CONTENTS:- 1. The Land. 2. Constitutional Evolution. 3. Fusion of Two States. 4. society and Economy. 5. Economic Growth. 6. Population. 7. Tribal Culture. 8. Understanding Environment. 9. Grazing as Ecological Stress. 10. Supplement.
Himachal Pradesh aptly called dev bhumi by the ancients, lies at the heart of the Western Himalaya. Its land is as bewitching as are its people colourful. The real beauty of the land however lies in its multi-hued flowers, its pine-scented forests, in rivers with crystal clear water, distant views of the snow peaks and, above allin its colourful humanity. Its composite culture justly commands deep interest and fulsome admiration, being a unique blend of various strains, such as have left footprints of the Aryan civilization and those which flowed from the seventh century onwards from the North and North-East.