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CONTENTS:- 1. An assembly of hermits (Rsis) at Prayaga, curiosity raised by Bharadvaja before Suta, description of the order of creation. 2. Description of the creation of world. 3. Creation of the world by Brahma and representation of nine types creations. 4. Anusarga. 5. Description of Rudra and other Sargas, the expansion of the children of the daughters of Daksa Prajapati. 6. An event of the birth of Agastya and Vasistha as the son of Mitravaruna. 7. Penance made by Markandeya for attaining the grace of Lord Sri Hari, recital of Mrtyunjaya Strotra and conquest of death. 8. Yama prevents death and his Dutas to visit the devotees of Lord Visnu, departure of the hellish organism to the abode of Lord Visnu. 9. Recitation of Yamastaka. 10. Marriage of Markandeya, birth of Vedasira, performance of penance under Aksayavata and recital of psalm by Markandeya, lord give blessings and boon to him. 11. The sage Markandeya recites hymns to the lord Visnu. 12. A dialogue between Yama and Yami. 13. Power of chastity and conversation with a Brahmacari. 14. The importance of pilgrimages and four orders (Asramas) of life. 15. An elucidation of the world tree and the knowledge competent to demolish the same. 16. Description of attainment of emancipation by virtue of concentration on God Visnu. 17. The eight letter hymn and its magnificence. 18. The story of birth of Manu, Yama and Yami from the womb of Samjna and birth of Manu, Sani and Tapati from the womb of Chaya, and birth of Asvinikumaras. 19. A prayer comprising one hundred eight names of Sun God by Visvakarma. 20. Origin of Marutas. 21. Description of Suryavamsa. 22. Description of Candravamsa. 23. Descriptions of fourteen Manvantaras. 24. Devotion of Iksvaku, his departure for penance. 25. Penance performed by Iksvaku and attainment of Visnu's icon by Brahma. 26. Description of the generation of Iksvaku. 27. About the Candra Vamsa (the Lunar Clan). 28. Account of deeds performed by Santanu. 29. A description of the generation of Santanu. 30. A description of Dvipas and the heaven. 31. A succinct description of Dhruva's account of deeds, the stars, plants and the nether region. 32. Description on Sahasranika, Sri Nrsimha worship and magnificence of God. 33. Great consequences for keeping the temple tidy - the story of king Jayadhvaja. 34. Magnificence of the worship of God Visnu. 35. Method of performing a lakh and crore Homas and their rewards. 36. Story pertaining to the incarnation of God. 37. Incarnation of Matsya and killing of Madhu and Kaitabha demons. 38. Incarnation of God Visnu as tortoise, churning of ocean and Visnu's form of enchanting damsel (Mohini). 39. Incarnation of Varaha, killing of Hiranyaksa. 40. Incarnation of Nrsimha, accomplishments of Hiranyaksipu and praise of Gods. 41. Birth of Prahlada, his devotion for Visnu and anxiety of Hiranyakasipu. 42. An episode of atrocities exercised by Hiranyakasipu on Prahlada. 43. Preaching by Prahlada to Daityas, drown into sea by Hiranyakasipu and apparent perception of God there. 44. Incarnation of Nrsimha and Hiranyakasipu approaching death. 45. An episode on an incarnation of Vamana. 46. Incarnation of Parasurama. 47. Incarnation of Rama, his birth and marriage. 48. Rama's exile, death of king Dasaratha and meeting of Rama with Bharata in the forest. 49. Jayanta punished by Rama, meeting with Sarabhanga, Sutiksna and Agastya, humiliation of Surpanakha, kidnapping of Sita, Jatayu killing and meeting with Sabari. 50. Friendship with Sugriva, murder of Bali, Sugriva's leniency and his humiliation, search for Sita and Hanuman's steps in Lanka. 51. Hanuman's entrance into Lanka, meeting with Sita and message to Rama after Lanka burnt into ashes. 52. Rama's visit at sea-shore, shelter of Vibhisana, proposal to make him the king of Lanka, Ravana's defeat, slaughter of Kumbhakarna, Meghnada and other monsters, coronation of Rama etc. 53. An account of deeds performed by Sri Krsna and Balarama. 54. Account of deeds performed by Kalki and the Kalki religion. 55. Regain of the lost eye to Sukracarya by the grace of Gods. 56. Installation of icon of Visnu. 57. Characteristics of devotees, description of Haritasmrti, duties of the Brahmanas. 58. Duties of Ksatriya and others. 59. About the duties of Vanaprastha. 60. An account of ascetic. 61. The essence of Yoga. 62. Vedic hymns on Visnu and their place. 63. Indra's rescue from the female sex. 64. The supremacy of the devotee and an episode on Pundarika. 65. The holy places relating to the God and the names of God relating to those pilgrim places. 66. Magnificence of other pilgrim places Sahyadri and Amalaka Grama. 67. Manasa-tirtha fast. 68. Fruits of reading Nrsimha Purana and the fruits of listening. |
According to Yaska- "An innovative thing irrespective of being its old is called Purana." Besides the eighteen Maha-Puranas, there are another set of the Puranas known as Upa-Puranas, which are more sectarian in nature. They are comparatively later in date having as well some historical background.
Narasimha Purana occupies an important place among the Upa-Puranas and like other Puranas, this is also considered to be complied by Vyasa. On the contrary, every Purana dwells at length on one or more particular subjects and in some, five primary topics- (1) Primary creation or cosmogony (2) Secondary creation (3) Genealogy of Gods and patriarchs (4) Reigns of the Manus (5) History of the solar and lunar dynasties. Narasimha Purana also depicts these five topics, viz.,. It contains various episodes of the incarnation of Lord Visnu, especially incarnation of Lord Rama. There are sixty five chapters, which describe all topics related with Purana. It describes the story of Rishi Markandeya's victory over death and 'Yamagita'. The form of devotion, definition of a true devotee and the character of devotees like Dhruva has been described in this Purana. Despite of it being small, it is pregnant with meaning. |