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1. The Mandukya Karika in Relation to Buddhism and Vedanta / Singh, A.K. Dr.
2. 1000 Buddhas of Genius / Rhys-Davids, T.W.
3. 108 Buddhist Statues in Tibet: Evolution of Tibetan Sculptures / Schroeder, Ulrich Von
4. 1325 Buddhist Ways to be Happy / Kipfer, Barbara Ann
5. 365 Dalai Lama: Daily Advice from the Heart (Inspiring New Teachings) / Ricard, Matthieu (Ed.)
6. 366 Readings from Buddhism / Weyer, Robert Van De (Ed.)
7. A Record of the Buddhist Religion: As Practised in India and the Malay Archipelago (A.D. 671-695) / I-Tsing J. Takakusu (Trans.)
8. The A to Z of Buddhism / Prebish, Charles S.
9. The Abhidhamma Philosophy or the Psycho-Ethical Philosophy of Early Buddhism, 2 Volumes / Kashyap, Bhikkhu J.
10. Abhidhammamulatika
11. Abhidhammapitake Puggalapannattipali (Text with Hindi translation) / Pathak, Om Prakash & Gaur, Veena (Trs. & Eds.)
12. Abhidhammapitake Puggalapannattipali (with English translation) / Pathak, Om Prakash & Gaur, Veena (Eds.)
13. Abhidhammatthasamgaho; 2 Volumes
14. Abhidhammatthasangaho of Acarya Anuruddha Mahasthavir: Pali text with Hindi translation by Bhadant Anand Kausalyayan
15. Abhidhammatthasangaho of Anuruddhacariya Navanitatika (in Pali) / Kosambi, Dharmananda
16. Abhidhammavataro by Acariya Buddhadatta / Tiwari, Mahesh (Ed.) (Prof.)
17. Abhidhamyatthasangaho / Singh, Parmanand
18. Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 A.D. / Potter, Karl H.; Buswell, Robert E.; Jaini, Padmanabh S. & Reat, Noble Ross (Eds.)
19. The Abhidharmakosa & Bhasya of Acarya Vasubandhu with Sphutartha Commentary of Acarya Yasomittra, Edited by Swami Dwarika Das Shastri; 4 Volumes (bound in 2), 2nd Edition
20. Abhidharmakosa: A Study with a New Perspective / Bapat, Lata
21. Abhidharmakosa-Bhasya of Vasubandhu: The Treasury of Abhidharma and its (Auto) Commentary, 4 Volumes / Sangpo, Gelong Lodro (Tr.)
22. Abhidharmakosh of Acarya Vasubandhu / Bhikkhu, Lokananda C.
23. Abhisamayalankara-Prajnaparamita-Upadesa-Sastra: The Work of Boddhisattva Maitreya / Stcherbatsky, Th. & Obermiller, E. (Eds.)
24. Absence of the Buddha Image in Early Buddhist Art: Toward its Significance in Comparative Religion / Tanaka, Kanoko
25. Absorbing Buddha / Prasoon, Srikant (Prof.)
26. The Adi-Buddha / Hazra, Kanai Lal (Dr.)
27. The Adornment of the Middle Way: Shantarakshita's Madhyamakalankara with Commentary by Jamgon Mipham
28. Advanced History of Buddhism: Monasteries and Temples / Gupta, Sameer Das
29. Advayasiddhi: The Tantric View of Laksminkara (Sanskrit text with English translation and critical annotation) / Mishra, Ramprasad
30. Adventures with the Buddha: A Personal Buddhism Reader / Paine, Jeffery (Ed.)
31. Advice on Dying and Living a Better Life / Dalai Lama, H.H. the XIV
32. An Aesthetic Voyage of Indo Tibetan Painting: Alchi and Tabo / Singh, A.K. (Dr.)
33. After Buddhism: Rethinking Dharma for a Secular Age / Batchelor, Stephen
34. Against a Hindu God: Buddhist Philosophy of Religion in India / Patil, Parimal G.
35. Agama and Tripitaka: A comparative study of Lord Mahavira and Lord Buddha; 3 Volumes / Shri Nagraj ji, Rashtrasant Muni
