CONTENTS:- 1. Economic Reform and Youth Unemployment in India; 2. New Economic Policy and Service Sector; 3. Employment Implications of Economic Reforms; 4. Emerging Problems of Employment Generation in the Era of Economic Reform; 5. Impact of New Economic Policy on Service Sector; 6. Employment in Organised and Unorganised Sector: Emerging Issues and Future Perspectives; 7. Economic Reforms and Rural Industries in India; 8. Women Workers in Petrol Bunks at Madurai City; 9. New Economic Policy Some Emerging Concerns; 10. The Impact of Economic Reforms on Rural Employment Opportunities; 11. Impact of New Economic Policy on Service Sector with Reference to Early Childhood Care and Development; 12. Rural Employment in India; 13. Economic Reforms and Labour Force Participation in Rural Sector; 14. Economic Reforms and Employment; 15. Human Resources Development in the Context of Economic Reforms Relating to Information Technology; 16. Impact on Reforms on Social Indicators in India a Statistical Appraisal; 17. Impact of Economic Reforms on Dalits in India; 18. Entrepreneurship Development Under Liberalisation; 19. Impact of Micro Credit Scheme-An Economic Reform; 20. Entrepreneurship Development Under Liberalisation; 21. Globalisation and Human Development; 22. Post-Reform India: Emerging Trends (With Special Reference to Human Resourse Development) 23. Human Resource Development in the Context of Economic Reforms; 24. Globalisation and Stress Management; 25. Redundancy, Redeployment of Manpower and Training Among Various Sectors in and Around the City of Chennai: A Case Study Approach; 26. Economic Reforms: It's Implications on Trade Union; 27. Transformation of Local Human Resources to Crop with Economic Liberalization and Globalisation; 28. Economic Reforms and HRD in India-Achievements and Future Strategy; 29. Economic Reforms and Human Resource Development in India; 30. Redundancy, Redeployment of Manpower and Training in Banking Industries; 31. Human Resource Development in the Context of Economic Reforms in India; 32. Employment in Small Scale Industries during Post Reforms Period-Opportunities and Challenges;
While going through the past literature on the subject, it is also clearly noted that some scholars did attempt examination of the impact of economic reforms on the employment/unemployment situation in India.