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Check List > Arts and Architecture > Dance, Drama and Theatre
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1. Abhinaya-Candrika and Odissi Dance; 2 Volumes / Dass, Maya (Ed.)
2. Abhinayadarpana (Text with English translation and notes) / Rajendran, C.
3. Academic Dictionary of Film, Television and Theatre / Pandey, Ashish
4. Ancient Greek and Indian Theatre / Saxena, Asha
5. Ancient Indian and Indo-Greek Theatre / Varadpande, M.L.
6. Appropriating Folk Culture: A Study of the Post-Independence Indian Drama / Behera, Guru Charan
7. Asian Dance: Multiple Levels / Vatsyayan, Kapila
8. At Play with Krishna: Pilgrimage Dramas from Brindavan / Hawley, John Stratton
9. The Beria: Rai Dancers: A Socio-Demographic, Reproductive and Child Health Care Practices Profile / Jain, Arun K. & Sharma, A.N.
10. Bhagavadajjukam in Kutiyattam: The Hermit and the Harlot-the Sanskrit Farce in Performance / Paulose, K.G.
11. Bharata Natyam Expanding Horizons: A Unique Presentation of the Great Epic Sri Ram Charit Manas / Varadan, Komala
12. Bharata Natyam on the Global Stage: At Home in the World / O' Shea, Janet
13. Bharata Natyam: From Temple to Theatre / Gaston, Anne Marie
14. Bharatamunipranit Svayambhuv Natyasastra; Part 1: Kavyalakshana Khanda (Text with Hindi translation) / Dwivedi, Rewa Prasad (Tr.)
