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1. Pointers to Profession: An Astrological Exposition / Mridula Trivedi, T. P. Trivedi & R. Asthana
2. Saturn;The King Maker, 468 p., / Trivedi, Mridula; Trivedi, T.P.
3. 108 Buddhist Statues in Tibet: Evolution of Tibetan Sculptures / Schroeder, Ulrich Von
4. 18vi Sadi Ki Sthapatyakala: Dungarpur Rajya Ke Vishesh Sandharbh Mein / Architecture of 18th Century: In Special Reference of Dungarpur State (in Hindi) / Bohra, Malika (Dr.)
5. 2003 World Cup Cricket: Action Replay 1983 / Singhal, Rahul (Ed.)
6. 5000 Years of Indian Art / Bahl, Sushma K.
7. A to Z Soccer / Mal, Biru & Kapri, B.C.
8. Abhilekhon mein Aitihasik Bhugol (in Hindi) / Singh, Jitesh Kumar (Dr.)
9. Abhinaya-Candrika and Odissi Dance; 2 Volumes / Dass, Maya (Ed.)
10. Abhinayadarpana (Text with English translation and notes) / Rajendran, C.
11. Abstraction in Indian Painting: Post Independence Era / Jahan, Badar
12. Academic Centres for the Promotion of Indian Music / Sharma, Lovely (Dr.)
13. Academic Dictionary of Architecture / Shekhar, R.K.C.
14. Academic Dictionary of Cooking / Sen, Amit
15. Academic Dictionary of Drama / Pandey, Ashish
16. Academic Dictionary of Film, Television and Theatre / Pandey, Ashish
17. Academic Dictionary of Textiles / Kumar, Vinay (Ed.)
18. Action Plan and Priorities in Tourism Development / Sarkar, Arun Kumar
19. The Advaita of Art / Dehejia, Harsha V.
20. Advanced Dictionary of Tourism / Anand, Aseem
21. Advances in Military Textiles and Personal Equipment / Sparks, E. (Ed.)
22. Adventure Sport in Kashmir and Ladakh / Ward, A.E.
23. Adventure Tourism / Malik, Satyender Singh
24. Aesthetic Theories of India (Volume 2) / Sudhi, Padma
25. An Aesthetic Voyage of Indo Tibetan Painting: Alchi and Tabo / Singh, A.K. (Dr.)
26. Aesthetics and Motivations in Arts and Science / Gupta, Kiran C. (Ed.)
27. Aesthetics and Preparation of Early Indian Murals / Sen, Sujit Narayan
28. The Aesthetics of Sensuality: A Stylistic Study of the Poetry of Kamala Das / Raveendran, N.V.
29. Aesthetics of the Time: A View of Fatehpur Sikri Motifs / Goswami, Meghali
30. Aesthetics: Approaches, Concepts and Problems / Saxena, S.K.
31. Aesthetics: Modern and Postmodern / Rao, B. Tirupati (Dr.)
32. Afro-Asian Directory of Art & Cultural Centres / Chaudhury, Ashok K. & et. al. (Eds.)
33. The Age of the Satavahanas; 2 Volumes (Great Ages of Indian History) / Shastri, Ajay Mitra (Ed.)
34. Agra and Its Monuments / Nath, R.
35. Agra Red Fort is a Hindu Building / Oak, P.N.
36. Agra va Jaipur Gharane ki Vishist Bandhishen / Raichowdhary, Nupur (Dr.)
37. Ajanta and Ellora: Cave Temples of Ancient India / Pant, Pushpesh
38. Ajanta Paintings: Unidentified and Misinterpreted / Talim, Meena (Dr.)
