CONTENTS:- Preface; Part I: Macro View: 1. State Public Sector Undertaking in India: A Macro View; Part II: State Scenario: 2. Disinvestment in the State Enterprises: Scenario, Approaches and Challenges; Part III: State-wise Privatisation Potential: 3. State-wise Privatisation Potential of SLPEs; Annexures; Bibliography on SPSUs-IPE Database; Index.
This book presents the macro view of State Public Sector Undertakings in India also known as the State Level contains rare insights into the financial profile of these enterprises. Besides incorporating information about imports financial aggregates of SPSUs, the position with regard to the scenario of disinvestments in the various states has been extensively discussed in the book. the methods, techniques, institutional structure and the fall outs of disinvestments undertaken by the various states have been critically analyused. Part 3 offers deep insights into the privatization potential of the SPSUs in the various states. The write ups on individual enterprises provide a peep into their financial and operational functioning and the desirability and extent of privations of the SPSU. The various states of the India are starved of financial resources and have been undergoing the process of modernization and reforms. They need huge funding to sustain this task and also to build up the social infrastructure. The buyers from within the country and abroad can have access to the requisite information for taking over these enterprises. The book will be highly useful to policy makers, foreign mission in India foreign financial institutions, merchant bankers, researchers, students of post-graduate programmes in Management, Economics, Commerce, Public Administration and Law.