (Dr.)
120. Ayurved ka Saiddhantik Adhyayan (in Hindi) / Dash, Vaidya Bhagwan & Gupta, Kumari Kanchan
121. Ayurved Ka Subodh Itihas / Lal, Kanhaiya
122. Ayurved Kya Hai? (in Hindi) / Kaushik, Mairam
123. Ayurved Samucchaya: A Perfect Notes for All Ayurvedic Competitive Examinations (New Edition 2022) / Patil, Sanjay Sakharam (Dr.)
124. Ayurved Sanjivani (For All Ayurvedic Competitive Examinations) / Patil, Sanjay (Dr.)
125. Ayurved Sarsangrah: Ayurvediya Aushadhiyon ke Nirman, Prayog aur Guna-Dharmon ka Vishad Vivechan (in Hindi)
126. Ayurveda / Krishnamurthy, K.H.
127. Ayurveda Aahar (Food / Diet) / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
128. Ayurveda Amritam: MCQs on Laghutrayi and Medical Research in Ayurveda / Phull, Rekha & Phull, Gaurav (Drs.)
129. Ayurveda and Acupuncture: Theory and Practice of Ayurvedic Acupuncture - Marmapuncture (Siravedhana) / Ros, Frank (Dr.)
130. Ayurveda and Dietetics / Mehta, Anil K. (Dr.)
131. Ayurveda and Marma Therapy: Energy Points in Yogic Healing / Frawley, David; Ranade, Subhash & Lele, Avinash
132. Ayurveda and Panchakarma: The Science of Healing and Rejuvenation / Joshi, Sunil V.
133. Ayurveda and the Mind: The Healing of Consciousness / Frawley, David (Dr.)
134. Ayurveda and Yoga / Kumar, A. Vinaya (Prof.) (Dr.)
135. Ayurveda and Yoga / Kumar, Manoj
136. Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy / Ranade, Subhash; Ranade, Sunanda; Vinod, Samprasad & Vinod, Rujuta (Drs.)
137. Ayurveda at The Turning Point / Katiyar, Chandra Kant & Khare, C.P.
138. Ayurveda Chikitsa / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
139. Ayurveda Chikitsa (in Hindi) / Misra, Swami Nath (Dr.)
140. Ayurveda Chikitsa Sutra
141. Ayurveda Chikitsa Vijnan; 2 Parts (in Hindi) / Gaur, Banwari Lal (Vaidya)
142. Ayurveda Chintamani: Edited with Foreword, Index etc. by Dr. Surendra Prasad Mishra
143. Ayurveda Darsana: Philosophical Speculations in Indian Medicine / Dasgupta, Surendranath (Prof.)
144. Ayurveda Darshanam (Philosophy of Ayurveda) / Sharma, P.V. (Prof.)
145. The Ayurveda Encyclopedia: Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention and Longevity / Tirtha, Swami Sada Shiva
146. Ayurveda for All / Sharma, Rajeev (Dr.)
147. Ayurveda for All: Affective Ayurvedic Self-Cure for Common and Chronic Ailments / Manohar, Ch. Murali (Dr.)
148. Ayurveda for Child Health Care / Kulkarni, P.H. (Prof.) (Dr.)
149. Ayurveda for Health and Beauty / Handa, Parvesh
150. Ayurveda for Health and Family Welfare / Devaraj, T.L.
151. Ayurveda for Health and Well-Being / Gowans, Shanti
152. Ayurveda for Healthy Living: Svasthasya Svasthya Raksanam / Prasad, P.V.V.; Subhaktha, P.K.J.P. & Dwivedi, Rambabu R.
153. Ayurveda for Women / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
154. Ayurveda for Women: A Guide to Vitality and Health / Svoboda, Robert E. (Dr.)
155. Ayurveda Forever Wellbeing: A Treasury of Holistic Recommendations / Doherty, Meta B.
156. Ayurveda Granthavali (Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hradayam) / Sharma, Rajendra Nath (Dr.) (Ed.)
