Ecology and Environment |
Early Modern in South Asia: Querying Modernity, Periodization, and History
/ Bhargava, Meena and Pratyay Nath |
Agricultural Economy of India: Current Issues and Challenges / Chhina, S.S. Dr. |
ECONOMIC GROWTH : Role of Monetary, Trade and Fiscal Policies / Kumari Manisha |
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (23rd Edition) / Baird, Rodger B.; Eaton, Andrew D. & Rice, Eugene W. (Eds.) |
Commonwealth Forestry and Environmental History: Empire, Forests and Colonial Environments in Africa, the Caribbean, South Asia and New Zealand / Damodaran, Vinita & D’Souza, Rohan (Eds.) |
Exploring Environment History of North East India: Trends and Possibilities / Poddar, Sataydeo (Prof.) (Ed.) |
Studies on the Impact of Environmental Pollution on Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Bioactive Properties of an Aquatic Weed (Hydrilla Verticillata (L.F.) Royle and a Terrestrial Weed (Ruellia Tuberosa L.) Species / Kensa, V. Mary (Dr.) |
Valley of Brahmaputra: Assamese Selfhood / Mahanta, Mridusmita |
Nepal Forests and Environment: Distortion of Ecosystem, Remedial Approach / Shrestha, Bom Prasad (Maskey) |
Mining in the Himalayas: An Integrated Strategy / Soni, A.K. |