36. Age of Buddhism / Gajrani, Shiv & Ram, S.
37. Ahimsa: Based on Buddhism and Gandhism / Nath, Meeta (Dr.)
38. Ahimsa: Buddhism and the Vegetarian Ideal / Balsys, Bodo
39. Ajanta Paintings: Unidentified and Misinterpreted / Talim, Meena (Dr.)
40. Ajanta, photography by Jean Louis / Okada, Amina
41. Ajanta: Handbook of the Paintings; 3 Volumes / Schlingloff, Dieter
42. All You Ever Wanted to Know from His Holiness The Dalai Lama on Happiness, Life, Living, and Much More / Malhotra, Rajiv
43. The All-Pervading Melodious Drumbeat: The Life of Ra Lotsawa / Senge, Ra Yeshe
44. Along the Buddhist Path: The Meditator's Companion to the Sacred Sites in India and Nepal / Goldberg, Kory & Decary, Michelle
45. Along the Buddhist Trail / Gogoi, B.K.
46. Along the Kali Gandaki: The Ancient-Salt Route in Western Nepal, the Thakalis, Bond Kar and Lamaist Monasteries / Rai, Ratan Kumar
47. Amala Prajna: Aspects of Buddhist Studies / Samtani, N.H. & et. al. (Eds.)
48. Ambedkar and Buddhism / Sangharakshita
49. Ambedkar and Buddhism / Vyas, Dharam C.
50. Ambedkar on Buddhist Conversion and its Impact / Singh, Sanghasen (Ed.)
51. Ambedkar, Dalits and Buddhism: Collection of Dr Ambedkar Memorial Annual Lectures / Ram, Nandu (Ed.)
52. Ambedkar's Perspective on Buddhism and Other Religions / Naik, Chandrashekhar Dajiba
53. Amitabha and His Family / Mukhopadhyay, Santipriya
54. Amitabha-Buddha-Srih: Gems of Buddhism / Kulshreshtha, Sushma (Ed.)
55. Anagarika Dharmapala: In Spiritual Quadruplets / Prasoon, Shrikant
56. Anagatavamsa Desana: The Serman of the Chronicle To-Be / Holt, John Clifford (Ed.)
57. Analysis of the Abhisamayalamkara / Obermiller, E.
58. Analysis of the Kanjur / Csoma de Koros, Alexander
59. An Analytical Study of Four Nikayas / Barua, Dipak Kumar
60. Anatta Anatmata: An Analysis of Buddhist Anti-Substantialist Crusade / Chinchore, Mangala R.
61. Ancient Indian Culture / Singh, P.
62. Ancient Indian Education: Brahmanical and Buddhist / Mookerji, Radha Kumud
63. Ancient Indian Influence on Japanese Culture: A Comparative Study of Civilizations / Kaburagi, Yoshihiro
64. Ancient Wisdom: Modern World / Dalai Lama, H.H. the XIV
65. Aniccata/ Anityata: An Analysis of the Buddhist Opposition to Permanence/ Stability and Alternative Foundation of Ontology and or Anthropology / Chinchore, Mangala R.
66. Animals in Early Buddhism / Singh, Arvind Kumar
67. Antiquities of Indian Tibet; 2 Volumes / Francke, A.H.
68. Anumana Pramana: Jain evam Baudha Nyaya ki Drishti mein / Singh, Pradhuman Shah (Dr.)
69. Apparitions of the Self: The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary / Gyatso, Janet
70. An Appeal to the World: The Way to Peace in a Time of Division / Dalai Lama, H.H. the with Franz Alt
71. Approaching the Land of Bliss: Religious Praxis in the Cult of Amitabha / Payne, Richard K. & Tanaka, Kenneth K. (Eds.)
72. Archaeological Findings from the Homeland of Buddha / Chaturvedi, Prem Sagar
73. An Archaeological Journey of Nalanda (1838-2016) / Lama, G.K.
74. Archaeology of Buddhism: Recent Discoveries in South Asia / Garg, Sanjay (Ed.)
75. Archaeology of Early Buddhism / Fogelin, Lars
76. Archaeology of Religion in South Asia: Buddhist, Brahmanical and Jaina Religious Centres in Bihar and Bengal, c. AD 600-1200 / Prasad, Birendra Nath
77. Ardha Magadhi Dictionary: Illustrated Literature, Philosophic & Scientific by Shatabhadani Ratana Chandji Maharaj; 5 Volumes (in Prakrit, Hindi, Sanskrit, Gujarati & English)
