CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. 1. Costumes. 2. Ornaments. 3. Coiffure. 4. Head-dress. 5. House hold appliances and furniture. 6. Musical instruments. 7. Weapons. 8. Flora and fauna. 9. Conclusion.
An attempt has been made in this book to give an account of different aspects of the material culture of the people of the Vijayanagara times as depicted in the temples of those days. The book is organised into nine chapters. The significance of the present work, a brief account of the work hitherto done on the subject is dealt with in the form of an introduction. The costumes and their varieties depicted through the sculptures and paintings have been described in detail in the first chapter. The second chapter deals with various kinds of ornaments. The coiffure, head-dress, house-hold-appliances and furniture, musical instruments, weapons and the flora and fauna of the region have been discussed in the chapters three to eight. The last i.e., nineth chapter concerns with the conclusions drawn from the above chapters. Needless to say, the data of the present work is compared with the material of different regions and periods where ever warranted. An attempt has also been made to evaluate the then contemporary social life. Necessary line drawings and photographs are appended to the book.