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301. Rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal Gsan ba 'dus pa bdag 'dun bum sogs kyi cho ga dga 'ldan byan rtse grwa tshan gi gsun rgyun ltar nag 'gros su bkod pa
302. Ri chos mtshams kyi zal gdams bzugs so / Rtsom pa po Mkhas-'grub Karma chags med
303. Ri chos rten gsum 'chi pho'i gdams pa bzugs
304. Rig 'dzin gdun sgrub kyi chos skor: A cycle of practice focussing upon the inner form of the Guru form the Byan gter revelations of Rig-'dzin Rgod-kyi-ldem-'phru-can / Rgod-kyi-ldem-'phru-can, Gter-ston (1337-1408)
305. Rig 'dzin 'Ja 'tshon snying po'i gter chos: The cycle of teachings known as 'Ja 'tshon pod drug; 6 Volumes / Rig 'dzin 'Ja 'tshon snying po (1585-1656)
306. Rig-kun 'dus-pa'i bdag-nid 'Khor-lo'i mgon-po Mdo-khams brgyad-pa Rin-po-che Dpal-ldan Nag-dban Mi-pham Jigs-med chos-kyi rgya-mtsho ye-shes rin-chen Skal-bzan Don-brgyud ni-ma Dge-legs phrin-las kun-khyab phyogs-las rnam-par rgyal-ba'i sde'i rnam-par / Nag-dban Blo-gros 'phrin-las Mchog-grub, 'Bron-pa Sprul-sku
307. Rim lna'i 'Grel chen rdo-rje 'chan chen po'i dgons pa: A detailed commentary on the Pancakrama instructions on the practice of the Guhyasamaja Tantra / Jo-nan Rje-btsun Taranatha
308. Rin chen gter mdzod chen mo: The Great Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings; 71 Volumes + Special Volume
309. Rin-chen gter-mdzod chen-po'i 'Khor lo'i Rigs sogs kyi Dpe ris Gang tsham Bris pa Gzhan phan Zla ba'i 'od zer : The Beneficial Moon Rays: A compendium of chakras and various illustrations pertaining to The Great Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings
310. Rin-chen Gter-mdzod-chen-mo: A reproduction of the Stod-lun Mtshur-phu redaction of 'Jam-mgon Kon-sprul's great work on the unity of the gter ma traditions of Tibet; 63 Volumes / Kon-sprul Blo-gros-mtha'-yas, 'Jam-mgon (1813-1899)
311. Rje btsun chos kyi rgyal mtshan dpal bzang pos mdzad pa'i drang nges rnam 'byed kyi spyi don rgol ngan tshar gcod rin po che'i phreng ba zyes bya ba
312. Rje btsun thams cad mkhyen pa Dge-'dun-rgya-mtsho dpal bzan po'i gsun 'bum / The Collected Works of the Second Dalai Lama Gedun Gyatso; 6 Volumes (in Tibetan)
313. Rje Yab Sras Gsum-gsun 'Bum Series; 37 Volumes
314. Rnam dag 'dul ba dan Bstan-pa'i bca'i yig gi tshogs gtam / Yons-'dzin Slob-dpon Bstan-'dzin Rnam-dag Rin-po-che
315. Rnam 'dren rgyal ba'i dban po Mnam med chen po sogs bla ma sgrup pa'i las tshogs kyi gsun pod: Collected texts on the ritual worship of the Bonpo tantric preceptor as exemplified by Mnam med Ses-rab Rgyal-mtshan together with Khro phur gdans yig / Mnam med Ses-rab Rgyal-mtshan
316. Rnam 'grel dgons pa rab gsal gyi dka' ba'i gnad la dwogs pa gcod pa / Se-ra Rje-btsun Chos-kyi-rgyal-mtshan (1469-1546)
317. Rnam par rgyal ba phan bde legs bshad gling gi 'don chog bzugs so: Liturgical texts arranged according to the Namgyal Monastery; 2 Volumes
