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601. The Nyaya on Meaning: A Commentary on Pandit Visvabandhu / Shaw, J.L.
602. Nyaya Philosophy of Language / Vattanky, John
603. Nyaya Philosophy: Epistemology and Education / Jha, Arvind Kumar (Dr.)
604. The Nyaya Sutras: A New Commentary on an Old Text / Krishna, Daya
605. The Nyaya Theory of Knowledge: A Critical Study of Some Problems of Logic and Metaphysics / Chatterjee, Satischandra
606. Nyaya Vaisesika: Conception of Matter in Indian Philosophy / Mishra, Umesh
607. Nyayacandrika / Nair, C. Krishnan Kutty (Dr.)
608. Nyayadarshana Mein Anuman / Mishra, Sachhidanand (Dr.)
609. Nyayakusumanjali of Udayanacarya (A Critical Study) / Joshi, Hem Chandra (Dr.)
610. Nyayaratnadipavali of Anandanubhava, Volume 1 / Kanshi Ram (Tr.)
611. Nyayasara of Bhasarvajna: A Critical Study / Narayanan, T.K.
612. Nyayasiddhantadipah of Sasadhara; (In Hindi) / Dalai, B.K.
613. Nyayasiddhantmanjari, Edited with Nilakantha Diksita's Dipikatarkaprakasa by Gauri Nath Sastri
614. Nyayasutras with Nyayarahasya of Ramabhadra Sarbavhauma and Anviksikitattavavivarana of Janakinatha Cudamani; 2 Volumes / Sen, Prabal Kumar (Ed.)
615. Nyaya-Vaisesika Philosophy and Text Science / Hirano, Katsunori
616. Nyayavarttikatatparyaparisuddhi of Udayanacarya / Thakur, Anantalal (Ed.)
617. Nyayavarttikatatparyatika of Vacaspatimisra / Thakur, Anantalal (Ed.)
618. Nyaybhasyavarttika of Bharadvaja Uddyotakara / Thakur, Anantalal (Ed.)
619. The Ocean of Theosophy / Judge, William Quan
620. Of Grammatology / Derrida, Jacques
621. The Old Man and His Soul / Sharan, Farida
622. On Mind and Consciousness / Chakraborty, Chandda, Manas K. Mandal & Chatterjee, Rimi B. (Eds.)
623. Only Love is Real: The Story of Soulmates Reunited / Weiss, Brian (Dr.)
624. Oriental Heritage: Art, Literature and Thought; 3 Volumes / Durant, Will
625. The Original Gita: Striving for Oneness with Comments and Related Verses of the Bhagavad Gita (2nd Edition) / Kuiken, Gerard D. C.
626. Osho, India and Me: A Tale of Sexual and Spiritual Transformation / Allanach, Jack (Swami Krishna Prem)
627. Our Dilemmas: Life, Fate and Death / Dhawan, M.L.
628. Our Heritage of Thought: A Religious and Philosophical Study / Day, Barclay Lewis
629. Out of the Labyrinth: For Those Who Want to Believe But Can't / Walters, Donald
630. Outlines of Indian Philosophy / Hiriyanna, M.
631. Outlines of Indian Philosophy / Sinha, Jadunath
632. Outlines of Indian Philosophy / Hiriyanna, M
633. Outlines of Indian Philosophy / Hiriyanna, M.
634. Overman: The Intermediary between the Human and the Supramental Being / Vrekhem, Georges Van
635. P.T. Raju / Srinivas, K.
636. Paippalada-Samhita of the Atharva-Veda (Books 1-20) / Raghuvira (Ed.)
637. Paksata: The Nature of the Inferential Locus (A Psychoepistemological Investigation of the Inferential Process) / Dravid, N.S.