78. Ardhmagdhi aur Pali: Dhwani evam Rooptatvik Vivechan (in Hindi) / Singh, Sanjay (Dr.)
79. Art and Archaeology in Bihar / Sinha, C.P.
80. Art and Architecture: Remains in the Western Terai Region of Nepal / Giri, Gitu
81. Art and Iconography of the Buddha Images / Verma, Shailendra Kumar
82. Art and Vision of Aurangabad Caves / Quresi, Dulari
83. Art from India, Nepal and Tibet: In the John and Berthe Ford Collection / Pal, Pratapaditya
84. The Art Heritage of Nalanda / Lama, G.K.
85. The Art of Ancient India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain / Huntington, Susan L. & Huntington, John C.
86. The Art of Awakening: A User's Guide to Tibetan Buddhist Art and Practice / Lhadrepa, Konchog & Davis, Charlotte
87. The Art of Bodhgaya, 2 Volumes / Biswas, S.S.
88. The Art of Happiness at Work / Lama, H.H. Dalai & Cutler, Howard
89. The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World / Lama, H.H. The Dalai & Cutler, Howard
90. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living / Dalai Lama, H.H. the XIV & Cutler, Howard C.
91. The Art of Living: A Guide to Contentment, Joy and Fulfillment / Dalai Lama, H.H. the XIV
92. The Art of Peace: Nobel Peace Laureates Discuss Human Rights, Conflict and Reconciliation / Hopkins, Jeffery (Ed.)
93. The Art of Tantra / Rawson, Philip
94. Art Treasures from Dresden / National Museum (Comp.)
95. The Arts of Hinduism, Buddhism and Zen: Its Religious Belief's and Philosophy / Ross, Nancy Wilson
96. The Aryamanjusrimulakalpa, 3 Volumes / Sastri, M.M.T. Ganapati (Ed.)
97. The Aryan Path of the Buddha (Rare Book) / Gupta, K. Manohar
98. Aryasura virchit Jatakamala: Ek Adhyayana / Gupta, Shivani (Dr.)
99. Asanga's Mahayanasamgraha Chapter III (Translation and Tibetan Text) / Watanabe, Chikafumi
100. Asceticism and Healing in Ancient India: Medicine in the Buddhist Monastery / Zysk, Kenneth G.
101. Asceticism in Ancient India: Brahmanical, Buddhist and Jaina / Mishra, Ratanlal (Dr.)
102. Asdhammo Santano: Dhammpad Bhagwan Buddh Ke Desana; 12 Volumes / Osho
103. Ashoka and Buddhism / Singh, Arimardan (Dr.)
104. Ashvaghosha Krit Buddhacharita, 4th Edition (Sanskrit text with Hindi translation) / Chaudhary, Suryanarayan (Ed. & Tr.)
105. Asian and Eastern Arts / Hood, Heidi
106. Asiatic Mythology: A Detailed Description and Explanation of the Mythologies of all the Great Nations of Asia / Hackin, Huart & et. al.
107. Asoka as Depicted in His Edicts / Hazra, Kanai Lal
108. Asoka: History and Inscriptions / Panda, N.C. (Dr.)
109. Asoka: The Buddhist Emperor of India / Smith, Vincent A.
110. Asoka: The Great / Ahir, D.C.
111. Asokan Edicts: An Assemblage of Sociological Assertions and Moral Guidelines / Lappermsap, Suttisa
112. Aspects of Buddha Dhamma / Chaudhary, Angraj
113. Aspects of Buddhist Sanskrit: Proceedings of an International Symposium / Mishra, Kameshwar Nath (Ed.)
114. The Assimilation and Acculturation of Tibetan Buddhism (IN bKa rDor sGang gSum SINCE 1959) / Bhutia, Lhundup Tsomo
115. Assimilation of Brahmanism into Buddhism / Biswas, Sampa
116. Asta-Doha-Kosa: The Eight Doha Treasures / Das, Sanjib Kumar
117. Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita with Haribhadra's commentary called Aloka edited by Dr. P.L. Vaidya
118. Astrological Lore in the Buddhist Sardulakarnavadana / Sharma, Sharmishta
119. Astrology in Buddhism: Buddhist Practice to Modern Astrology / Shaneman, Jhampa & Angel, Jan V.
120. Asvaghosa and His Times / Khosla, Sarla
121. Asvaghosa's Buddhacarita or Acts of the Buddha (Sanskrit text with English translation Cantos I to XIV translated from the original Sanskrit and cantos XV to XXVIII translated from the Tibetan and Chinese versions together with and introduction and notes) / Johnston, E.H. (Tr.)