318. Rnin ma rgyud 'bum Mtshams brag manuscripts (65 Volumes) / Tantras
319. Rong ston gsung 'bum / Rong ston bka' 'bum (10 Volumes) / bSod nams chos 'phel
320. Ron-zom Chos-bzan gi gsun 'bum / Rong zom chos bzang gi gsung 'bum; 2 Volumes / Chos kyi bzang po (b.11th cent.)
321. Rten 'brel yig rnin: Gru-gu chos-rgyal dgon manuscript: Collected texts concerned with the practice of the Rten 'brel rab bdun
322. Rtogs brjod dpag bsam 'khri sin gi rtsa 'grel / Ksemendra (11th cent.)
323. Rtsa gsum chos srung dang bcas pa'i 'don cha phyogs bsdus bzhungs so / Gyaltsen, Ven. Khenpo Yeshi (Ed.)
324. Rtsa rgyud chen po gsan ba bsen thub dan de'i 'grel pa rin po che Yid bzin rnam par bkod pa'i rgyan: A tantra of the Bonpo tradition recovered from its place of concealment; 2 Volumes / Dpon-gsas Khyun-rgod-rtsal
325. Rtsib-ri Spar-ma: The collected instructional material on the practice of the teachings of the Dkar-brgyud-pa and Rdzogs-chen tradition; 31 Volumes / Padma chos rgyal (1878/1876-1959/1958) (Ed.)
326. Rtsis kyi lag len gsal bar byed pa'i lde'u mig ner mkho'i za ma tog man nag rgyud don snin po legs par bsdus pa'i zla zer / Tshe-dban-rnam-rgyal (1942- )
327. Sa bdag nye lam sde bzhi' gsungs pod bz'ugs = Sa bdag nye lam sde bzhi : the Nye lam sde bzhi is a terma / Dpon-gsas Khyun-rgod-rtsal (b. 1175)
328. Sa skya bka' 'bum = Dpal-ldan Sa-skya Bka' 'bum = The Collected Works of the Great Founding Masters of the Sa-skya; 15 Volumes
329. Sambhota byis pa'i deb phreng; 5 Volumes / Bkra shis don grub
330. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa'i rnam thar (5 Volumes)
331. Sans rgyas bstan pa'i chos 'byun dris lan nor bu'i phren ba: A Study the Historical and Doctrinal Development Buddhism in India and Tibet / Mkhyen-rab-rgya-mtsho, 'Dul-dzin
332. Sdom pa gsum rnam par nges pa'i mchan 'grel rig pa 'dzin pa'i 'jug ngogs / Yon-tan-rgya-mtsho, Dge-mang Mkhan-chen (d. 1925)
333. Selected Works of Ratna-glin-pa: Comprising his Gter 'byun chen mo, biographical materials, devotional verses, and the major part of his visionary (dag-snan and snan-rgyud) teachings; 2 Volumes / Ratna-glin-pa Rin-chen-dpal-bzan-po (1403-1478)
334. Ser phyin mdon rtogs rgyan gyi rtsa 'grel bzugs so / Rtsom-pa-po Rdza dpal sprul Rin-po-che (1808-1887)
335. Sera Thekchen Ling, edited by Tseramgya / Tshe-dban Rin-chen gyis par brgyab pa dan rtso ma sgrigs byabs pa
336. Ses-rab kyi pha rol tu Phyin pa'i Man nag gi Bstan bcos Mnon par Rtogs pa'i Rgyas Grel pa dan Bcas pa'i Tshig don snying po Gsal ba'i me lon / Khenpo Kunga Wangchuk, the Abbot of Dzongsar Institute
337. Ses-rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man-nag gi Bstan-chos mnon par rtogs pa'i rgyan gyi 'grel pa Blo-gsal thog ma'i 'jug nogs Rin-po-che them skas zhes bya ba bzugs so / Byams-pa Nag-dban Bstan-'dzin snyan-grags
338. Sgrub chen Bka' brgyad Drag po ran byun ran sar gyi skor: A manuscript collection from Hemis of teachings revealed by Rig-'dzin Rgod ldem-focussing upon the practice of the "Eight Pronouncements" of Guru Padmasambhava / Rgod-kyi-ldem-'phru-can, Gter-ston (1337-1408)
339. Shamatha to Mahamudra - The Guru's Pith Instructions Revealed through Experience: The Visualization of Calm Abiding in Mahamudra / Tamphel, Konchok (Tr.)
340. Shel gong shel 'phreng / Bstan 'dzin phun tshogs
341. Sher phyin mdon rtogs rgyan gyi rtsa 'grel bzugs so / Dpal sprul rin po che
342. She-rab Dong-bu or Prajnya Danda by Lu-Drub (Tree of Wisdom by Nagarjuna) (Tibetan Text with English Translation) / Campbell, W.L. (Ed. & Tr.)
343. Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i Man nag gi bstan bcos Mnon par rtogs pa'i rgyan gyi br'od bya dngos brgyad don bdun chu'i rnam bshad legs bshad sgron me
344. Shes-rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man nag gi bstan bcos mnon par rtogs pa'i rgyan gyi mtshon byed kyi chos rnams kyi yan lad rgyas par bshad pa sbas don rab gsal ses bya ba bzugs so / Go-rams-pa
345. Skal bzang thar pa'i them skas / A Ladder for the Fotunate to Assend to Liberation (in Tibetan) / Shabkar Tsokdruk Rangdrol as recorded by Trulshik Orgyen Namgyal
346. Sku gdung sku gzhugs gnyis kyi thig rtsa (A volume on the construction of 120 different Bonpo stupas, consisting of quotation collected from many different sources) / Namdak, Lopon Tenzin (Ed.)
347. Sku gsum dgongs 'dus: A Profound Cycle of Teachings; 4 Volumes / ' Gro 'dul pad rgyal gling pa (1924-1988)
348. Sku gsum dongs 'dus 'don cha: Liturgical texts from the Sku gsum dgongs 'dus cycle / ' Gro 'dul pad rgyal gling pa (1924-1988)
349. Skyabs 'gro dan Rdor glin brgyud 'debs phral dgos sna tshogs sogs : A collection of miscellaneous liturgical texts used by followers of the Rdo-rje-glin-pa tradition in Bhutan (Rare Tibetan Text) / Rdo-rje-glin-pa, Gter-ston
350. Skyabs rje Dil mgo mkhyen brtse rdo rje 'Chang gi gter byon skor gyi 'Don cha zur phyung; 2 Volumes
351. Slob dpon zam gdong Rin po che'i bka'i lan dan gsal bshad gal che khyag phyogs bsdus. Bka'i shag skabs bcu sa pa'i bka'i blon khri pa gnang skabs gros tshigs su bschol ba / Phyogs bsgrigs pa dan zhu sgrig pa Bstan 'dzin Don yod
352. Sman dbyad zla ba'i rgyal po: Hasan Mahayana dan po ro tsa ses bsgyur ba / Phog-pa klu-sgrub
353. Sman ming tsig mdzod blo gsar sgo 'byed lde mig / A Key to Open the Door of a New Understanding - A Dictionary of Medical Terms / Norbu, Tsering (Dr.)
354. Sman ri tshogs don: A Collection of liturgical texts from the rites of Sman-ri, a chief monastery of the Rinpo tradition for mched by great Mnyam med Shes-rab-rgyal-mtshan
355. Sna 'gyur bka'i ma'i chos sde'i gligs 'bam; 120 Volumes / Bka' Ma
356. Sna 'gyur chos 'byun no mtshar gtam gyi rol mtsho: A detailed history of the Sna 'gyur Rnin-ma tradition; 5 Volumes / Gu-ru Bkra-sis Stag-sgan Mkhas-mchog Nag-dban-blo-gros
357. Snan rgyud rdo rje'i tshig rkan gi 'brel Bsad Zab lam chu bo kun 'dus nor bu'i byun gnas: A detailed exposition of the Snan rgyud Rdo rje'i tshing rkan and tje precepts of six teachings of Naropa (Na ro chos drug); 2 Volumes / Stag-lun-pa Nag-dban Bstan-pa'i-ni-ma
358. Snar-thang Bka'-'gyur (Narthang Kanjur); 101 Volumes, edited by Lokesh Chandra from the collection of Raghuvira
359. Snar-thang Bstan-'gyur (Narthang Tengyur); Volume 1-170 (To be published in 226 Volumes)
360. Snga 'gyur bstan pa rgyas pa'i smon lam gyi 'grel pa phyogs las rnam par rgyal ba'i rgyal mtshan / Pad ma rnam rgyal