638. Pancadasi; (A Critical Study) / Shakuntla, Punjani
639. Pancavimsa – Brahmana:The Brahmana Of Twenty –Five Chapters / Caland, W., Jha, .D.K. Dr.
640. Pancavimsa-Brahmana the Brahmana of -Twenty Five Chapters / Jha, D. k. Dr.
641. The Panchadasi of Srimad Vidyaranya Swami (Translated with Copious Annotations) / Dhole, Nanda Lal (Tr.)
642. Pandit N.R. Bhatt Felicitation Volume / Filliozat, P.S.; Narang, Satya Pal & Bhatta, C.P.
643. The Pandit: Traditional Scholarship in India / Michaels, Axel (Ed.)
644. Paramahamsa: A Vedantic Tale / Subramony, R.
645. Parasarasmrti; Translated into English by Manmatha Nath Dutt (Sanskrit Text, English Translation, Notes, an Introduction and Index of Verses)
646. Parivaar Family: The Art of Livig Life / Kogata, R.N. & Kogata, Lalita
647. Parmukh Prashasnik Vicharak: Eminent Administrative Thinkers (in Hindi) / Thory, Narendra Kumar
648. Path of Knowledge: Exposition of Spiritual Knowledge / Pradeep
649. PEACE THROUGH POETRY: An Ethnographic Journey into Peace / Sharma, Arushi • Aishe Debnath • Manisha Karne Satishchandra Kumar • Rajesh Kharat Arundhati Subramaniam
650. Perception the Pratyaksa Khanda of the Tattvacintamani (with introduction, Sanskrit text, translation and explanation) 2 Volumes / Bhatta, V.P.
651. Perception: East and West / Jha, V.N. (Ed.)
652. Perennial Quest for a Psychology with a Soul: An Inquiry into the Relevance of Sri Aurobindo's Metaphysical Yoga Psychology in the Context of Ken Wilber's Integral Psychology / Vrinte, Joseph
653. Perfume of the Desert: Inspirations from Sufi Wisdom / Harvey, Andrew & Haunt, Eryk
654. The Personal Aura / Kunz, Dora Van Gelder
655. Personal Identity / Mohapatra, P.K.
656. Personal, Mind and Value / Mohapatra, P.K. (Gen. Ed.)
657. Perspectives in Gandhian Thought / Singh, Dashrath
658. Perspectives in Philosophy, Religion and Art (Essays in Honour of Margaret Chatterjee) / Balasubramanian, R. & Thomas, V.C. (Eds.)
659. Perspectives of Philosophy / Sinha, S.B.P.
660. Perspectives on Indian and Western Philosophical Thoughts / Ramanujam, A. Appan
661. Perspectives on Wittgenstein's Unsayable / Pandey, K.C.
662. Perspectives: The Timeless Way of Wisdom: The Notebooks of Paul Brunton: A Creative Synthesis of Eastern and Western Ideas; Volume 1 / Brunton, Paul
663. The Phenomenology of Mind; 2 Volumes / Hegel, G.W.F.
664. The Philosophical and Practical Aspects of Kasmira Saivism: A Study of Trika Thought and Practice / Pandit, Moti Lal
665. Philosophical and Sociological Basis of Education / Dash, B.N.
666. Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives in Education / Talawar, M.S. & Benakanal, V.A.
667. The Philosophical Concept of Samskara / Kapani, Lakshmi
668. Philosophical Consciousness and Scientific Knowledge: Conceptual Linkages and Civilizational Background (History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilisation, Volume XI, Part 1) / Chattopadhyaya, D.P. & Sen Gupta, A.K. (Eds.)
