CONTENTS:- Preface; 1. Marquess of Dalhousie (1848-56); 2. Rise of the Sikhs; 3. First Sikh war; 4. The opposing forces; 5. Moodkee; 6. Ferozeshah; 7. Aliwal; 8. First Sikh war in retrospect; 9. Between the wars; 10. The revolt of Mulraj; 11. First siege of Multan; 12. Across the Chenab; 13. Second siege of Multan; 14. Chillianwalla; 15. Gujarat; 16. Second Sikh war in retrospect;
British soldiers had many a hard fight in India during the two hundred years of the 'Raj', but never did they come up against tougher opposition than they did in the Punjab during two Sikh wars. This book gives a categorical account of the Anglo-Sikh wars.