361. Snga 'gyur Byang gter chos skor las 'don cha'i skor: Collection of liturgical texts used in the Snga 'gyur Byan-gter tradition; 5 Volumes / Rgod kyi ldem 'phru can (1337-1409)
362. Snga 'gyur smon lam chen mo'i zal 'don phyogs bsgrigs bzugs so
363. Snga 'gyur smon lam chen mo'i zhal 'don phyogs bsgrigs bzhugs so
364. Sngags kyi spyi don rgyud sde rgya mtsho'i gru gzings zhes bya ba'i don bkral ba'i tshul du gsang chen rdo rje theg pa'i rnam bzhag gsal bar bstan pa rig 'dzin dga' ston zhes bya ba bzhugs so / Gu shri Chos rje Blo bzang lhun grub (1781-1859)
365. Snin-thig Snon-'gro'i Khrid-yig Kun-bzan Bla-ma'i Zal-lun / Rdza Dpal-sprul
366. Snon byon rnams kyis ma 'ons lun bstan gsuns pa rnams so sor thor bu yin btab las da lam 'thor bkyen mi 'gro ba'i ched du phyogs gcig tu bsgrigs pa / Snon byon rnams ma 'ons lun bstan gsuns pa rnams so sor thor bu yin btab las da lam 'thor bkyen mi 'gro ba'i ched du phyogs gcig tu bsgrigs pa
367. Snyan ngag me long gi 'Grel pa dbyangs can ngag gi rol mtsho: A commentary on Dandi's Kavyadarsha / Bstan-'dzin-chos-kyi-ni-ma, Khams-spril IV (1730-1779)
368. Snying Ngag slob deb: Si khor zhing chen bod yig slob grwa'i slob deb / Sgrig tsho chun
369. Snying thig Ya bzhi (13 Volumes)
370. The Songs and Teachings of Nam-mkha-lhun-grub and the Gyun-drun klon rgyas kyi gnas bsad kyi mkor / Rgyal-mtshan-dpal-bzan, Gter-ston
371. Sprang chung rtsi bcud / Rich Honey, The Collected Minor Writings of Various Points of Sutra and Tantra (in Tibetan) / Zhe chen dbon sprul mthu stobs rnam rgyal
372. Sprul pa'i gter chen Khrag-thun Bdud-'joms-glin-pa sku phren gon 'og gi gter byon rtsa gsum srun ma dan bcas pa'i sgrub thabs gces btus; 3 Volumes / Bdud-joms Jigs-bral-ye-ses-rdo-rje (1904-1987)
373. Spyi-ti Dkyil dgon nor bu dge phel gyi byun ba brjod pa rab byed phags nor bdun ldan zes bya ba bzugs so: A short guide to Key Gonpa / Tashi Tsering Joysayma
374. Spyod 'jug shes rab le'i 'grel ba: Presentations of the Ninth Chapter of the Way of the Bodhisattva (in Tibetan) / Zhe chen rgyal tshab 'gyur med padma rnam rgyal
375. Ston pa Sakya-thub-pa dan ston pa Gsen-rab gnis kyi byun ba dan de gnis kyi lugs las bden gnis 'dod tshul gyi khyad par la dbyad pa / Phun-tshogs-don-grub, Acarya
376. Subhasitaratnanidhi (Tibetan Quotation): In the Coffers of Truth (Tibetan Text with Sanskrit, Hindi and English Translation) / Gyaltsen, Sakya Pandita Kunga
377. The Sun: Tsering Art School Manual for the Basic Drawing / Lhadrepa, Konchog
378. Tengyur - A Collected Edition of Sde-dge and Narthang; 108 Volumes
379. Terma Teaching of Orgyen Tsasum Lingpa: A collection of profound terma teaching revealed by Orgyen Tsasum Lingpa Chokyi Gyatso; 16+1 Volumes (in Tibetan) / Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche (Ed.)