39. Ajanta, photography by Jean Louis / Okada, Amina
40. Ajanta: Handbook of the Paintings; 3 Volumes / Schlingloff, Dieter
41. Akbar, The Aesthete / Indu Anand
42. Akriti to Sanskriti: The Journey of Indian Forms / Dehejia, Harsha V.
43. Akshaya Kumar Maitreya Museum Incorporating Raja Rajaram Museum Collection North Bengal University Catalogue Part II (Sculptures) / Bhattacharyya, Pranab Kumar
44. All India Directory of Art Culture and Allied Centres / Choudhury, Ashok & Keith, A.B.
45. American Colonial Architecture / Jackson, J.
46. Amitabh Lexicon / Somaaya, Bhawana
47. Amitabha and His Family / Mukhopadhyay, Santipriya
48. Amravati Stupa, 2 Volumes / Roy, Anamika
49. Analysis of Woven Fabrics / Barker, A.F.
50. The Ananda-Vana of Indian Art: Dr. Anand Krishna Felicitation Volume: With contributions by the foremost specialists in Indian Art / Krishna, Naval & Krishna, Manu (Eds.)
51. Ancient Art Architecture and Environment / Pathak, H.K.
52. Ancient Ballads, Legends and Lyrics of Hindustan / Dutt, T.
53. Ancient Bronzes: History, Metallurgy, Corrosion and Conservation / Lal, Uma Shankar & Narain, Shyam
54. Ancient Greek and Indian Theatre / Saxena, Asha
55. Ancient Indian and Indo-Greek Theatre / Varadpande, M.L.
56. Ancient Indian Architecture: From Blossom to Bloom / Maheshwari, Sanjeev & Rajeev Garg
57. Ancient Indian Metallurgy: Theory and Practice / Mishra, Ashoka K.
58. Ancient Monuments of Kashmir / Kak, Ram Chandra
59. Ancient Monuments of Kashmir / Malik, Akhtar
60. Ancient Movements of the Indo-Aryans and Indo-Iranians / Vannucci, Marta
61. Ancient Music in the Pines / Osho
62. Ancient Temples of Sirpur / Sharma, A.K.
63. And the Answer is a Pineapple: The King of Fruit in Folklore Fabric and Food / Hyles, Claudia
64. Animal Textile / Rastogi, M.
65. Annapurna South Face / Bonington, Chris
66. An Anthropological Study of Cartoons in India / Sahay, K.N.
67. Anthropology of Tourism: A Case Study of Chitwan Sauraha / Kunwar, Ramesh Raj
68. Antiquities of Himachal / Postel, M.; Naven, A. & Mankodi, K.
69. Antiquities of Indian Tibet; 2 Volumes / Francke, A.H.
70. Antiquities of Northern Tibet: Pre-Buddhist Archaeological Discoveries on the High Plateau, Findings of the Changthang Circuit Expedition 1999 / Bellezza, John Vincent
71. Antiquities of Orissa; 2 Volumes / Mitra, Rajendralala
72. Antiquities of the Chenab Valley in Jammu: Inscription-Copper Plates-Sanads-Grants-Firmans and Letters in Brahmi-Sharda-Takri-Persian and Devnagri Scripts / Kaul, P.K.
73. Antiquities of Upper Tibet: An Inventory of Pre-Buddhist Archaeological Sites on the High Plateau, Findings of the Upper Tibet Circumnavigation Expedition, 2000 / Bellezza, John Vincent