669. Philosophical Contributions of Bhaktas and Gurus to Indian Culture / Singh, Nirbhai
670. Philosophical Foundation of Bengal Vaisnavism: A Critical Exposition / Chakravarti, Sudhindra Chandra
671. Philosophical Foundations of Education / Shrivastava, K.K.
672. The Philosophical Heritage of Immanuel Kant (April 22, 1724 - Feb 12, 1804) / Singh, Raghwendra Pratap (Ed.)
673. Philosophical Perspectives of K. Satchidananda Murty / Boaz, Pusuluri (Ed.)
674. Philosophical Psychology of Soul Mechanism: Oriental and Occidental Studies / Bailey, A.
675. Philosophical Semi-Colons: A Rational Explanation / Bandiste, D.D.
676. The Philosophical Understanding of Human Rights / Dhar, Benulal
677. Philosophising Education / Pandey, R.S.
678. Philosophy and Ethics in Islam / Sharma, S.R.
679. Philosophy and Psychology in the Abhidharma / Guenther, Herbert V.
680. Philosophy and Religion / Kumar, Raj & Kulkarni, Jagmohan
681. Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays / Joshi, Kireet
682. Philosophy for a New Civilisation / Skolimowski, Henryk
683. Philosophy for Health / Rastori, Sanjeev
684. Philosophy in Classical India: The Proper Work of Reason / Ganeri, Jonardon
685. Philosophy in Indian Politics / Mukherji, Rabindranath
686. Philosophy India / Muller, F. Max
687. Philosophy Modern and Postmodern / Singh, Raghwendra Pratap
688. Philosophy of Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi / Sonde, Nagesh D.
689. Philosophy of Crime / Kumar, Pradeep
690. Philosophy of Culture and Literature / Gibbs, P.
691. The Philosophy of Daya Krishna / Chandel, Bhuvan & et. al. (Eds.)
692. Philosophy of Education / Biswal, U.N.
693. Philosophy of Education / Chandra, S.S. & Sharma, Rajendra K.
694. Philosophy of Education / Chandra, S.S. & Sharma, Rajendra Kumar
695. Philosophy of Education / Dhawan, M.L. (Ed.)
696. Philosophy of Education / Jogi, Premchand
697. Philosophy of Education / Sharma, Promila
698. The Philosophy of G.R. Malkani / Deshpande, Sharad (Ed.)
699. Philosophy of History: Some Reflections on North-East India / Daniel, S.C. (Dr.)
700. Philosophy of Indian Music: Contribution of the Trinity / Kommalapudi, John Christopher
701. Philosophy of Justice / Vyas, Nitin J. & et. al. (Eds.)
702. The Philosophy of K. Satchidananda Murty / Bhattacharyya, Sibajiban & et. al. (Eds.)
703. The Philosophy of Language in Classical Indian Tradition / Prasad, K.S. (Ed.)
704. The Philosophy of Language: And the Science of Poetry / Maxim, Hudson
705. Philosophy of Learning / Kumar, S. & Kumar, Narendra
706. Philosophy of Life and Death / Kamath, M.V.
707. The Philosophy of Linguistics / Riley, B.T.
708. Philosophy of Mysticism / Santideva, Sadhu (Ed.)
709. The Philosophy of Narayana Guru / Prasad, Swami Muni Narayana
710. Philosophy of Numbers / Burde, Jayant
711. The Philosophy of Organism: A Comparative Study of A.N. Whitehead / Singh, M. Kirti (Dr.) (Padmashri)
712. The Philosophy of P.F. Strawson / Sen, Pranab Kumar & et. al. (Eds.)
713. The Philosophy of Relations / Jha, V.N. (Dr.)
714. The Philosophy of Religion and Advaita Vedanta: A Comparative Study in Religion and Reason / Sharma, Arvind
715. The Philosophy of Sadhana: With Special Reference to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir / Sharma, Deba Brata Sen
716. The Philosophy of Saivism: History Philosophy and Literature of Saivism; 2 Volumes / Kapoor, Subodh (Ed.)
717. Philosophy of Sankar's Advaita Vedanta / Chattopadhyaya, S.K.
718. The Philosophy of Sarvodaya / Das, Ratan
719. Philosophy of Science: A Study of Thomas S. Kuhn's Notion of Paradigm Shift / Shakeel, Quaisar
720. The Philosophy of Social Ecology / Bookchin M.
721. Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo / Banerjee, S.P.
722. The Philosophy of Swami Rama Tirtha / Maheshwari, H. (Dr.)
723. Philosophy of Symmetry / Srukkai, Sunder
724. The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita: A Study Based on the Evaluation of the Commentaries of Samkara, Ramanuja and Madhva / Chari, S.M. Srinivasa