380. Theg pa chen mo Rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos and Theg pa chen po Rgyud bla ma'i dstan bcos snying po'i Don mngon gsum lam gyi bshad srol dang sbyar ba'i rnam par 'grel pa phyir mi ldog pa seng ge'i nga ro / Kon-sprul Blo-gros-mtha'-yas, 'Jam-mgon (1813-1899)
381. Theg pa chen po dmar khrid dug ma ran grol kyis bka' bsruns zin skyon lha mo'i sgrub thabs bzugs; 2 Volumes (bound in one)
382. Theg pa chen po Mdo sde'i rgyan gyi 'grel pa rin po che'i phren ba: A detailed commentary on the Mahayanasutralankara of Asanga / Rgyal-sras Thogs-med Bzan-po-dpal
383. Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi Nes don gsal bar byed pa'i rin po che'i sgron me: A detailed commentary on the Uttratantrasastra (Ratnagotravibhaga) / Blo-gros-mtshuns-ned
384. Theg pa rim dgu'i rnam bzhag / Presentations of the Nine Yanas of the Nyingma Tradition (in Tibetan) / Zhe chen rgyal tshab 'gyur med padma rnam rgyal
385. Theg pa'i Rim pa Gsal ba'i sgron ma: A Synthetic Treatise on Bonpo Cosmology and the Vehicles of Bonpo Practice and Realisation / Nam-mkha'-bzan-po, Dpal-btsun
386. Thugs rje chen po Gsan ba 'dus pa'i chos skor / Ratna-glin-pa
387. Thugs rje chen po Nan son kun skyobs: A cycle of Buddhist practice focussing upon Avalokitesvara (Rare Tibetan Text) / Rdo-rje-glin-pa, Gter-ston
388. Thugs rje chen po Rtsa gsum snin thig: A cycle of Buddhist practice focussing upon a form of Avalokitesvara; Revealed from its place of concealment by Mna'-ris Gter-chen Gar-dban-rdo-rje
389. Thun mon rten 'brel sgrig byed pa'i lha rnams mnyes byed bsans yig bzugs
390. Tre-hor Khan-gsar skyabs mgon Blo-bzan-tshul-khrim Bstan-pa'i-rgyal-mtshan dpal bzan po'i rnam thar dad pa'i padma bzad pa'i nin byed / Byams-pa-chos-grags
391. Tsed (Sic) ma Rigs pa'i gter gyi Mchen (Sic) 'grel Sde bdun gsel ba'i sgron me ses bya ba bzugs so
392. Tsed (Sic) ma rigs pa'i gter gyi rang 'grel mchan bu chan bzugs so
393. Tshad ma rigs gter rtsa ba dan 'grel pa / Sa-skya Panti-ta Kun-dga'-rgyal-mtshan (1182-1251)
394. Tshad ma rigs gter zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos bzhugs so / Sa skya Pandita kun dga' rgyal mtshan
395. Tshad-ma rnam-'grel gyi tsig le'ur byas pa ses bya ba'i chan 'grel bzugs so / Khenpo Kunga Wangchuk, the Abbot of Dzongsar Institute
396. Two Controversial Madhyamika Treatises: Comprising reproductions of blockprints of the "Dbu ma la 'jug pa'i rnam bsad nes don rnam nes" of Rnon-ston Ses-bya-kun-rig and the "Lugs gnis rnam 'byed rtsa' grel" of Gser-mdog Pan-chen Sakya-mchog-ldan / Ron-ston Ses-bya-kun-rig
397. Two Instructions on the "Development Stage" Practice of the Mantrayana Tradition / Shechen Gyaltsap, Gyurme Pema Namgyal (1871-1926) & Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Gyurme Thekchog Tenpai Gyaltsen (1910-1991)
398. U rgyan Pad ma 'Byun gnas kyi bka' chems: A rediscovered version of the life of the Guru Padmasambhava
399. The Vajrakila teachings from the revelations of Bde-chen 'Bar-ba'i-rdo-rje and a collection of rituals from the 'Ba'-rom Bka'-brgyud-pa tradition / 'Bar-ba'i-rdo-rje, Gter-ston
400. The White Conch Dictionary: Dud dkar Tshig mdzod chen mo: Mkhas dban Dud dkar Blo bzan phrin las mchog gis mdzad pa'i Bod rig pa'i tshig mdzod chen mo Ses bya rab gsal ses bya ba bzugs so: Dungkar Tibetological Great Dictionary, 2 Volumes (Tibetan-Tibetan) / Dungkar Losang Khrinley
401. Yan zab Dkon mchog spyi 'dus kyi don cha ner mkho phyogs gcig tu bkod pa: The practice of the Dkon mchog spyi dus cycle of the 'Ja 'tshon snin-po according to the Ma ni rim dus tradition of the Sherpa community of North-eastern Nepal
