CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction to Draping. 2. Techniques. 3. Tools and Equipments. 4. Various Techniques in Fashion Designing. 5. Concepts and Elements of Designing. 7. Use of Notion, Trims and Closures. 8. Pattern Making in Embroidery. 9. New Trends i9n Textile Industry. 10. Future of the Fashion Designing.
This book provides basic material on design and patternmaking, with an emphasis on instructions for draping. It acknowledges dramatic industry changes with the integration of computers into virtually every step of the apparel manufacturing process, and introduces readers to the functions and skills needed to utilize this highly versatile and efficient tool. Narrative sections and illustrations cover the topics of basic patterns, bodices, skirts, pants, collars, sleeves, and pockets. Additional chapters on sports wear, functional finishes, and draping, supply even more explanation on simplified methods currently employed in the industry.