122. Asvaghosa's Buddhacarita: A Study / Sarma, Nripendra Nath
123. Asvaghosh Praneet Buddhacharit: Ek Adhyayan / Tiwari, Sanjay Kumar
124. Atisa and Tibet: Life and Works of Depamkara Srijnana in Relation to the History and Religion of Tibet with Tibetan Sources / Chattopadhyaya, Alaka (Tr.)
125. Atisa Sri Dipankara-jnana and Culture Renaissance (Proceedings of the International Conference 16th-23th January 2013)
126. Atisha (Great Indian Buddhist Masters) / Bala, Shashi
127. Atisha and Buddhism in Tibet / Tulku, Lama Doboom & Mullin, Glann H. (Comp. & Trs.)
128. The Atman-Brahman in Ancient Buddhism / Bhattacharya, Kamaleswar
129. The Autobiography of His Eminence Sharchen Ludingpa Jamyang Tenpai Nyima (in Tibetan) / Yonten, Hochotsang Kunga & Acharya Sonam Wangyal (Eds.)
130. The Autobiography of Jamgon Kaongtrul: A Gem of Many Colors / Barron, Richard (Ed.)
131. Avadana-Kalpalata of Ksemendra, edited Dr. Sridhar Tripathi; 2 Volumes
132. Avadanasataka, edited by Dr. P.L. Vaidya
133. The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana Doctrine: The New Buddhism by the Patriarch Ashvagosha (Translated into Chinese by Paramartha), Translated into English by Timothy Richard
134. Awakening The Luminous Mind: Tibetan Meditation for Inner Peace and Joy (with CD) / Rinpoche, Tenzin Wangyal
135. Awakening the Mind, Lightening the Heart / Dalai Lama, H.H. the XIV
136. Awakening the Sacred Body: Tibetan Yogas of Breath and Movement / Rinpoche, Tenzin Wangyal
137. B.R. Ambedkar: Buddhist Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Ancient India / Ahir, D.C. (Ed.)
138. B.R. Ambedkar: His Relevance Today / Rao, J.S. Narayan; Somasekhar, A. & Audiseshaiah, K. (Eds.)
139. Back Over the Mountains: A Journey to the Buddha Within / Marshall, Jane
140. Bagh Caves: Painting and Sculptures / Talim, Meena
141. Ballots, Bullets and Bhikkus: The Role of Buddhist Sangha in Sri Lankan Politics and Ethnic Conflict / Kumar, S.Y. Surendra
142. Bamiyan, Hariti and Kindred Iconics / Sharma, Nirmala
143. Bamiyan: Challenge to World Heritage
144. Bamiyan: Challenge to World Heritage / Warikoo, K. (Ed.)
145. Barabudur: Archaeological Description; 5 Volumes / Krom, N.J.
146. Basic Buddhism: Exploring Buddhism and Zen / Huai-chin, Nan
147. Bauddh Darshan ka Udbhav evam Vikas (in Hindi) / Meshram, Manish (Dr.)
148. Bauddh Dharma Darshan (in Hindi) / Dev, Narendra
149. Bauddha Darsana Mimamsa: A Comprehensive Exposition of the Buddhist Religion and Philosophy with the Origin and Development of the Important Schools of the Buddhistic Thought / Upadhyaya, Acharya Baladeva
150. Bauddha Darshan tatha anya Bharatiya Darshan: Aetihasik Shodhpurna, Pakshapatrahit, Tulnatamak Vivechan (2 Parts in Hindi) / Upadhyay, Bharatsingh
151. Bauddha Saiva aur Shakta-Tantra: Samanvayatmaka Sansleshana (Ek Anjan Siddhapitha Maluti) (in Hindi) / Jha, Surendra (Dr.)