74. Appreciation of Indian Art: Ideals & Images / Sinha, C.P. & Dwivedi, U.C. (Eds.)
75. Appropriating Folk Culture: A Study of the Post-Independence Indian Drama / Behera, Guru Charan
76. Apsara in Indian Art and Literature / Varadpande, M.L.
77. Apsaras in Hoysala Art: A New Dimension / Rao, Rekha
78. Apsarases in Indian Literature and The Legend of Urvasi and Pururavas / Handique, Krishnakanta
79. Archaeology as History in Early South Asia / Ray, Himanshu Prabha & Sinopoli, Carla M. (Eds.)
80. Archaeology of Early Orissan Temple: Spatial Contial Context, Patronage and Survival / Khamari, Subash
81. Archaeology of the Indian Cave Theatre: A Study of Ramgarh Hill Chhattisgarh / Shukla, H.L.
82. Architect of Human Destiny / Kaushik, R.K.
83. Architectural Antiquities of Western India; 3 Volumes / Narasimhachar, R.
84. Architectural Heritage of a Sikh State: Faridkot / Parihar, Subhash
85. Architectural Tourism / Girish, Revathy
86. Architecture / Gupta, Samita & Kalamdani, Kiran
87. Architecture and Sculpture of the Pushpagiri Temples / Kumar, V.V. Subrahmanya
88. Architecture Decorated with Architecture: Later Medieval Temples of Karnataka, 1000-1300 A.D. / Foekema, Gerald
89. Architecture in India / Albanese, Marilla
90. Architecture in Medieval India: Forms, Contexts, Histories / Juneja, Monica (Ed.)
91. Architecture Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries / Hitchcock, H.R.
92. Architecture of Assam / Sharma, P.C. (Dr.)
93. Architecture of Bhoslas of Nagpur; 2 Volumes / Girhe, K.M. (Dr.)
94. Architecture of Delhi: 1320 A.D-1388 A.D. / Rani, Abha
95. Architecture of India: Ancient to Modern / Mathur, Ramprakash
96. Architecture of Manasara: Text with English translation, notes and index; 3 Volumes / Acharya, Prasanna Kumar
97. Architecture of Manasara; 3 Volumes (Original Sanskrit text with English translation and notes) / Acharya, Prasanna Kumar
98. Architecture of Manipur (Temples, Tombs and Ancient Palaces) / Singh, Sougrakpam Dharmen (Dr.)
99. Architecture of Santiniketan Tagore's Concept of Space / Das, Samit
100. The Architecture of the Hindus / Ram Raz (Ed.)
101. Architecture: Past, Present and Future / Jain, A K
102. Ardhanarisvara in Art and Literature / Yadav, Neeta
103. Arms and Armours in Indo-Iranian Literature & Archaeology / Panday, Ajay Kumar
104. Art & Architecture of India: Stone Age to the Present / Harishankar, B.S.
105. Art and Archaeology in Bihar / Sinha, C.P.
106. Art and Archaeology of Orissa: Recent Perspectives / Pradhan, Sadasiba (Ed.)
107. Art and Archaeology of South-East Asia / Kumar, Bachchan (Ed.)
108. Art and Architecture in Medieval India / Datta, Saktipada
109. The Art and Architecture of Ancient America / Kubler, G.
110. The Art and Architecture of China / Sickman, L.
111. Art and Architecture of Dasarna (Malwa) Region / Ali, Rahman
112. Art and Architecture of Himachal Pradesh / Singh, Mian Goverdhan
113. The Art and Architecture of the Kakatiyas / Singh, B. Satyanarayana
114. Art and Architecture of the Telgu Cola Temples / Mohan, V.K.
115. Art and Architecture of Uttarakhand / Handa, O.C. & Jain, Madhu
116. Art and Architecture Recent Researches: Neerajam - A Festschrift Volume in Honour of Prof. P. Neerajakshulu Naidu / Jawaharlal, G.