725. The Philosophy of the Mind / Douglas, J.
726. The Philosophy of the Tamil Siddhas / Ganapathy, T.N.
727. The Philosophy of Vaisnavism: General Characteristics of Vaisnavism / Kapoor, Subodh (Ed.)
728. Philosophy of Values East and West: An Introduction / Kolencherry, Antony
729. The Philosophy of Vivekananda / Jhanji, Rekha (Ed.)
730. Philosophy of Wittgenstein: Indian Responses / Pradhan, R.C. (Ed.)
731. Philosophy of World Religion / Kumari, Manju Lata Dr.
732. The Philosophy of Yoga / Kilam, Lalit
733. Philosophy Religion and Culture: Essays in Search of Definitions & Directions / Devaraja, N.K.
734. Philosophy, Grammar and Indology: Prof. Gustav Roth Felicitation Volume / Prasad, H.S. (Ed.)
735. Philosophy: Some Contemporary Issues / Khanna
736. Physics of God / Singh, Kartikey
737. Plato / Jayapalan, N.
738. Plato: An Interdisciplinary Perspective / Sharma, R.N.
739. The Political Philosophy of Antonio Gramsci / Misra, Aditi
740. The Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus / Seal, Brajendranath
741. Postmodern Desire: Learning from India / McCarthy, Paul
742. The Power of Inner Choice: 12 Weeks to Living a Life You Love / Allen, Mary E.
743. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment / Tolle, Eckhart
744. Practices for the Quest: Relax and Retreat (The Notebooks of Paul Brunton; Volume 3) / Brunton, Paul
745. Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings, Meditations and Exercises from the Power of Now / Tolle, Eckhart
746. Prajna Upanisad / Prasad, Muni Narayana (Swami) (Tr.)
747. Prakaranapancika of Salikanatha with an Exposition in English / Pandurangi, K.T.
748. Prakrti: The Integral Vision; 5 Volumes / Vatsyayan, Kapila (Ed.)
749. Prameyakamala Martanda: A Commentary on Shri Manik Nandi's Pareeksha Mukh Sutra by Shri Prabha Chandra (in Sanskrit)
750. Pramukh Rajnitik Vicharak (in Hindi) / Rajkumar (Dr.)
751. Pranayama: A Classical and Traditional Approach / Iyengar, Prashant S.
752. Pratyabhijnahrdayam of Ksemaraja: The Essence of Self-Recognition (Introduction with Practical Notes) / Semenov, Dmitri
753. Preaching Vedanta / Iraian Ban, Swamiji
754. Present Moment Awareness / Duncan, Shannon
755. The Principal Upanisads (Edited with Introduction, Text, Translation and Notes) / Radhakrishnan, S. (Ed.)
756. Principles of Aesthetics / Parker, Dewitt H.
757. The Problem of Evil and Indian Thought / Herman, Arthur L.
758. The Problem of Perception / Smith, A.D.
759. Problems of Interpretation and Translation of Philosophical and Religious Text / Raman, N.S.S.
760. Prophets of Education; 30 Volumes
761. Psycho-Religious Studies of Man, Mind and Nature / Tripathi, S.M.
762. Public Journalism: A Comprehensive Text for Students and Practitiner / Dass, B.K.
763. Pure Philosophy: Simplified for Youth / Prasad, Swami Muni Narayana
764. Purna Viram Se Purva; (In Hindi) / Acharya Atreya
765. The Quest (The Notebooks of Paul Brunton, Volume 2) / Brunton, Paul
766. Quest and Reflections of the Sakti Tattva: A Study of the Sakti Siddhanta, Agamic Sahasranama and Stotra Mimamsa / Raina, Chaman Lal
767. Quest for Truth followed by Time, Space and Man / Lahiry, Banamali
768. The Question of Being: East-West Perspectives / Sprung, Mervyn (Ed.)
769. The Quiet Mind: A Journey through Space and Mind / Coleman, John E.
770. Rabindranath Tagore / Roy, Pabitrakumar
771. Rabindranath Tagore (Literary Concepts) / Pradhan, Gaurav
772. Rabindranath Tagore in Germany: Four Responses to a Cultural Icon / Kampchen, Martin
773. Rabindranath Tagore: An Educational Thinker / Gupta, N.L.
774. Rabindranath Tagore's Concepts of State, Nation and Nationalism / Mukherjee, K.N. (Dr.)
775. The Radical Monk: Social and Political Philosophy of Swami Vivekanand / Ray, B.N.
776. Ramana Maharshi: A Bibliography / Subramaniyam, K.
777. Ramana Maharshi: The Crown Jewel of Advaita / Grimes, John
778. Ramana, Shankara and the Forty Verses: The Essential Teachings of Advaita / Ramana Maharishi & Sankara
779. Rambles in Vedanta / Iyer, B.R. Rajam
780. Random Plurals: Fragments on Philosophy, Aesthetics and History / Sugathan, Ratnamuthu & Mishra, Kamal Kishor (Eds.)
