1. Bhaisajya Kalpana: Itihasa Evam Kramika Vikasa (History & Chronological Development of Bhaisajya Kalpana).
2. Mana Paribhasa (Weights & Measures).
3. Adharabhuta Siddhanta's of Bhaisajya Kalpana (Basic Principles of Bhaisajy Kalpana).
4. Bhesajagara/Rasasala (The Drug Manufacturing Unit).
5. Kasaya Kalpana (Fundamental Preparations).
6. Swarasa Kalpana (Expressed Juice of Drugs).
7. Kalka Kalpana (Paste of Drugs).
8. Kwatha Kalpana (Decoction).
9. Hima Kalpana (Cold Infusion).
10. Phanta Kalpana (Hot Infusion).
11. Curna Kalpana (Size REduction).
12. Upakalpana's of Kwatha Kalpana.
13. Upakalpana's of Hima Kalpana.
14. Arka Kalpana (Distillation).
15. Rasakriya, Ghanasara, Ghanasattva, Ghanavati and Phanita.
16. Avakeha Kalpana.
17. Khanda Kalpana (Granular Preparations).
18. Sarkara Kalpana (Syrups).
19. Gudapaka Kalpana (Jaggery Confections).
20. Guggulupaka Kalpana (Preparations of Guggulu).
21. Sattwa Kalpana (Extraction of Starchy Plant Material).
22. Lavana Kalpana (Medicated Salt Preparations).
23. Ayaskrti Kalpana (Classical Method of Metal Administration).
24. Masi Kalpana (Carbonization of Drugs).
25. Ksara Kalpana (Preparations of Plant Cauterizes).
26. Vati Kalpana (Tablets and Capsules).
27. Varti Kalpana (Harbal Suppositories).
28. The Concept of ASneha Murcchana (Special Processing of Raw Oil/Ghee).
29. Sneha Kalpana (Medicated Oil/Ghee).
30. Sandhana Kalpana (Fermentative Preparations).
31. Pathya Kalpana (Preparations of Diet).
32. Lepa Kalpana (Herbal Applications).
33. Siktha Taila, Malahara, Upanaha & Other Kalpanas (Ointment, JPoultics & Other Preparations).
34. Netra CikitsaKalpana (Ophthalmic Preparations).
35. Nasya Kalpana (Preparation for Nasal Route).
36. Dhumapana (Medicated Cigars).
37. Dhupana Kalpana (Preparations for Fumigation).
38. Kavalagraha and Gandusa (Oil Liquids and Gargles).
39. Basti Kalpana (Herbal Enema Preparations).
40. Paribhasa Prakarana (Definitions of Significance).
41. Dravya Sodhana (Purification of Poisonous Drugs).
42. Liquid Dosage Forms.
43. Semisolid Dosage Forms.
44. Tinctures.
45. Package, Labeling, Prescription Routes of Administration, Drug Delivery Systems and Newer Drug Delivery Motheds of Pharmaceuticals.
46. Mixing, Homogenization and Drying.
47. Standardization & Analytical Parameters.
48. Standardization Parameters to All the Kalpana's.
49. Drugs & Cosmetics Act (DCA) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
50. Ancient and Modern Machinery and Equipments.