117. Art and Architecture: Remains in the Western Terai Region of Nepal / Giri, Gitu
118. Art and Architecure of Post Gupta Period: Central India / Khanna, Himani (Dr.)
119. Art and Architecure of South Asia Changes and Continuity / Dhar, R.N.
120. Art and Art Libraries in India / Choudhury, Ashok K. & Parida, Baman
121. Art and Artists of Rajasthan / Vashistha, R.K.
122. Art and Craft of Harappans: Seals, Sealing and Scripts / Sharma, Deo Prakash
123. Art And Crafts of Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh: Land, People, Culture / Sinha, Renu
124. Art and Crafts of Rajasthan / Nath, Aman & Wacziarg, Francis
125. Art and Culture / Qaisar, Ahsan Jan & Verma, S.P.
126. Art and Culture under the Sungas / Mathur, Vijay Kumar (Dr.)
127. Art and Culture: Endeavours in Interpretation / Qaisar, Ahsan Jan & Verma, Som Prakash
128. Art and Culture: Painting and Perspective: Volume 2 / Qaisar, Ahsan Jan & Verma, Som Prakash
129. Art and Icon: Essays on Early Indian Art / Desai, Devangana
130. Art and Life: Bengal Art through Ages / Bhattacharya, Malaysankar
131. The Art and Literature of Banjara Lambanis: A Socio-Cultural Study / Naik, D.B.
132. Art and Meditation / Govinda, Anagarika
133. Art and Philosophy Seven Aestheticians / Saxena, Sushil Kumar
134. Art and Polemic in Pakistan: Cultural Politics and Tradition in Contemporary Miniature Painting / Whiles, Virginia
135. The Art and Practice of Astral Projection / Ophiel
136. Art and Science in Manasollasa / Joshi, M.N.
137. Art and Swadeshi / Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.
138. Art and Vision of Aurangabad Caves / Qureshi, Dulari
139. Art Education: Concepts, Epistemacy and Role / Prasad, Janardan
140. Art from India, Nepal and Tibet: In the John and Berthe Ford Collection / Pal, Pratapaditya
141. The Art Heritage of Nalanda / Lama, G.K.
142. Art History of Meghalaya / Bareh, Hamlet
143. Art in Art / Sharma, Omprakash
144. Art Manufactures of India / Mukharji, T.N.
145. The Art of Ancient India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain / Huntington, Susan L. & Huntington, John C.
146. The Art of Black Pottery: Longpi Tangkhul Naga / Gacgui, Rangya
147. The Art of Bodhgaya, 2 Volumes / Biswas, S.S.
148. The Art of Bollywood / Devraj, Rajesh & Bouman, Edo
149. Art of Central Asia / Bhattacharya, Chhaya
150. The Art of Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent: In Cross-Cultural Perspective / Pande, Anupa (Ed.)
151. The Art of Getting Well: A Five-Step Plan for Maximizing Health When You Have A Chronic Illness / Spero, David
152. Art of Glass: Ancient to Medieval Period / Dillon, Edward
153. Art of Gulammohammed Sheikh / Sinha, Gayatri
154. Art of India: Prehistory to the Present / Asher, Frederick M.
155. The Art of Indian Asia: Its Mythology and Transformations; 2 Volumes / Zimmer, Heinrich (Comp.)
156. The Art of Jewellery: Ancient to Modern Period / Smith, H. Clifford
157. Art of Manipur / Roy, Nilima
158. Art of Mithila / Srivastava, Kamal Shankar
159. The Art of Mughal India / Welch, Stuart C.
160. The Art of Naina Dalal: Contemporary Indian Printmaker / Parimoo, Ratan & Gauri Parimoo Krishnan
161. Art of Negro People / Mathews, A.P.
162. The Art of Paintings: Under the Geart Mughals / Mishra, T.N.
163. Art of Paramaras of Malwa / Sharma, R.K.
164. Art of Sindhu Saraswati Civilization / Sharma, D.P.
165. Art of Sindhu Saraswati Civilization: Sindhu Saraswati Art of Stone, Copper and Miniature Figurines / Sharma, D.P. (Dr.)