781. Reading in the Philosophy of Religion / Gupta, Sanjay Dr.
782. Readings in Kautilya's Artashastra / Sinha, B.P.
783. Realism & General Word / Kasem, Abul
784. Realism Responses and Reactions Essays in Honour of Pranab Kumar Sen / Chattopadhyaya, D.P. & et. al. (Eds.)
785. Reality and Mysticism: Perspectives in the Upanisada / Puligandla, R.
786. Reason and Revelation / Krishna, Gopi
787. Reason, Dialectic and Postmodern Philosophy: Indian and Western Perspectives / Singh, Raghwendra Pratap (Ed.)
788. Recent Developments in Analytical Philosophy / Pradhan, R.C.
789. Recent Indian Ethical Thought / Nirmala Tandon Dr.
790. Recent Indian Ethical Thought / Tandon, Nirmala Dr.
791. Rediscovering India: Indian Philosophy Library; 71 Volumes / Kaur, G.
792. Reflections on Indian Wisdom: Philosophical Perspectives (Essays in Honour of Prof. G.C. Nayak) / Kar, Bijayananda (Ed.)
793. The Reincarnation Controversy: Uncovering the Truth in the World Religions / Rosen, Steven
794. Re-Interpretation of the Theory of Avataras / Kashinath
795. Relation of Epistemology with Ontology: In Contemporary Philosophy / Shukla, Jayendra J.
796. Relevance of Indian Philosophy / Verma, S.P.
797. Relevance of Indian Philosophy in Modern Context / Kumar, Shashi Prabha (Dr.) (Mrs.) (Ed.)
798. The Relevance of Relation in Snakara's Advaita Vedanta / Aleaz, K.P.
799. Religion And Philosophy Of The Hindus / Gangadhar, D.A. Prof.
800. Religion Philosophy Yoga: A Selection of Articles / Filliozat, Jean
801. Religious Mysticism of the Upanisads (Selected Sanskrit Texts with English and Hindi Translations and Notes, with Foreword in Sanskrit) / Lal, Krishna (Dr.)
802. Religious Pluralism and Truth: Essays on Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Religion / Dean, Thomas (Ed.)
803. Religious Positivity / Singh, N.K. & Tripathi, S.M. (Eds.)
804. Researches in Indian and Buddhist Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Prof. Alex Wayman / Sharma, Ram Karan (Ed.)
805. The Resurrection of Sin / Mukundan, A.P.
806. Retrieving Samkhya History: An Ascent from Dawn to Meridian / Gopal, Lallanji
807. Reunderstanding Indian Philosophy / Barlingay, S.S.
808. Revealing Advaita Vedanta / Nair, P.K. Sasidharan
809. Revisiting Mahatma's: Hindu Sawaraj / Chandra, Vinod & Sharma, Anshumali (Eds.)
810. Revolution in the Philosophy of Edmund Husserl / Shukla, Sanjay Kumar
811. Rgveda for the Layman: Satasuktaparidarsanam / Ghosh, Shyam
812. Rgveda with Commentaries of Skandasvamin, Udgitha, Venkata-Madhava and Mudgala; 8 Volumes / Vishva Bandhu (Ed.)
813. Rgvedic Aesthetics / Shastri, P.S.
814. The Rig Veda Samhitaa, Sanskrit text and English translation by Dr. Prasanna Chandra Gautam (4 Volumes)
815. Ritualistic Philosophy of Death and Disposal of the Dead; 2 Volumes / Singh, N.K. (Ed.)
816. A Role of Boon (Varadana) in Some Upanisadic Stories / Shete, Vaijayanti D.
817. Role of Reason in Sankara-Vedanta / Verma, S.P.
818. The Roots of Reference: The Paul Carus Lectures / Quine, W.V.
819. Rules and Regulations of Brahmanical Asceticism / Olivelle, Patrick
820. Rupa-Pratirupa: Mind Man and Mask / Malik, S.C. (Ed.)
821. Russia Looks at India: A Spectrum of Philosophical Views / Stepanyants, Marietta (Ed.)
822. Sabda: A Study of Bhartrhari's Philosophy of Language / Patnaik, Tandra
823. Sabdapramana: Word and Knowledge as Testimony in Indian Philosophy / Bilimoria, Purushottama
824. Sacred Australia: Post-Secular Considerations / Paranjape, Makarand R. (Ed.)
825. The Sacred Book Of The Hindus / Basu, Major B.D.
826. The Sacred Books of the East; 50 Volumes / Muller, F. Max (Ed.)
827. Sacred Books of the Hindus; 30 Volumes (in 38 Parts) / Basu, B.D. (Ed.)
828. Saiva Philosophy of Kashmir / Kaul, S.N.
829. Samarangana Sutradhara of Bhojadeva (Paramara ruler of Dhara): An Ancient Treatise on Architecture (2 Volumes) / Sharma, Sudarshan Kumar (Tr.)