402. Yid bzhin mdzod kyi 'grel chung dang sems nyid ngal gs'i mchan 'grel / Presentations of Longchenpa's Wish Fulfilling Treasury and Resting in Mind Itself(in Tibetan) / Zhe chen rgyal tshab 'gyur med padma rnam rgyal
403. Yig bskur rnam bzag me tog phren ba by Karma-rgyal-mtshan gyis rtsom sgrig byas. Ch'ng-tu: Si-khron mi rigs dpe skrun khan: Si-khron Zin-chen Zin-hwa dpe tshon khan gis brgyus bkram byas
404. Yon tan rin po che'i mdzod dga' ba'i char zhes bya ba bzhugs so / The Rain of Joy, The Treasury of Precious Qualities / Lingpa, Rigzin Jigme (Rig 'dzin 'jigs med gling pa)
405. Yon tan rin po che'i mdzod kyi dka' gnad rdo rje'i rgya mdud 'grol byed legs bshad gser gyi thur ma bzhugs so / A Golden Needle of Excellent Explanatation to Unlock the Vajra Knot of Difficult Points in the Treasury of Spiritual Qualities (in Tibetan) / Dar, A Lag Sha Ngag Dbang Bstan
406. Yon tan rin po che'i mdzod kyi 'grel pa bden gnyis gsal byed zla ba'i sgron me zhes bya ba smad cha bzhugs so
407. Yon tan rin po che'i mdzod kyi 'grel pa zab don snang byed nyi ma'i 'od zer ses bya ba bzugs so
408. Yon ten rin po chei Mdzod kyi `Grel Pa zla Bai sgron me dang nyi mai od zer; Commentaries to the Treasury of Spiritual Qualities: The Lam of the Moon and the Rays of the Sun 2022, 3 Volume Set, / Yon ten rin po chei Mdzod kyi `Grel Pa zla Bai sgron me dang nyi mai od zer; Commentaries to the Treasury of Spiritual Qualities: The Lam of the Moon and the Rays of the Sun 2022,
409. Yul mdo smad kyi ljongs su thub bstan rin po che ji ltar dar ba'i tshul gsal bar brjod pa deb ther rgya mtsho; 2 Volumes / Dkon-mchog-bstan-pa-rab-rgyas, Brag-dgon zhabs-drun (1801-1866)
410. Za ma tog / Zamatog: The Tibetan Journal; Volumes I-IX (in Tibetan)
411. Zab chos bdun pa sbas yul sgo 'byed yid bzin' od' phro'i sgrub skor las tshogs dan bcas pa; A collection of rare nyingmapa teachings; 2 Volumes / Rdo-rje-thogs-med (18th Cent.)
412. Zab chos Zhi khro Dgons pa rang 'grol las bar do thos grol chen mo / Gter-chen Karma-gling-pa
413. Zab chos zhi khrod dgons pa rang 'grol las Na rag don sprugs dpal yul phyag bzhes ltar bkod pa'i dbu phyog bzugs so
414. Zab mo nang don zhes bya ba'i gzhung and Rnal 'byor bla na med pa'i rgyud sde rgya mtsho'i snying po bsdus pa zab mo nang gi don nyung ngu'i tshig gis rnam par 'grol ba zab don snang byed / Kon-sprul Blo-gros-mtha'-yas, 'Jam-mgon (1813-1899)
415. Zabs dkar pa'i Mgur 'bum, Part 2
416. Zal 'don gces btus, compiled by Geshe Thupten Kunsang
417. Zal gdams slob bu'i re skon mdo sngags bstan pa'i rgyan ches bya ba bzugs so
418. Zel gdams slob bu'i Re skon Mdo sngags bston pa'i rgyan ches bya ba bzugs so
419. Zhabs dkar Tshogs drug rang grol gyi Bka' 'bum / The Collected Works of Zhabs dkar Tshogs drug rang grol (1781-1851); 13 Volumes + 1 booklet / Tshogs drug rang grol (1781-1851)
420. Zhal gdams dang gsung mgur sna tshogs kyi skor kun phen bdud stsi'e spring chen bden gnyis bsal bzhag dang bral ba'i don gyi dgongs bshad glog gi sgrom ma sm don dngos gzhi sogs (in Tibetan)
421. Zhal gdams phyogs bsdus / A Collection of Spiritual Advices (in Tibetan) / Dil mgo mkhyen brtse
422. Zhe chen lugs srol cho ga'i lag len skor; 2 Volumes
423. Zogchen Chosjung (Rdzogs-chen Chos-'byung) rang bzhig rdzogs pa chen po'i chos 'byung rig 'dzin brgyud pa'i rnam thar ngo mtshar nor bu be dr'u ya'i phreng ba; 2 Volumes / Nyoshul Khenpo Jamyang Dorje Rinpoche (H.H.)

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