Philosophy |
Kena Upanisad: The Power of Brahman
/ Singh, Karan & Mishra Kamal K
Anthology of Indian Philosophy: Intercultural Perspective
/ Furtado, Vincent Gabriel
Vedanta as a Foundation Model of Mind Learning Patterns: The Working Patterns
/ Jarali, Shruthi Sukhadev
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita: A New Translation and Commentary (Chapters 1-6)
/ Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh
In Quest Of Guru: A Human Soul's Journey Towards Enlightenment Through Modern Sanatana Dharma
/ Matthew Zschoche, Divine Colonel - Ashok Kini Ji
Critical History of Western Philosophy (Greek, Medieval and Modern)
/ Masih, Yakub
Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy
/ Sharma, Chandradhar
Puranic Encyclopaedia: A Comprehensive work with Special Reference to the Epic and Puranic Literature
/ Mani, Vettam
Conversation with Bio Yogi: In Quest of Self / Sharma, Anita |
Jaina Advaita and Advaita Vedanta
/ Jain, Jagdish Prasad |