166. The Art of Tabla Rhythm: Essentials, Tradition and Creativity (with CD) / Saxena, Sudhir Kumar
167. Art of Terracotta: Cult and Cultural Synthesis in India / Sengupta, Arputha Rani
168. Art of the Lower Ganges Valley: A Pictorial Monograph / Mandal, Prasanta Kumar
169. Art of the Vijayanagara-Nayakas: Architecture and Iconography; 2 Volumes / Rajarajan, R.K. Kesava
170. Art of Vivan Sundaram / Kapoor, Kamala
171. The Art of War / Tzu, Sun
172. Art Rupestre: Petroglyphs and Pictographs in Kerala (Rock Art in Kerala) / Kumar, Ajit & Varman, Raj K.
173. Art Shrines of Ancient India / Subramanian, V.K.
174. Art Traditions of the Paramaras of Vagada / Trivedi, P.K.
175. Art Treasures from Dresden / National Museum (Comp.)
176. Art Treasures of Rajasthan / Singh, Chandramani
177. Art Treasures of Unakoti, Tripura / Chauley, G.C.
178. Art, Archaeology and Cultural History of India: U.N. Roy Felicitation Volume, 2 Volumes / Sinha, C.P. (Ed.)
179. Art, Archaeology and History of Ratlam: Including Extracts of Old State Gazetteers / Raizada, Ajit
180. Art, Beauty and Creativity: Indian and Western Aesthetics / Gupta, Shyamala
181. Articulating Resistance: Art and Activism / Achar, Deeptha & Panikkar, Shivaji K.
182. Artificial Silk / Woodhouse
183. Artisan of the Paradise: A Study of Art and Artisans of Kashmir from Ancient to Modern Times / Dhar, D.N.
184. Artisans and Craftsmen of Northern India / Thind, Kuldeep Singh
185. Artisans of India: Towards Inclusive Development / Sankaran, P.N.
186. Artists and Their Films of Modern Hindi Cinema: Cultural and Socio Political Impact on Society 1931-91; 3 Volumes / Agnihotri, Ram Avtar
187. Arts & Cinema: Written and Painted by M.F. Husain; Vol.1 / Husain, Maqbul Fida
188. Arts and Crafts of Indus Civilization / Nandagopal, Choodamani
189. The Arts of Hinduism, Buddhism and Zen: Its Religious Belief's and Philosophy / Ross, Nancy Wilson
190. The Arts of India / Birdwood, G.C.M.
191.The Arts Of India / Birdwood, G.C.M.
192. The Arts Of India / Bridwood, G.C.M.
193. Arts of India / Chaitanya, Krishna
194. The Arts of India; 2 Volumes / Birdwood, George C.M.
195. The Aryans: History of Vedic Period / Aryan, K.C. & Aryan, Subhashini
196. Asian Dance: Multiple Levels / Vatsyayan, Kapila
197. Asian Embroidery / Dhamija, Jasleen
198. Asian Film Journeys: Selection From Cinemaya / Padgaonkar, Latika & Doraiswamy, Rashmi
199. Asiatic Researches: History and Antiquities, the Art, Sciences, and Literature of Asia; 24 Volumes / Jones, William
200. Aspects of Indian History and Culture / Bandyopadhyay, Sudipa Ray; Chaudhuri, Rita & Chakrabarti, Mahua (Eds.)
201. Aspects of Medieval Indian Architecture: A Historical and Archaeological Study in Punjab / Singh, Chand (Dr.)
202. Astrology and Religion in Indian Art / Sivapriyananda, Swami
203. At Play with Krishna: Pilgrimage Dramas from Brindavan / Hawley, John Stratton
204. Athletics / Thani, Yograj
205. Athletics and Training / Butler, Guy
206. Athletics Coaching Manual / Arora, Monika
207. Aumapatam: A Work on Music / Vijaylakshmi, M. (Dr.)
208. Avenues to Beauty / Saxena, S.K.
209. A-Z Sports and Games / Anisworth, Aron
210. The 'Back to Eden' Cookbook: Original Recipes and Nutritional Information in the Imaginative Use of Natural Foods / Kloss, Jethro; Moffett, Promise Kloos & Gardiner, Doris Kloss