152. Bauddha Sanskrit Sahitya ka Itihas - History of Buddhist Sanskrit Literature (in Hindi) / Bhaskar, Bhagchandra Jain (Prof.)
153. Bauddha Tantra Kosa (Part 2 and 3 only) / Shashni, Thinlay Ram (Ed.)
154. Bauddha-Darshan mein Shanti, Sthapatya evam Kala / Parihar, Arvind (Dr.)
155. Bauddhalaghugrantha Samgraha: A Collection of Minor Buddhist Texts, edited by Janardan Pandey
156. Bauddhastotrasamgraha / Bauddha-Stotra-Samgraha (108 Pracheen Baudddhastotron ki Pratham Mala / A Collection of One Hundred Eight Old Buddhist Hymns - First Series) / Pandeya, Janardan Shastri (Comp. & Ed.)
157. Baudh Darshan mein Vigyanvaad (Hindi) / Kumar, Ashok (Dr.)
158. Baudh Gyan-Mimansha / Sharma, Hariprakash (Dr.)
159. Baudh Kala Mein Nari / Rao, Vinay Kumar
160. Baudh Samaj evam Sanskriti (in Hindi) / Singh, Mahendra Nath & Singh, Sunil Kumar
161. Baudh Viharo ke Arthik Aayam (Hindi) / Shukla, Jaishankar (Dr.)
162. Baudha Dharm ka Itihas: Ujjaini Parikshetra ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein / Ahirwar, Ramkumar (Dr.)
163. Baudha Dharma evam Shiksha Vyavastha (in Hindi) / Varma, Dev Narayan & Singh, Raj Kumar
164. Baudha Pramana Darshan: Pramanashastriya Siddhanton ka Adhipramanya Vishleshan / Philosophy of Buddhist Epistemology - Metaepistemic Analysis of Pramana Theories (in Hindi) / Sharma, Ambika Dutt (Prof.)
165. Baudha-Darshan ke Pramukh Siddhant / Jain, Dharmchand & Jain, Shweta (Eds.)
166. The Baudhayana Srautasutra: Critically Edited and Translated by Chintamani Ganesh Kashikar; 4 Volumes
167. The Baudhayana Srautasutram: With the Commentary of Bhavaswamin and Gopalabhatta, 5 Volumes / Dharmadhikari, T.N. (Ed.)
168. Becoming Enlightened / Dalai Lama, H.H. the XIV
169. Becoming the Buddha: The Ritual of Image Consecration in Thailand / Swearer, Donald K.
170. Being As Becoming: Studies in Early Buddhism / Pandit, Motilal
171. Being As Consciousness: Yogacara Philosophy of Buddhism / Tola, Fernando & Dragonetti, Carmen
172. Being Nobody, Going Nowhere: Meditations on the Buddhist Path / Khema, Ayya
173. Being Peace / Hanh, Thich Nhat
174. The Bejewelled Buddha: From India to Burma / Bautze-Picron, Claudine
175. The Best Buddhist Writing 2011 / McLeod, Melvin (Ed.)
176. Beyond Dogma / Dalai Lama, H.H. the XIV
177. Beyond Eternity through Mysticism / Bhutia, Lama Thinley Dorjey
178. Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World / Dalai Lama, H.H. the XIV
179. Beyond the Great Valleys Ladakh: Understanding the Monastic Architecture / Sarkar, Shomika & Shukla, Dipti (Eds.)
180. Beyond the Self: Conversations between Buddhism and Neuroscience / Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf
181. Beyond the Word: Buddhist Approach to Knowledge and Reality / Pandit, Motilal
182. Bhagwan Buddh ka Arya Vaidik Sanatan Hindu Darshan (in Hindi) / Acharya Shilak Ram
183. Bhagwan Buddha (in Hindi) / Raman, R.S.
184. Bhagwan Buddha: Jeevan aur Vani / Prasoon, Shrikant
185. Bhagwan Gautam Buddha: Jeevan aur Darshan (in Hindi) / Chanchreek, K.L.
186. Bhaisajya-Guru-Sutra: Kashmiri Buddhist Manuscript (Original Sanskrit Text with Introduction and Commentary) / Hassnain, F.M. & Sumi, Token D.
187. Bharatiya Bauddhik Paramparayen (Sanskrit Shastro ke Alok me) - India's Intellectual Traditions: As revealed through Sanskrit Source / Tripathi, Radhavallabh (Ed.)