157. Ayurveda Herbs / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
158. Ayurveda Herbs for Health / Kulkarni, P.H. (Prof.) (Dr.)
159. Ayurveda Itihasa (History of Ayurveda) / Rao, M. Rama Sunder (Dr.)
160. Ayurveda Jigyasa: Ultimate Guide to Crack All Ayurvedic Competitive Exams: Based on Latest Pattern (25+5 Model Papers, 5500 MCQs with Previous Year AIAPGT Papers) [Revised Edition] / Rai, Shakti Raj (Dr.)
161. Ayurveda ki Patent Aushadhiya (Ayurvedic Patent Medicines) / Chauhan, Jahan Singh (Dr.)
162. Ayurveda Minerals / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
163. Ayurveda Nature's Medicine / Frawley, David & Ranade, Subhash
164. Ayurveda Nidan / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
165. Ayurveda Nidan: The Diagnosis and Pathology / Kulkarni, P.H. (Prof.)
166. Ayurveda Nideshika / Dash, Vaidya Bhagwan & Junius, Manfred M.
167. Ayurveda or Hindu System of Medical Science
168. Ayurveda Panchakarma: Five Purification Procedures / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
169. Ayurveda Panchkarma / Kulkarni, P.H. (Prof.) (Dr.)
170. Ayurveda Philosophy / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
171. Ayurveda Philosophy and Practice / Kulkarni, P.H. (Prof.) (Dr.)
172. Ayurveda Prakasa of Acharya Sri Madhava: Edited with the Arthavidyotini and Arthaprakasini Sanskrit and Hindi commentariesby Vaidya Vachaspati Shri Gulrajsharma Mishra
173. Ayurveda Prakasa of Sri Madhava Upadhyaya (Sanskrit text with English translation) / Murthy, P.H.C. (Prof.)
174. Ayurveda Rejuvenation / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
175. Ayurveda Remedies for Kidney Diseases / Devaraj, T.L. (Prof.) (Dr.)
176. Ayurveda Revolutionized: Integrating Ancient and Modern Ayurveda / Tarabilda, Edward F.
177. Ayurveda Roga Nidana and Vikriti Vigyana: Essentials of Nidan Panchaka / Gujjarwar, Vidula (Prof.)
178. Ayurveda Samgrah: A Complete Guide for M.D. (Ayu.) / UPSC / PSC / Medical Officer and other Ayurvedic Entrance Examination alongwith Solved Papers of Previous Examinations (Latest 2022 Edition in Hindi) [in 2 parts] / Pareek, Govind [Currently unavailable.] (Dr.)
179. Ayurveda Sidhant aur Rog-Nidhan / Aggarwal, C.L.
180. Ayurveda Therapy / Prakash, Ved (Dr.)
181. Ayurveda Therapy (Ayurvedic Preparations with References, Nature, Ingredients, Dosage, Indications) / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
182. Ayurveda Upchar (Treatment) / Kulkarni, P.H.
183. Ayurveda Virilization / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
184. Ayurveda Vistas (Research Studies in Ayurveda) / Kulkarni, P.H. (Dr.)
185. Ayurveda: A Life of Balance: The Complete Guide to Ayurvedic Nutrition and Body Types with Recipes / Tiwari, Maya
186. Ayurveda: A Traditional System of Medicine in India / Sinha, A.K.; Banerjee, B.G. & Singh, K. Gurpreet
187. Ayurveda: An Effective Solution / Vora, Mayank S. (Dr.)
188. Ayurveda: Complete Medical System in World / Trivedi, B.C. (Dr.)
189. Ayurveda: Indian System of Medicine / Sharma, Shiv
190. Ayurveda: Magical Massages / Vijayachandradas & Kitchu
191. Ayurveda: Secrets of Healing (The complete Ayurvedic Guide to Healing through Pancha Karma, Seasonal Therapies, Diet, Herbal Remedies and Memory) / Tiwari, Maya
192. Ayurveda: The Gentle Health System / Rhyner, Hans H.
193. Ayurveda: The Science of Living (Health and Vigour Forever) / Athavale, V.B. (Dr.)
194. Ayurveda: The Science of Self Healing: A Practical Guide / Lad, Vasant (Dr.)
195. Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing (A Practical Guide) / Lad, Vasant (Dr.)
