CONTENTS:- 1. What is Cancer Zone of Life? 2. Breast Cancer 3. Cancer of Uterus 4. Cancer of Ovary 5. Cancer of Cervix 6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Female Cancers 7. News and Trends: Female Cancers
This book deals with the aspects of different cancers that occur among women during their middle age, (menopausal zone). Unfortunately female cancers are becoming common and are now occurring at a relatively younger age. Cancer is a dirty word and diagnosis of cancer is construed to be a death warrant. Most people, including many doctors consider that cancer arises due to unknown causes and that it can neither be prevented nor treated. This is far from truth. Cancers have their genesis in faulty life style and many cancers can be prevented, and if detected early, can be treated fully. So cancer is a lifestyle ailment. Like many of the lifestyle ailments, it owes its origin to work atmosphere, changes in daily routine, eating patterns, sexual permissiveness and the like. In addition, discoveries in the field of nutrition have added a new dimension to preventive medicine. Another notable development is the development of "screening" for the diagnosis of cancers in its pre-symptomatic stage, e.g. the Colposcopy and PAP smear testing and mammography (to detect proneness to cancer cervix of the uterus and breast cancer respectively). This approach of pre-emptying the disease or its cause by timely intervention in the lifestyle is of great importance. Similarly, in the case of cancer cervix and ovarian cancer, prevention and early detection are the keys to longer and better quality of life. What a great difference does it make : prevention of cancer by proper lifestyle, regular check-ups, appropriate food and exercise on the one hand and surgical treatment involving removal of the affected organ after the cancer has occurred or spread to other organs. It is heartening to note that cancer cervix has been controlled to a great extent in the west by taking preventive measures. India is on the march.