188. Bharatiya Darshan mein Samadhi Parampara (Sandarb: Baudha evam Yog Darshan) (in Hindi) / Khan, Vasim (Dr.)
189. Bharatiyasamskrtau Pravrajita Narinamavadanam of Dr. Ramesa Kumara Dwivedi
190. Bhavanakrama of Kamalasila (Translated into English) / Sharma, Parmananda (Tr.)
191. Bhesajjamanjusa (in Pali) / Kumar, Bimalendra
192. Bhikkhuni Patimokkha of the Six Schools (Translated into English) / Singh, Charsumaran Kabil (Tr.)
193. Bhikkhuni Samgha and Community / Das, Sanjib Kumar (Ed.)
194. The Bhilsa Topes or Buddhist Monuments of Central India / Cunningham, Alexander
195. The Bhilsa Topes: Buddhist Monuments of Central India / Cunningham, Alexander
196. Bhoti Parichay: Vyakaran aur Anuvad - Grammar and Translation (in Tibetan & Hindi) / Tobdan
197. The Bhutanese Guide to Happiness: 365 Proverbs from the World's Happiest Nation / Tshering, Gyonpo
198. Bibliography on Buddhism / Hanayama, Shinsho
199. Bibliography on Indian Buddhist Art and Archaeology / Chakraborty, Utpal
200. Bimbamana of Gautamiyasastra as Heard by Sariputra: The Buddhist Iconometry / Marasinghe, E.W.
201. Bioethics and Buddhism / Sai, Ch. Venkata Siva (Dr.)
202. The Biography of The Great Yogi Milarepa: The Guide to Deliverance and Omniscience, compiled by gTsan-sMyon He-ru-ka / Negi, Ramesh Chandra (Tr. & Ed.)
203. The Birth of Indian Psychology and its Development in Buddhism / Rhys Davids
204. Blo sbyong don bdun ma'i ljags khrid rgyal sras chos kyo myu gyu'i zhal lung / A Commentary to the Seven Points of Mind Training, The Words of the Bodhisattva Chokyi Nyugu (in Tibetan) / Dil mgo mkhyen brtse
205. Blo sbyong gi man ngag zab don sbrang rtsi'i bum bzang / A Fine Vase of Honey - Profound Instructions on the Mahayana Practice of Mind Training (in Tibetan) / Zhe chen rgyal tshab 'gyur med padma rnam rgyal
206. The Blooming of a Lotus: Guided Meditation Exercised for Healing and Transformation / Hanh, Thich Nhat
207. Boddh Darshan ki Parampra aur Sant Ravidas / Chand, Ramesh
208. Boddh Pragya Sindhu, Vols.1-8 (in Hindi) / Sharma, Satya Prakash & Labh, Baid Nath (Eds.)
209. Boddh Siddhant Vimarsh-Shanti Bhikshu Shashtri by Dr. Sangha Sen Singh
210. Boddhicharyavtara / Singh, Parmanand
211. Boddhyugeen Bharat: India in the Buddhist Period Rastriya Sangosthi Shodhlekh Sangrah / Dube, Sita Ram
212. Bodh Gaya Shiva-Buddha / Narayan, S.
213. Bodhi: Recent Studies in Pali Buddhism / Bimlendra Kumar & Ujjwal Kumar (Eds.)
214. Bodhicaryavatara of Acarya Santideva / Tripathi, R.S. (Ed.)
215. Bodhicaryavatara of Santideva with the commentary Panjika of Prajnakaramati, edited by Dr. P.L. Vaidya and Sridhar Tripathi
216. The Bodhicaryavatara of Santideva: Entering the Path of Enlightenment (Translation with a Guide) / Matics, Marion L. (Tr.)
217. Bodhidharma Retold, Vol.1: A Journey from Sailum to Shaolin by Acharya Babu T. Raghu / Sidharth Shanon T. (Ed.)
218. Bodhipathapradipa of Dipankara Srijnana: A guide for realising the path of bodhi reconciling the Madhyamika Sunyavada, Vijnanavada of Yogacharins and the doctrine of Mahayanic Sutras, with Sanskrit text, English translation and critical annotation / Mishra, Ram Prasad
219. Bodhisattva and Sunyata: In the Early and Developed Buddhist Traditions / Huong, Bhikkhuni Gioi
220. Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism / Kawamura, Leslie S. (Ed.)