211. Badminton Coaching Manual / Jain, Anu
212. Bagh Caves: Painting and Sculptures / Talim, Meena
213. Bakery Science and Cereal Technology (3rd Impression) / Khetarpaul, Neelam & Grewal, Rajbala & Jood, Sudesh
214. Balamurali Krshna: The Splendour of Swaras: An Authorised Biography / Sundaram, B.M.
215. Bamboo: From Green Design to Sustainable Design / Reubens, Rebecca
216. Bamiyan, Hariti and Kindred Iconics / Sharma, Nirmala
217. Bamiyan: Challenge to World Heritage
218. Bamiyan: Challenge to World Heritage / Warikoo, K. (Ed.)
219. Banaras: City of Light / Eck, Diana L.
220. Barahmasa: The Song of Seasons in Literature and Art / Dwivedi, V.P.
221. Baroque Architecture ad Sculpture in Ilaly / Ricci, C.
222. Baroque India: The Neo-Roman Religious Architecture of South Asia: A Global Stylistic Survey / Pereira, Jose
223. Basics of Tourism: Theory, Operation and Practice / Kamra, Krishan K. & Chand, Mohinder
224. Basketball / Goyal, Subhash K.
225. Basketball Coaching Manual / Kanika, K.
226. Basohli Paintings of the Rasamanjari / Randhawa, R.S. & Bhambri, S.D.
227. Be A Vegitarian / Jain, Arun Kumar
228. The Beria: Rai Dancers: A Socio-Demographic, Reproductive and Child Health Care Practices Profile / Jain, Arun K. & Sharma, A.N.
229. The Best 100 Indian Recipes / Hobson, Wendy (Ed.)
230. The Best 100 Low Fat Recipes / Humphries, Carolyn
231. The Best 100 Quick & Easy Recipes / Humphries, Carolyn
232. The Best 1000 Cocktails / Cross, Robert
233. The Best Chinese Recipes / Morris, Sallie
234. Best of Samaithu Paar: The Classic Guide to Tamil Cuisine / Amma, S. Meenakshi
235. Best of Satyajit Ray / Majumdar, Gopa
236. Beyond the Great Valleys Ladakh: Understanding the Monastic Architecture / Sarkar, Shomika & Shukla, Dipti (Eds.)
237. Bhagavadajjukam in Kutiyattam: The Hermit and the Harlot-the Sanskrit Farce in Performance / Paulose, K.G.
238. Bharat Main Samuhgaan: Parampra Avam Swaroop; [In Hindi] / Kaliya, Shashi (Dr.)
239. Bharata Natyam Expanding Horizons: A Unique Presentation of the Great Epic Sri Ram Charit Manas / Varadan, Komala
240. Bharata Natyam on the Global Stage: At Home in the World / O' Shea, Janet
241. Bharata Natyam: From Temple to Theatre / Gaston, Anne Marie
242. Bharatamunipranit Svayambhuv Natyasastra; Part 1: Kavyalakshana Khanda (Text with Hindi translation) / Dwivedi, Rewa Prasad (Tr.)
