The debate whether Krishna or Arjuna are historical or mythological personages, will continue as long as the word Bhagwadgita is spoken. But this is pure semantics. What is more relevant is the context, vulnerabilities, lifestyle and the avowed goals of human existence. No other spiritual treatise (misinterpreted as purely religious by many) has dealt with this subject as comprehensively, as has Bhagwadgita. The breadth and the depth of Krishna`s wisdom encapsulated in 700 verses has no parallel and is relevant for the entire mankind in a timeless paradigm.
The musical intonation of mantras of Bhagwadgita, the song divine held great fascination for Vinod Malhotra in his childhood. This continued all through 38 years that he spent in the India Administrative Service which he joined in the year 1971. Inspired by the profound wisdom of Krishna's advice and exhortations to Arjuna, he decided to write on different aspects of human endeavour, management of self, science and spirituality, concept of cosmic energy and mantras of leadership and ethics. He has published ten books, the latest being a coffee table book on Ramdarshan, a monument dedicated to Ram and his message to the world. |