Kadam, U. S,; Thoka, R. T.; Gorantiwar, Sunil D. & Powar, A. G.
List Price : US$ 85.21 Our Price : US$ 68.17
Book ID : 32735
ISBN-10 : 81-85873-35-6 / 8185873356
ISBN-13 : 978-81-85873-35-0 / 9788185873350
of Publication :
of Publication :
Edition :
Language : English
558p., Line Drawings, B/W Plts., 23 cm.
CONTENTS:- 1. Agricultural Drainage Problems: History and Irrigation Potential in India; Waterlogging, salinity and inception of Drainage: A Historical Perspective; Definition of Problems; Irrigation Agriculture, Soil Salinity and Drainage; Causes and Effects of Waterlogging, Waterlogging Prevention and Control; Need for Land Drainage; Drainage Requirement of Various Crops; References; Questions and Problems. 2. Preominance of Irrigation on Drainage: Where Irrigation Water Goes?; Irrigation Efficiencies; Interrelation of Irrigation and Drainage; Formulating Drainage Criteria; Reuse of Drainage Water; Drainage Investigation; Soil Permeability, Methods of Determination; Correlation Methods; Reference; Questions and Problems. 3. Groundwater Exploration: Basic Concepts; Soil Physical Properties and their Determination; Collection of Groundwater Data; Analysis of Groundwater Data; Reference; Questions and Problems. 4. Groundwater-Flow and Seepage: Groundwater and Watertable; Basic Laws; Darcy’s Equation; Some Application of Darcy’s Equation; Streamlines and Equipotential Lines; Dupuit-Forchheimer Theory; Seepage of Groundwater; Seepage through a Dam and under a Dike; Seepage from Open Channel; Reference; Questions and Problems. 5. Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: Introduction; Definitions; Variability of Hydraulic Conductivity; Drainage Conditions and Hydraulic Conductivity; Measurement of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity; Laboratory Methods; References; Questions and Problems. 6. Design of Surface Drainage System: Surface Drainage System and Components; Factors Affecting Drainage; Types of Lands Requiring Drainage; Design Considerations for Surface Drainage; Design of Surface Drainage System; Drainage Coefficient; Design of Open Drains; Hydrologic Design; Hydraulic Design of Open Drains; Surface Drainage for Flat Areas; Surface Drainage Systems for Sloping Areas; Diversion or Interceptor Drains; Reference; Questions and Problems. 7. Salt Problems and Their Control: Global Scenario of Salt Affected Soils; Chemically Degraded Lands in India; Definitions; Salinity in Relation to Irrigation and Drainage; Chemical Properties and their Determination; Causes of Salt Accumulation; Classification of Salt Affected Soils; Irrigation Water Quality; Diagnosis of Salt-affected Soils; Sampling Soil and Water; Reclamation and Management of Salt-affected Soils; Gypsum Requirement to Reclaim Alkali Soil; Lime Requirement for the Reclamation of Acid Soils; Reference; Questions and Problems. 8. Design of Subsurface Drainage System: General Considerations; Basic Factors Influencing Subsurface Drainage Design; System Design Procedure; Subsurface Drainage Design; Unsteady-State Equation; Comparison between Steady-State and Unsteady-State Equation; Drainage of Heavy Clay Soils; Hydraulic Design of Subsurface Drains; Selections of Tile; Layout of Drainage System; Drain Envelops (Socks); Installation of Drainage System; Supplemental Structures; Operation and Maintenance; Beneficial and Adverse Water Quality Impacts of Drainage; Special Drainage Systems; Water Table Management; Commonly Asked Questions ad Answers; Reference; Questions and Problems. 9. Results of Case Study: Data Collection from Experimental Field; Execution of System; Results After Installation of the Sub-surface Drainage System; Conclusion.
Rapidly shrinking natural resource base due to increasing population and competition for water among all other sectors in increasing the damage to ecological foundation of agriculture through soil degradation by erosion, water logging, salinization and siltation of reservoirs. There is a wide gap between creation reutilization of water both I qualitative and quantitative aspects. Rapid urbanisation, industrialisation and population explosion coupled with global climatic changes and over exploitation of groundwater are the main reasons for diminishing water availability for agriculture. In order to ensure adequate water for agriculture, we must embark upon efficient water management practices including water conservation, water harvesting and its efficient use through new technologies like micro-irrigation. One of the main lacunae is the lack of attention towards land drainage in irrigated commands resulting in increase of problematic soils. In view of these developments, a constant need for a scientific compilation on the intricate details of the drainage technology is being felt by the stakeholders. This publication is a compilation of details of drainage technology to improve the soil health and productivity of the problematic land. Hopefully, it will bridge the yawning gap between the two.