The numerous problems of Jammu & Kashmir which remain unsolved include incomplete accession of the state, the Article 370, the unresolved issue of citizenship of lakhs of people who migrated from Pakistan, the rehabilitation of lakhs of innocent people who were forced to leave their home and hearth in the border areas during the wars between India and Pakistan, denial of legitimate rights to the people of Jammu and Ladakh, the back-breaking poverty of Ladakhis, spate of terrorism, the issue of rehabilitation of lakhs of Kashmiri Pandits displaced from their homes and innumerable other social problems faced by the people all these years. Worse still, the Tricolor, symbol of our National Honour, which is hoisted every year throughout the country with great enthusiasm is set on fire at the Lal Chowk in Srinagar by the subversive elements to show humiliation and dishonour to the Indian nation.
In view of the above facts, this book 'A State in Turbulence - Jammu & Kashmir' has been written to reveal some significant aspects of the problems and factors which are relevant in the overall context, such as the glorious past of Kashmir, role played by patriotic and great nationalists, causes of the present chaos, some historical facts suppressed so far, and above all proposed constitutional provisions essential for the future of Jammu & Kashmir. |