1. Income Distribution and Inequality
A. Income distribution
1. Size income distribution
2. The concept of inequality
B. Methodology Employed
1. Importance and relevance of the topic
2. Objectives
3. Hypothesis
4. Sources of data
5. Statistical methodology employed
6. Survey and data collection
7. Statistical tools employed
8. Limitations and assumptions
C. Profile of Mizoram
1. Location
2. Climate
3. Rivers, mountains and forests
4. Economy
2. Theories on Income Distribution and Inequality: A Review
A. Income distribution
1. Size distribution of income among individuals
B. Size income frequency distributions
C. Measuring income inequality
1. Lorenz curve
2. Indices based on Lorenz curve
3. Indices which are not based on Lorenz curve
3. Causes and Effects of Inequality
1. Causes of international inequality of income
2. Causes of intra-country inequality of income
3. Effects of inequality
4. Income Distribution and Inequality: A Cross Country Analysis
A. Income distribution
1. Cross-country scenario
B. Inequality
1. Inequality by decade and region-wise
2. Trend of global inequality
3. Country-wise analysis
Inequality decomposition
C. Causes and Consequences
1. Causes of increasing global inequality
2. Consequences of increasing global inequality
5. Income Distribution and Inequality in India: State-Wise Analysis
A. Income distribution and inequality in India
1. Income distribution
B. State-wise analysis
6. Growth and Inequality
A. Simon Kuznets inverted U-hypothesis
1. Theoretical debate for the hypothesis
2. On the empirical front
B. An empirical study
1. The case study of Mizoram
2. A Macro - Study
3. Gini Coefficient and per capita income
7. Income Distribution and Inequality in Mizoram
A. Income distributional scenario
1. Scenario during early 80’s
B. Fitting of income frequency distribution
1. Income frequency distribution
2. When ‘village/locality’ is Taken as Random Variable
C. Calculation of inequality
1. Indices based on Lorenz curve
2. Indices not based on Lorenz curve
8. Findings and Suggestion
1. Findings
2. Suggestion