830. Samarasya: Studies in Indian Arts, Philosophy and Interreligious Dialogue (in Honour of Bettina Baumer) / Das, Sadananda & Furlinger, Ernst (Eds.)
831. Samavaya Foundation of Nyaya-Vaisesika Philosophy / Shastri, Biswanarayan
832. Sambandhatattva: Gautamanyaya, Bauddhanyaya, Jainanyaya ke Sandarbha Mein (in Sanskrit & Hindi) / Raval, Tanuja
833. Same Soul, Many Bodies / Weiss, Brian (Dr.)
834. Samkhya Aphorisms of Kapila (Sanskrit text with English translation) / Ballantyne, J.R. (Tr.)
835. Samkhya Darsana: Text with Commentaries (2 Volumes) / Singh, Kiran
836.The Samkhya System / Kumar, S Vijay Dr.
837. The Samkhya System / Nair, P.K. Sasidharan
838. Samkhya System / Vijay Kumar s.
839. Samkhya-Karika of Isvarakrsna: With 'Samkhyatattva Kaumudi' of Vacaspati Misra; Text with Hindi Translation by Dr. Nigam Sharma
840. Samnyasin in the Hindu Tradition: Changing Perspectives / Rukmani, T.S.
841. Samyuktabhidharmahrdaya Sastra: Heart of Scholasticism with Miscellaneous Additions translated by Bart Dessein; 3 Volumes
842. Sankara on the Yoga Sutras: A Full Translation of the Newly Discovered Text / Leggett, Trevor
843. Sankara Philosophy and The Role of Religion in Indian Society / Adat, Dharmaraj
844. The Sankhya Aphorisms of Kapila: With Extracts from Vijnanabhiksu's Commentary / Ballantyne, James R.
845. Sankhya Darshan ka Itihas (in Hindi) / Keeth, A.B.
846. Sankhya Tattva Kaumudit of Sri Vacaspati Misra / Bhandari, Rama Shastri (Ed.)
847. Sanskrit and Development of World Thought (Proceedings of "The International Seminar on the Contribution of Sanskrit to Development of World Thought") / Sastry, Vempaty Kutumba (Ed.)
848. Sanskrit Reader: Text, Vocabulary and Notes / Lanman, Charles Rockwell
849. Sanskrit-Nibandha-Ratnavali (University Level: Praudha Prabandha) / Ratate, Janardan Gangadhar & Sharma, Acharya Shakti Dhar
850. Santakuti Vedic Research Series; Vol.1-21 (in 22 parts) / Vishva Bandhu (Ed.)
851. Santarasa and Abhinavagupta's Philosophy of Aesthetics / Masson, J.L. & Patwardhan, M.V.
852. Santhara: A Jain Ritual of fast unto Death / Kothari, Namrata (Dr.)
853. Sarva Darsana Sangrahah (in Sanskrit only) / Sayana Madhavacharya
854. Sarvadarsana Sangrahah of Madhavacarya (Sanskrit text with English translation) / Cowell, E.B. & Gough, A.E.
855. The Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha on Review of the Different System of Hindu Philosophy by Madhava Acharya / Cowell, E.B. & Gough, A.E. (Trs.)
856. Sarvajnatmamuni's Contribution to Advaita Vedanta / Bhattacharyya, Sujata Purkayastha
857. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan / Singh, Y.K.
858. Sastralokah / Ranganath, S.
859. The Satapatha Brahmana in the Kanviya Recension; 3 Volumes (bound in one) / Caland, W. (Ed.)
860. Satpatha Brahmanam: With Vedartha-parakasa by Sayanacarya; Edited by Sarva Vidyanidhana Kavindracharya Saraswati; 5 Volumes
861. The Satpathabrahmana: According to the Madhyalina Recension, With the Vedaraprakasa Bhasya of Sayanacarya, Supplemented by the Commentary of Harisvamin; 5 Volumes / Kaul, Madhusudan
862. Schopenhauer's Encounter with Indian Thought: Representation and Will and Their Indian Parallels / Cross, Stephen
863. The Science of Enlightenment: Enlightenment, Liberation and God: A Scientific Explanation / Trasi, Nitin
864. The Science of Philosophy: Theory of Fundamental Processes in Human Behaviour and Experiences / Kaushal, Radhey Shyam
865. Science, Literature and Aesthetics; Volume XV, (Part 3) / Dev, Amiya (Ed.)
866. Science, Spirituality, and the Future: A Vision for the Twenty-First Century (Essays in Honour of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso) / Mehrotra, L.L. (Ed.)
