CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction 2. Crop Nutrient: Classification and Function 3. The Soil: Crop Nutrient Medium 4. Nutrient Uptakes 5. Assimilation 6. Crop Water Relation 7. Crop Growth and Production 8. Fertilisers and Organic Manures 9. Essential Elements
Crop nutrition is a difficult subject to understand completely, partially because of the variation between different plants and even between different species or individuals of a given clone. The right proportion of nutrition at right time is pre-requisite for satisfactory crop growth and production. The use of soil tests can help to determine the status of plant available nutrients to develop fertilizer recommendations to achieve optimum crop production. The profit potential for farmers depends on producing enough crop per acre to keep production costs below the selling price. Efficient application of the correct types and amounts of fertilizers for the supply of the nutrients is an indispensable part of achieving profitable yields.