Mankind's first systematic thinking on the conception of political institutions was first fermented on the soil of Greece because of the Greek secular characteristics, which endowed them with the quality to "reason about things". It is for this reason that the expression "politics" is derived from the Greek term "polis". Thus, Plato and Aristotle opened their innings on the crease of political thought, Plato's optimism racing rather ahead of events. Aristotle was more matter of fact and mundane in outlook. And so practical politics in the west actually began with Aristotle, who is given the designation of "scientist in politics".
The Romans came as the shadow of their Greek masters and did a lot of spadeworks in the medieval period. Thus, the middle-order players who held the field after Plato and Aristotle include St. Thomas Acquinas, Alighieri Dante, Marsiglio of Padua, Machiavelli, Karl Marx and Harld Laski.
It is common knowledge that political thought is shaped by the political events in history. So the sixteen century Reformation shook the fundamental constitution of European Christendom and tore as under the divinely sanctioned contractual relation and heralded the modern age in political thought.
This present volumes are a pioneering attempt of learned scholars to bring together not only the prominent historical and political personalities of world but also provide a lavishly illustrated details about the bio-graphical analysis politicians, freedom fighters, writers, reformers and social activists, from beginning of civilization to present day in alphabetical order.