Public Administration |
Indian Democracy: Issues and Challenges / Mishra, Savita & Datta, Krittibas |
Forced Migrants, Refugees, Welfare Policies and the State / Bushra Beegom R.K. (Dr.) (Ed.) |
Government and Politics in Jammu and Kashmir / Akhtar, Naseema |
Indian Public Administration / Abrar, R |
World Constitutions / Usmani, B.D. |
Indian Social System / Sharma, G.D. |
UGC 12th Plan: Grant Schemes, Guidelines and Model Syllabi; 10 Volumes / Dabral, Vinod (Dr.) |
Village Information System: Innovation of Natural Infrastructure: Volume 1 / Yadav, H.R. |
Policing in India: Some Unpleasant Essays / Joshi, G.P. |
Local Self-Government: Theoretical Perspective / Vidhyasagar, I.S. |