Defence Studies |
Dictionary and Glossary of the Kor-an: With Copious Grammatical References and Explanations of the Text
/ Penrice, John |
Putin's War Policy / Singh, Mukesh Kumar (Dr.) |
Counter the Dragon / Singh, Sanjay (Dr.) |
Chinese Military Structure / Bhatt, Amitabh (Dr.) |
China's Territorial Ambition: Posing Challenges to India / Singh, M.K. |
China's Strategy at Line of Control (LOC) / Jha, R.K. |
China's Himalayan Frontiers India's Attitude / Kumar, Ashutosh (Dr.) |
China's Depredations on LAC / Singh, Mukesh Kumar (Dr.) |
China's Assertive and Aggressive Behaviour / Arya, C.V. (Dr.) |
China-Russia: Bhai Bhai / Chandra, Manish (Dr.) |