243. Bharatanatyam: How to...: A Step-by-Step Approach to Learn the Classical Dance Form / Eshwar, Jayalakshmi
244. Bharatiya Adhyatmik Prashthbhumi mein Gadhwali Lok Sangeet / Maithani, Tushti (Dr.)
245. Bharatiya Chitrakala ki Parampara / Verma, Mahendra
246. Bharatiya Chitrakala: Punruthan mein Lok Kala ka Yogdan / Virha, Rachna
247. Bharatiya Kala aur Sanskriti (in Hindi) / Rajpurohit, Bhagwatilal (Dr.)
248. Bharatiya Kala Main Naag / Srivastava, R.N. (Dr.)
249. Bharatiya Lok Kala: Chhattisgarh ke Sandharbh mein (in Hindi) / Gupta, Nilima (Dr.)
250. Bharatiya Sangeet Mein Shuddtva Ki Avadharana / Singh, Simmi Ravindra (Dr.)
251. Bharhut Sculptures / Sharma, R.C.
252. Bhartiya Chitra Kala Ka Vaibhav (in Hindi) / Agarawala, R.A.
253. Bhartiya Kavyashastra Main Hindi Gajal ki Sankalpana (in Hindi) / Nandni, Durgesh
254. Bhartiya Lokgiton Mein Hariyana Ka Yogdan / Ramakant (Dr.)
255. Bhartiya Vastukala / Lal, C.
256. Bhasa / Sinha, Biswajit & Choudhury, A.K.
257. Bhavabhuti Ke Natakon Ka Shailivaijnik Aur Shabdashaktiparak Adhyayan [in Hindi] / Garg, Monika
258. The Bhilsa Topes: Buddhist Monuments of Central India / Cunningham, Alexander
259. Bhutan / Nestroy, Harald N.
260. A Bibliography of Alankarasastra / Tripathi, Radha Vallabh & Singhdeo, Dharmendra Kumar (Eds.)
261. A Bibliography of Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy / Crouch, James S.
262. Bihu Festival of Assam: Music, Dance and Performance / Borah, Utpola
263. Bilvapatra: Treasures of Indian Art: Dr. N.P. Joshi Felicitation Volume / Tiwari, M.N.P. & Giri, Kamal (Profs.)
264. Birds and Animals in Mughal Miniature Paintings / Khanam, Zaheda
265. Birju Maharaj: The Master Through My Eyes / Sen, Saswati
266. Boats of Bengal: Eighteenth Century Portraits by Balthazar Solvyns / Hardgrave, Robert L. (Jr.)
267. Bollywood Cinematography 2011 / Thakur, A.P. & Pandey, Sunil
268. A Book of Paintings: On Themes from the Hills of Northeast India / Miri, Sujata
269. The Bounteous Tree: Treasure of Indian Art and Culture; 2 Volumes / Chakravarty, K.K. (Ed.)
270. Brahmanical Gods in Burma: Indian Art and Iconography / Ray, Nihar Ranjan
271. Brahmanical Temple Art and Architecture in Hadoti / Dhaka, Ambika (Dr.)
272. Brhadisvara Temple: Form and Meaning / Nagaswamy, R.
273. Bronze Treasure of the National Museum / Dawson, J.E.
274. Buddhism: Art and Values: A Collection of Research Papers and Keynote Addresses on the Evolution of Buddhist Art and Thought Across the Lands of Asia / Lokesh Chandra
275. Buddhist and Hindu Architecture in India / Vashishth, Suraj
276. Buddhist and Hindu Architecture in India (2nd Edition) / Grover, Satish
277. Buddhist Antiquities of Nubra Valley / Agrawal, R.C.
278. Buddhist Art in Tibet: New Insights on Ancient Treasures: A Study of Paintings and Sculptures from 8th to 18th century / Henss, Michael
279. The Buddhist Art of Gandhara: The Story of the Early School: Its Birth, Growth and Decline / Marshall, Sir John
280. Buddhist Art: Objects in the Museums of West Bengal / Chakrabarti, Saktirani
281. Buddhist Bronzes From Sirpur / Sharma, A.K. & Singh, Prabhat Kumar
282. Buddhist Bronzes of Odisha: A Study in Context of the Evolution of Buddhist Deities / Mohapatra, Sagarika
283. Buddhist Cave Temples of Ancient India / Lama, G.K.
284. Buddhist Cave Temples of India / Wouchop, R.S.
285. Buddhist Caves of Western India: Forms and Patronage / Alone, Y.S.
286. The Buddhist Diet Book / Holloway, L.C.
287. Buddhist Heritage of Odisha / Ray, Himanshu Prabha
288. Buddhist Iconography in Bihar (A.D. 600-1200) / Mishra, Jayadeva
289. Buddhist Iconography of Northern Bactria / Abdullaev, Kazim
290. Buddhist Iconography: Sambhota Series II
291. Buddhist Iconography; 2 Volumes (bound in one) (Compact Edition) / Lokesh Chandra
292. Buddhist Masters Milarepa: The Tibetan Poet-Mystic and His Songs / Bansal, Sunita Pant
293. Buddhist Monastic Architecture in Sri Lanka: The Woodland Shrines / Seneviratna, Anuradha & et. al.
294. Buddhist Monuments of China and South-East India (Rare Book) / Sharma, I.K.
295. Buddhist Monuments of Sirpur / Sharma, A.K.
296. Buddhist Monuments: Their Role in the Development of Tourism in Andhra Pradesh / Kumari, J. Krishna
297. Buddhist Scriptures: A World Heritage Site / Thomas, E.J.
298. Buddhist Sculptures and Monuments
299. Buddhist Sites and Shrines in India: History, Art and Architecture / Ahir, D.C.
300. Buddhist Stupas in South Asia / Singh, Sumit
165-E, Kamla Nagar, Delhi - 110007 (INDIA)