CONTENTS:- 1. Relevance of Public Interest in Grant of Injunction / Ashish Aggarwal 2. The International Status of National Human Rights Institutions: A Comparison with NGOs / Mutax M. Qafisheh 3. An Overview of Human Rights and Law Enforcing Officials / Mayuri H. Pandya 4. Human Rights: A Conceptual Analysis / Shikha Anand & Anupma Kaushik 5. Prisons in India: An Overview / Anupma Kaushik 6. Juveniles in Need of Care and Protection in Dharwad District Under the Juveniile Justice Act 2000 / Sanjeev D. Kamble, P.N. Sangalad & M.G. Huddar 7. Domestic Violence Against Tribal Women of Rajasthan: A Sociological Analysis / Anu Jain 8. Protecting Economic Rights of Hindu Women Under Matrimonial Law in India / Mahesh N. Patel 9. Violation of Women's Rights in India: The Darker Side / Anupma Kaushik