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CONTENTS:- Vol. 1: Physical Education. Vol. 2: History of Physical Education. Vol. 3: Teaching Methods of Physical Education. Vol. 4: Health ad Physical Education. Vol. 5: Health Education. |
This book has been created to provide access to information about contemporary of physical education. Practitioners and students at all levels in Physical education have a need to know what is happening today. The book will be of use to graduate and postgraduate students in physical education and to practicing teachers, administrators, librarians and planners. The chapters and the further sources of information cited in this book should lead the reader to thousands of people and documents for either research or programme planning purposes. This handbook of general anatomy has been written to meet the requirements of students who are newly admitted to a physical education college. It thoroughly introduces the greater part of physical education terminology, as well as the various structures, which constitute the human body. On account of the late admission and the shorter time new available or teaching anatomy, the coverage of general anatomy seems to suffer maximum. Since it lays down the foundation of the whole felt necessary to produce a short, simple and comprehensive handbook on this neglected, though important, aspect of the subject. It has been written in a simple language, with the text classified in small parts to make it easier for the students to follow and remember. It is hoped that this will prove quite useful to the physical education students. Indian Physical Education has covered a long distance from Ancient to Modern Period, during this period it has faced so many problem and it has tried to save their own traditions and systems for the new generation as we are feeling now and observing their qualities it develop our country and human life’s health, as we want. But we should not forget that present tradition system of physical education has their own qualities, and due to these qualities and principles it has covered a long distance of its development. Now this is a part of the ancient history. Here is a question that if we have our own history of physical education than why we are carrying the Modern Physical education since independence? It is a very mere question and we have to face a lot of problems almost in every walk of life to find its answer. An Indian citizen can simply answer that the field of physical education has also been polluted with these significant problems, which prevail in the Indian Physical education since 1947. India has got the British system of education having its own structure and functions in heritage and a concerted effort has been made since then, to utilize that heritage in order to achieve comparable results by democratic means. Though we pledged in 1950 on the 26th day of January “We, the people of India having solemnly resolved to constitute into a sovereign democratic republic and to secure to all citizens, justice -Social, economic and political liberty of thoughts, of status and opportunity and to promote among them all, fraternity assuring dignity of the individual and unity of the nation; in our constituent assembly do hereby adopt, exact and give to ourselves this constitution”. Could we fulfill this pledge to this date? The answer is a ‘very big no’. Neither could we achieve justice, fraternity and liberty. We even failed to unite our nation -Mentally and Physically, both after analyzing the various factors we come to the conclusion that it is all due to our faulty system of education and their wrong objectives directed by our old educationist. Help our country and society and also to achieve the desired goal of life, we should understand and create awareness about the history of our Physical education. The goal of life is to get good and dynamic celebrity and we can get it through effective Physical education. The present volume is an humble effort to present the problems of Physical education through their past history, as the author has perceived. Almost every historical aspect of education and its problems can be solved in this book. The problems can be solved if there are a large number of idealistic education workers devoted to the cause. It should be quite obvious and understandable, that the level of elite sports in the country can be marginally lifted only by joint efforts of all involved in the process. |