Social work is a professional discipline today. Social work in its various forms addresses the complex transactions between people and their environments. Its mission is to enable people to enrich their lives and develop their full potential. Social work is an interrelated system of values, theories and practice. The broad concerns for social work profession are equity, social justice, harmony and peace mainly directing the activities to support the quest of the marginalized groups to meet their needs. The topics included in this text have tried to accentuate upon the upcoming socio-politico-economic realties in regard to welfare ad development aspects and its impact on the role of social work professionals in various fields. In this book the author has tried to point out the integration of theory and practice in various fields of social welfare and social policy to provide interdisciplinary collaboration for better understanding of human problems, services and issues of social development. The various aspects discussed in this volume examines professional values of social work, such as inherent dignity and worth of the individual, commitment to democratic functioning and social justice.