221. Bodhisattva of Compassion: The Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin / Blofeld, John
222. The Bodhisattva Path: Based on the Ugrapariprccha, a Mahayana Sutra (A Study and Translation) / Nattier, Jan
223. The Bodhisattva Vow: The Essential Practices of Mahayana Buddhism / Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang
224. The Bodhisattva Warriors: The Origin Inner Philosophy, History and Symbolism of the Buddhist Martial Art within India and China / Tomio, Shifu Nagaboshi
225. The Bodhisattva's Brain: Buddhism Naturalized / Flanagan, Owen
226. Bodhisattvas of the Forest and the Formation of the Mahayana: A Study and Translation of the Rastrapalapariprccha-sutra / Boucher, Deniel
227. Bodhisiri: A Festschrift to Annapareddy Venkateswara Reddy (Buddhaghoshudu) / Reddy, P. Chenna & Reddy, E. Siva Nagi (Eds.)
228. Bodily Self-Sacrifice in Indian Buddhist Literature / Ohnuma, Reiko
229. Bon: Its Encounter with Buddhism in Tibet / Bansal, B.L.
230. Bon-sgo: Tibetan Bon Journal; Vols. 1-5, 7, 9-27
231. The Book of Buddha / Subramaniam, Arundhathi
232. The Book of Buddhas: Ritual Symbolism used on Buddhist Statuary and Ritual Objects / Jansen, Eva Rudy
233. The Book of Five Rings / Musashi, Miyamoto
234. The Book of the Gradual Sayings: (Anguttara-Nikaya) or More-Numbered Suttas; 5 Volumes / Woodward, F.L. & Hare, E.M. (Trs.)
235. The Book of the Kindred Sayings (Samyutta-Nikaya) or Grouped Suttas; 5 Volumes / Rhys Davids, C.A.F. & Woodward, F.L. (Trs. & Eds.)
236. Borobudur: Pyramid of the Cosmic Buddha / Voute, Caesar & Long, Mark
237. The Brahmanical and Buddhist Gods and Goddesses in Himachal Pradesh / Hazra, Kanai Lal
238. Brains, Buddhas, and Believing: The Problem of Intentionality in Classical Buddhist and Cognitive-Scientific Philosophy of Mind / Arnold, Dan
239. Breathe! You Are Alive: Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing / Hanh, Thich Nhat
240. Brhatkatha-Sloka-Samgraha of Buddhasvamin: Sanskrit Text and English Translation with Notes by Dr. Sudarshan Kumar Sharma
241. A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America / De Jong, J.W.
242. A Brief Introduction to Buddhist Deities in Thangka / Pakhrin, Lama P.
243. A Brief Presentation of the Fundamentals of Buddhist Tenets and Modern Science / Wangchen, Geshe Naggyal
244. Brilliant Moon: The Autobiography of Dilgo Khyentse (Includes Recollections from Family, Friends, and Students) / Palmo, Ani Jinba (Tr.)
245. Bringing Buddhism to the West: A Life of Sangharakshita / Subhuti
246. Bronzes from Bangladesh: A Study of Buddhist Images from District Chittagong / Mitra, Debala
247. Bskyed rdzogs sgom phyogs dris lan / A Collection of Spiritual Advice (in Tibetan) / Rig 'dzin 'jigs med gling pa - glong chen nam mkha' rnal 'byor
248. Buddh Jaisa Shuddh Man (in Hindi) / Kamble, Dharmaraj D.
249. Buddha / Auboyer, Jeannine
250. The Buddha / Bondy, Egon
251. Buddha / Ortner, Jon
252. Buddha (8 Volumes Box Set) / Tezuka, Osamu (1928-1989)
253. Buddha and Bodhisattva: A Hindu View / Biswas, A.K.
254. Buddha and Buddhist Synods in India and Abroad / Thakur, Amarnath (b. 1958)
255. Buddha and Dr Fuhrer: An Archaeological Scandal / Allen, Charles
256. Buddha and Early Buddhism: Collection of Articles from the Indian Historical Quarterly / Mahendra & Mittal, P. (Comp.)