196. Ayurveda: The Science of Traditional Indian Medicine / Dash, Vaidya Bhagwan & Ramaswamy, Suhasini
197. Ayurveda: The Ultimate Medicine / Sharma, S.C. (Dr.)
198. Ayurvedeeya Rasashastra - As per syllabus approved by the Board of Central Council of Indian Medicine for B.A.M.S. & M.D. (Ayu.) (Revised & Enlarged Edition) / Mishra, Siddhinandan (Prof.)
199. Ayurvedia Padartha-Vijnana with Illustrations (According to the Syllabus of CCIM, New Delhi) / Srivastava, Shailaja (Dr.) (Smt.)
200. Ayurvedic Aahar: The Scientific Diet / Kulkarni, P.H. (Prof.)
201. Ayurvedic and Allopathic Medicine and Mental Health
202. Ayurvedic and Herbal Remedies for Arthritis / Jain, Narendra (Dr.)
203. An Ayurvedic Approach to Endocrinology: Management of Diabetes and Thyroid Disorders through Ayurveda and Yoga / Sharma, Bhawana (Dr.)
204. Ayurvedic Astrology: Self-healing Through the Stars / Frawley, David (Dr.)
205. Ayurvedic Beauty Care: Ageless Techniques to Invoke Natural Beauty / Sachs, Melanie
206. The Ayurvedic Care and Cure of the Digestive System / Kulkarni, P.H. (Prof.) (Dr.)
207. Ayurvedic Clinical Diagnosis with Modern Perspective / Ranade, Subhash & Kuber, Sachin
208. Ayurvedic Clinical Medicine; 3 Volumes / Kumar, Atmakuri Vinaya
209. Ayurvedic Concepts in Gynaecology / Joshi, Nirmala G. (Dr.)
210. Ayurvedic Concepts of Healthy Mother and Happy Child / Tewari, P.V.; Sharma, R.D. & Sharma, S.K.
211. Ayurvedic Concepts of Human Embryology / Kumar, Abhimanyu (Dr.)
212. Ayurvedic Conference on Disorders of Thyroid / R.A.V.
213. Ayurvedic Conference on Heptao-Biliary and Splenic Disorders / R.A.V.
214. Ayurvedic Conference on Rasayana: Research Papers (25-26 March, 2002) / R.A.V.
215. The Ayurvedic Cookbook: A Personalized Guide to Good Nutrition and Health / Morningstar, Amadea & Desai, Urmila
216. The Ayurvedic Cookbook: A Personalized Guide to Good Nutrition and Health / Morningstar, Amadea & Urmila Desai
217. Ayurvedic Cooking / Patel, Ramesh
218. Ayurvedic Cooking for All: Familiar Food Prepared with Ayurvedic Principles / Morningstar, Amadea
219. Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing / Lad, Usha & Lad, Vasant
220. Ayurvedic Dermatology / Choudhury, Bishnu (Dr.)
221. Ayurvedic Diagnostics: Madhava-Nidana of Madhavakara (With the Commentary Madhukosa by Vijayaraksita and Sriknthadatta), 2 Volumes / Lochan, Kanjiv (Dr.)
222. The Ayurvedic Diet: The Ancient Way to Health Rejuvenation and Weight Control / Thompson, Dennis
223. Ayurvedic Drug Plants / Dhiman, Anil Kumar
224. Ayurvedic Drugs and their Plant Sources / Sivarajan, V.V. & Balachandran, Indira
225. Ayurvedic Encyclopaedia; 2 Volumes / Lakshmipathi, A.
226. Ayurvedic First Aid / Bhuyan, Chaturbhuja (Dr.)
227. Ayurvedic Flora Medica with Equivalents in Sanskrit and Regional Languages Medicinal Properties and Notes Identification / Mooss, V.N.S.
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