Vol. 1: Raja Ram Mohan Roy: 1. Raja Ram Mohan Roy : life sketch. 2. Raja Ram Mohan Roy : Pioneer of modern renaissance. 3. Raja Ram Mohan Roy : a great philanthrophist. 4. Raja Ram's rational, social and economic philosophy. 5. Raja Ram Mohan Roy : era of glory. 6. Raja Ram Mohan Roy : as proponent of education and religion. 7. Raja Ram Mohan Roy : a great religious and social reformer. 8. Ram Mohan Roy and Brahmo Samaj. 9. Ram Mohan Roy and the Advent of Constitutional Liberalism. 10. Raja Ram Mohan Roy : an overview.
Vol. 2: Gopal Krishna Gokhale: 1. Gopal Krishna Gokhale : life sketch. 2. Gokhale at Fergusson College. 3. Gokhale with Gandhi in South Africa. 4. Gokhale on path of politics. 5. Gokhale's plans and programmes for the Congress. 6. Gokhale : The Guru of Gandhi. 7. Gokhale : Self-Govt. and Swadeshi. 8. Gokhale and religious issues. 9. Gokhale : the great supporter of India. 10. Gokhale : issues of constitutional reforms. 11. Gokhale : an overview. Congress presidential address.
Vol. 3: Bal Gangadhar Tilak: 1. Tilak : life sketch. 2. Tilak : his personality and philosophy. 3. Tilak : as the father of unrest. 4. Tilak and demand for home rule. 5. Tilak : his contribution to education. 6. Tilak : his national education. 7. Tilak : management of institution of education. 8. Tilak : teaching and language. 9. Tilak and origin of national feeling. 10. Tilak : an Indology researcher. 11. Tilak as Congress President. 12. Tilak : an overview.
Vol. 4: Mahatma Gandhi: 1. Mahatma Gandhi : life sketch. 2. Gandhi's India. 3. Gandhi on man and history. 4. Gandhi and non-violence. 5. Gandhi and Satyagraha. 6. Mahatma on economy. 7. Gandhi and Brahmacharya. 8. Gandhi's education and its today's relevance. 9. Protection of environment through moral education. 10. Gandhi's religion and politics. 11. Gandhi and nationalism vs. internationalism.
Vol. 5: Rajendra Prasad: 1. Rajendra Prasad : life sketch. 2. Dr. Rajendra Prasad : a unique personality. 3. Rajendra Prasad : on the path of politics. 4. Rajendra Prasad and cooperative planning. 5. Rajendra Prasad : a suffering servant. 6. Rajendra Prasad and political activities after Second World War. 7. Rajendra Prasad : his achievements.
Vol. 6: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel: 1. Sardar Patel : inherent nature. 2. Sardar Patel : political approach. 3. Sardar Patel and Satyagraha in Gujarat. 4. Sardar Patel : maker of India. 5. Sardar Patel : dream of freedom. 6. Sardar Patel : an overview. Exchange of Letters Bardoli Settlement.
Vol. 7: Maulana Abulkalam Azad: 1. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad : life sketch. 2. Maulana Azad : a revolutionary journalist. 3. Maulana Azad : Role in National Movement. 4. Maulana Azad : an architect of India's freedom. 5. Maulana Azad : as nation builder.
Vol. 8: Bhim Rao Ambedkar: 1. Ambedkar : as Messiah of down-trodden. 2. A chronology to his educational struggle. 3. Ambedkar: a true democrat. 4. Ambedkar as modern manu. 5. Untouchability: caste, Dhamma and justice. 6. Ambedkar: equality and justice. 7. Buddhism of Ambedkar. 8. Ambedkar and Hinduism. 9. Ambedkar : an antagonistic to Gandhi and Congress. 10. Ambedkar's concept of Communism. 11. Historical importance of Ambedkar with Gandhi. 12. Ambedkar and caste system in India.
Vol. 9: Jay Prakash Narayan: 1. Jay Prakash Narayan : life sketch. 2. Jay Prakash's outline of polity. 3. Jay Prakash : his economic and political approaches. 4. Jay Prakash Narayan and CSP. 5. C.S.P. and new constitution. 6. Jay Prakash : peace and war. 7. Jay Prakash and his total revolution. 8. Jay Prakash Narayan : an overview.
Vol.10: Manbendra Nath Roy: 1. M.N. Roy : life sketch. 2. M.N. Roy : conception of philosophy. 3. M.N. Roy : a communist leader and revolutionary. 4. M.N. Roy : as fugitive. 5. M.N. Roy : jail life and reaction to policies. 6. M.N. Roy : theses on Chinese problem. 7. M.N. Roy : his radical humanism. 8. M.N. Roy : an overview.