CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction. 2. Animal-Rearing. 3. Species of Cattle. 4. The Domestic Goat. 5. House Rabbits. 6. Deer. 7. Sheep Husbandry. 8. Domestic Asian Water Buffalo. 9. Domestic Dog. 10. Liama. 11. Donkey. 12. Horse. 13. American Bison. 14. Camel. 15. Domestic Cat. 16. Domestic Duck.
Domestic Animal Diversity covers the spectrum of genetic differences within each bread, and across all breeds within each domestic animal species, together with the species differences. This variety is available for the sustainable intensification of food and agriculture production.
Industrial livestock production and also increasingly livestock production in mixed crop-livestock systems use a very limited range of animal breeds. This has already led to the extinction of some local livestock breeds and to the genetic erosion of others.