867. Search for Simplicity: Travels of an Indian Philosopher / Naravane, V.S.
868. The Secret Doctrine; 3 Volumes / Blavatsky, H.P.
869. Secrets of Hatha Yoga or Yogi Philosophy of Well Being / Ramacharaka, Yogi
870. Seeking the Essence: An Investigation into the Search for the Absolute a Comparative Analysis of the Primary Philosophical and Religious Conceptions of East and West / Tridandi, B.S.
871. Selections from Vinoba / Tandon, Vishwanath
872. Self and Salvation in Hinduism and Christianity: An Inter-religious Approach / Vineeth, V.F.
873. Self as Person in Asian Theory and Practice / Ames, Roger T. (Ed.)
874. Self Knowledge: Adi Shankaracharya's 68 Verse Treatise on the Philosophy of Non-Dualism (The Absolute Oneness of Ultimate Reality) / Davis, Roy Eugene
875. Self, Society and Value: Reflections on Indian Philosophical Thought / Kumar, Shashiprabha
876. Self-Knowledge and Agency / Sen, Manidipa (Ed.)
877. The Seven Great Untenables: Sapta-vidha Anupapatti / Grimes, John
878. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfilment of Your Dreams / Chopra, Deepak
879. Shamanic Cosmos: From India to the North Pole Star / Mastromattei, Romano & et. al. (Eds.)
880. Shankara and Indian Philosophy / Isayeva, Natalia
881. The Shape of Ancient Thought: Comparative Studies in Greek and Indian Philosophies / McEvilley, Thomas
882. Shorter Philosophical Poems of Narayana Guru / Prasad, Swami Muni Narayana
883. Shree Krishna and Bhagvat Gita on Man's Dharma: A commentary on the Bhagavat Gita from the view point of Science and Secularism / Patel, Shanabhai Khusalbhai & Rangarajan, G.
884. The Significance of Prefixes in Sanskrit Philosophical Terminology / Heimann, Betty
885. Silence Whisper of the Divine / Kaushik, Jai Krishan
886. A Silent Journey-In Search of Oneself / Raghunandan
887. Siva Mahapurana: Translated into English by Shanti Lal Nagar (An exhaustive introduction, Sanskrit text, English translation with photographs of archaeological evidence); 3 Volumes
888. Six Systems of Indian Philosophy: The Sutras of Six Systems of Indian Philosophy / Agarwal, Madan Mohan
889. Sixteen Minor Smrtis, Translated into English by Manmatha Nath Dutt (Sanskrit Text, English Translation, Notes and an Introduction), 2 Volumes / Joshi, K.L. (Ed.)
890. Slokavartikam of Kumarila Bhatta: With the Commentary 'Nyayaratnakara' of Sri Parthasarathi Misra; Transalated into English from the Commentaries of Sucarita Misra (Prakasika) and Parthasarathi Misra (Nyayaratnakara); 3 Volumes / M.M. Ganganath Jha
891. Smrtis: A Philosophical Study / Sharma, Sharad Lata (Dr.)
892. Social and Political Thought of Mahatma Gandhi / Tandon, Sumit
893. Social Philosophy and Social Transformation of Sikhs / Singh, R.N. (Ed.)
894. Social Philosophy of B.R. Ambedkar / Jatava, D.R.
895. Social Philosophy of Manu / Ghosh, Subhra
896. The Social Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore / Mukherjee, Aparna
897. Social Relevance of Philosophy / Victor, P. George (Ed.)
898. Social-Legal Philosophy of Bharat Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: In the Context of Weaker Sections of Society / Netragaonkar, Umakant N. (Dr.)
899. Some Issues in Nyaya, Mimamsa and Dharmasastra / Panse, Ujjwala (Dr.)
900. Some Logical Problems Concerning Existence / Shaw, J.L.
165-E, Kamla Nagar, Delhi - 110007 (INDIA)