257. The Buddha and his Dhamma / Ambedkar, B.R. (Dr.)
258. The Buddha and His Disciples / Pruthi, R.K.; Ram, S. & Chaturvedi, Archna
259. The Buddha and His Relation to the Vedas (The Buddha-Mimansa) / Maitreya
260. The Buddha and His Religion / Saint Hilaire, J. Barthelemy
261. The Buddha and His Teachings / Narada
262. Buddha and Shiva, Lotus and Dragon (Masterworks from the Mr. And Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection at Asia Society) / Proser, Adriana
263. The Buddha and the Badass: The Secret Spiritual Art of Succeeding at Work / Lakhiani, Vishen
264. The Buddha and the Borders / Banerjee, Nirmalya
265. Buddha and the Christ: Explorations in Buddhist and Christian Dialogue / Lefebure, D. Leo
266. Buddha and the General Myths / Bhardwaj, M.
267. Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism / Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.
268. The Buddha and the Sahibs / Allen, Charles
269. Buddha and the Spread of Buddhism in India and Abroad: Collection of Articles from the Indian Historical Quarterly / Mahendra & Mittal, P. (Comp.)
270. Buddha at Work: Finding Purpose, Balance and Happiness at Your Workplace / Pandit, Geetanjali
271. Buddha aur Baudha Dharma (in Hindi) / Chanchreek, K.L. & Om Prakash
272. Buddha Aur Buddhattva; (in Hindi) / Raman, R.S.
273. Buddha Carita of Asvaghosha (Sanskrit Text, English Translation, Index of Verse and Photographs of Archaeological Evidence) / Nagar, Shanti Lal (Tr.)
274. Buddha Charit: Ek Kavya, Itihas aur Darshan / Mishra, Manu (Dr.)
275. Buddha Dharma: Jeevan Paddatiyan / Mishra, Vasundhra
276. Buddha evam Dhamm mein Dr. Ambedkar ka Darshan / Naik, Priti
277. The Buddha Eye: An Anthology of the Kyoto School and its Contemporaries / Franck, Frederick (Ed.)
278. The Buddha from Dolpo: A Study of the Life and Thought of the Tibetan Master Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen / Stearns, Cyrus
279. A Buddha from Korea: The Zen Teachings of T'aego (Translated with Commentary) / Cleary, J.C. (Tr.)
280. Buddha Gaya through the Ages / Ahir, D.C.
281. Buddha Gaya: The Hermitage of Sakya Muni / Mitra, Rajendra Lal
282. The Buddha Image: Its Origin and Development / Krishan, Y. & Tadikonda, Kalpana K.
283. The Buddha in Daily Life: An Introduction to the Buddhism of Nichiren / Causton, Richard
284. Buddha in Gandhara / Dwivedi, Sunita
285. Buddha in Gandhara Art and other Buddhist Sites / Nagar, Shanti Lal
286. Buddha in the Waiting Room: Simple Truths about the Health, Illness and Healing / Brenner, Paul
287. Buddha Kavyanjali / Shri Prasad (Ed.)
288. Buddha ki Aur / Kumar, Ravindra
289. Buddha ki Pratiksha aur Anya Kahaniya (in Hindi) / Chandra, Anil
290. The Buddha Mimansa: The Buddha Relation to Vedic Religion / His Holiness The Swami Maharaja Yogiraja (Ed.)
291. Buddha Mind / Piparaiya, Ram K. (Ed.)
292. Buddha Mind, Buddha Body: Walking Toward Enlightenment / Hanh, Thick Nhat
293. Buddha Nature / King, Salie B.
294. The Buddha Nature: A Study of the Tathagatagarbha and Alayavijnana / Brown, Brian Edward
295. Buddha Nature: The Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra with Commentary / Arya Maitreya
296. Buddha of Infinite Light: The Teachings of Shin Buddhism, The Japanese Way of Wisdom and Compassion / Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro (1879-1966)
297. The Buddha Rediscovered In The Light of J. Krishnamurti / Deshpande, Sudhakar
298. The Buddha Said: Meeting the Challenge of Life's Difficulties / Osho
299. The Buddha Walks into a Bar: A Guide to Life for a New Generation / Rinzler, Lodro
300. Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine according to the Shen-tong interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga / Hookham, S.K.
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