Anushastra Karma is a very important topic described in Sushrut Samhita. Acharya Sushruta advocated its importance at several places specialy for the diseases where surgery with knife is difficult and frutile. Keeping in view the importance of Anushastra Karma C.C.I.M. has introduced a full 3 yrs. P.G. Course in this prestigious discipline. Therefore I tried to write a very comprehensive book on this subject-covering the undergraduate and postgraduate syllabus. I made effort to write in a very easily understandable language. The book is purely based on experiances gained in several institutions by me and by other senor learned teachers like Prof. P.D. Gupta and Prof. Kulwant Singh. The correlations with modern medicine are also tried and scientific shape is given to make it more convenient and updated. A good colection of photographs is given to understnad the topics easily and practically.
This is a very small effort like a drop in ocean. I hope that the undergraduate and postgraduate both will find this book equally good for them. If it will focus a light on the subject and will provide some knowledge to the readers, my goal will be achieved. |