15. Bharatanatyam: How to...: A Step-by-Step Approach to Learn the Classical Dance Form / Eshwar, Jayalakshmi
16. Bhasa / Sinha, Biswajit & Choudhury, A.K.
17. Bhavabhuti Ke Natakon Ka Shailivaijnik Aur Shabdashaktiparak Adhyayan [in Hindi] / Garg, Monika
18. Birju Maharaj: The Master Through My Eyes / Sen, Saswati
19. Catalogue of Manuscripts on Performing Arts (Music, Dance and Drama) / Gupta, Kaushalya (Compiler)
20. Catussastikala-Vaijayantimala: Garland of Sixty-Four Arts / Kulshreshtha, Sushma
21. Christianity in Indian Dance Forms / Barboza, Francis Peter
22. Classical Dances of India / Biswas, Deepika
23. Classical Dances of South India / Narayan, Shovana
24. The Concept of Dance in Classical Sanskrit Literature / Hegde, G.S.
25. Contemporary African American Drama: From Cultural Nationalism to the Poetics of Resistance / Dakorwala, N.K.
26. Cultural Rhythms in Emotions, Narratives and Dance / Mathur, Nita
27. Cultural Tourism and Performing Arts of Andhra Pradesh: Prospects and Perspectives / Uday, Vanaja (Dr.)
28. The Culture of Ladakh Through Song and Dance / Shakspo, Nawang Tsering
29. Dance in Thumri / Banerjee, Projesh
30. The Dance of Shiva: Fourteen Indian Essays / Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.
31. Dances of Hilly Regions / Mehta, Usha
32. Dances of South India / Mehta, Usha
33. Dancing Phenomenon Birju Maharaj / Venkataraman, Leela
34. Dancing Phenomenon Kelucharan Mohapatra / Lowen, Sharon
35. Dhananjayan on Indian Classical Dance / Dhananjayan, V.P.
36. Dictionary of Music, Dance and Drama / Sinha, Biswajit
37. Dictionary of Theatre / Solder, R.
38. Drama and Aesthetics / Devarajan, T.
39. Dramatic Concepts: Greek and Indian: A Study of Poetics and Natyasastra / Gupt, Bharat
40. Dramatic Elements in Modern Arts / Chaturvedi, Ravi (Dr.)
41. The Dramatic Imagination / Naikar, Basavaraj
42. The Dramatic World of Mahesh Dattani / Prasad, Amar Nath
43. Encyclopaedia of Indian Dances / Chaturvedi, Nirupama
44. Encyclopaedia of Indian Theatre; Volume 1-9 / Sinha, Biswajit & Choudhury, A.K.
45. Encyclopaedia of World Great Dramatists; 4 Volumes / Andrews, Henry (Ed.)
46. Ethnicity and Identity: Global Performance / Chaturvedi, Ravi & Singleton, Brian (Eds.)
47. Evolution of Music, Dance and Drama / Biswas, Deepika
48. Explorations in Indian English Drama / Mouli, T Sai Chandra & Babu, M. Sarat
49. Exuberance of Indian Classical Dance / Banerjee, Utpal K.
50. Fall of Kalyana: A Historical and Religious Play / Kalburgi, M.M.
51. Folk Theatre / Sinha, Biswajit
52. Folk Theatre Beyond Boundaries / Mohanty, Bharat Bhusan
53. The Folk Theatre of North Karnataka / Naikar, Basavaraj
54. Gender, Space and Resistance: Women and Theatre in India / Singh, Anita & Mukherjee, Tarun Tapas (Eds.)
55. A Glossary of Natya Shastra / Gupta, Naresh (Comp.)
56. Hindi Chitrapat evam Sangeet ka Itihas (in Hindi) / Vimal (Dr.)
57. Hindi Natak: Itihas Drishti aur Samkaleen Bodh; (in Hindi) / Sharma, Prabhat (Dr.)
58. History of Indian Theatre / Varadpande, M.L.
59. Incredible India: Classical Dances / Mansingh, Sonal
60. Incredible India: Traditional Theatres / Prakash, H.S. Shiva
61. Incredible North India: Folk Cultural Traditions / Pandey, S.P.; Singh, A.K.; Misra, Roli & Pandey, Sanjay
62. Indian Ballet Dancing / Banerjee, Projesh
63. Indian Classical Dances / Narayan, Shovana
64. Indian Puppets / Ghosh, Sampa & Banerjee, Utpal K.
65. The Indian Stage; 4 Volumes (Bound in 2) / Gupta, Hemendra Nath Das
66. The Indian Theatre / Gupta, Hemendra Nath Das
67. India's Dances: Their History, Technique and Repertoire / Massey, Reginald
68. India's Kathak Dance: Past, Present and Future / Massey, Reginald
69. International Encyclopaedia of Dance and Music; 2 Volumes / Kumari, Neetu
70. Introduction to Bharata's Natyasastra / Rangacharya, Adya
71. Jayantu Kumauniyah: A Play by Smt. Leela Rao Dayal / Kulshreshtha, Sushma & Navlata (Drs.)
72. Kalidasa / Sinha, Biswajit
73. Kathak aur Abinaya (in Hindi) / Singh, Monika (Dr.)
74. Kathak Kalpdrum (Abhinav Granthamala Chaturth Pushp) (in Hindi) / Beohar, Chetna Jyotish
75. Kathak Parampara / Singh, Mandvi
76. Kathak Sagar / Gupta, Bharti (Dr.)
77. Kathak: The Dance of Storytellers / Ramya, Rachna
78. Kathak: The World of Shovana Narayan / Mishra, Kamal Kishore
79. Kathaka: The Tradition: Fusion and Diffusion / Srivastava, Ranjana
80. Kathakali Complex: Actor Performance and Structure / Zarrilly, Philip
81. Kathakali: The Sacred Dance Drama of Malabar / Iyer, K. Bharatha
82. Krishna in Performing Arts / Narayan, Shovana
83. Kuchipudi: Indian Classical Dance Art / Kothari, Sunil & Pasricha, Avinash
84. Legacy of Classical Dances in India / Mehta, Usha
85. The Life and Times of La Meri: The Queen of Ethnic Dance / Venkateswaran, Usha
86. Literary Terms in Drama, Theatre and Cinema / Sebastian, A.J. & et. al.
87. Living Traditions of Natyasastra / Rajendran, C. (Ed.)
88. Lord Krishna in Kathak: Amidst the Contemporary Trends / Swarnamanjri, Sandhya
89. The Mahabharata in Kathakali Dance Drama / Singh, N.K. (Ed.)
90. Major Sanskrit Dramatists / Sinha, Biswajit
91. Manipuri Dance and Culture: An Anthology / Devi, Adhikarimayum Radhamanbi (Dr.)
92. Manipuri Dance: An Assessment on History and Presentation / Bandopadhyay, Sruti
93. Master of Arts: A Life in Dance / Badrinath, Tulsi
94. The Modern Drama; 2 Volumes / Maurice, Maeterlinck
95. Movement and Mimesis: The Idea of Dance in the Sanskritic Tradition / Bose, Mandakranta
96. Multicultural Theatre and Drama / Mouli, T. Sai Chandra
97. Music in Traditional Indian Theatre / Kaur, Rani Balbir
98. Music, Dance and Drama in Literature: Mainly Based on Buddhist Atthakatha Literature / Kulshreshtha, Sushma
99. Nadagama: The First Sri Lankan Theatre / Goonatileka, M.H.
100. Nandikesvara's Abhinayadarpanam: A Manual of Gesture and Posture used in Hindu Dance and Drama / Ghosh, Manomohan
101. Nartananirnaya of Padarika Vitthala; 3 Volumes / Sathyanarayana, R. (Ed.)
102. Nataraj: The Divine Dance of Cosmos / Mishra, Kamal Kishore
103. Nataraja: The Dancing God / Banerjee, P.
104. The Natya Sastra of Bharatamuni: Translated into English by A Board of Scholars
105. Natyadarpana of Ramacandra and Gunacandra: With their own commentary 'Svopajnavrtti', Edited with Hindi Translation and 'Vimarsa' by Pt. Thanesh Chandra Upreti
106. Natyasastra
107. Natyasastra and the Indian Dramatic Tradition / Tripathi, Radhavallabh (Ed.)
108. Natyasastra in the Modern World / Tripathi, Radhavallabh (Ed.)
109. Natyasastra of Bharatamuni: Text and Romanized Text with Abhinavabharti commentary and English translation of M.M. Ghosh; 4 Volumes / Kumar, Pushpendra (Ed.)
110. Natyasastra of Bharatamuni: With the commentary Abhinavabharati of Abhinavagupta; 4 Volumes (in Sanskrit) / Nagar, R.S. & Joshi, K.L. (Eds.)
111. Natyasastra of Bharatmuni (Adhyayas 1-3 With Abhinavabharati-6) / Nandi, T.S. (Ed.)
112. Natyasastra: A Treatise of Ancient Indian Dramaturgy and Histrionics, ascribed to Bharata-Muni; Completely translated for the first time from the original Sanskrit with an Introduction and Various Notes by Manomohan Ghosh; 2 Volumes (4 Parts)
113. The Natyasastra: English translation with critical notes by Adya Rangacharya
114. Natyasastravimarsa / Natya Shastra Vimarsh (Sanskrit text with Hindi translation) / Bhoi, Shuk Dev (Prof.)
115. Natyashastra Viswakosh (Encyclopaedia of Natyasastra); 2 Volumes, 2nd Revised & Enlarged Edition (in Sanskrit & Hindi) / Tripathi, Radhavallabh (Ed.)
116. Nayika Bheda in Kathak: Abhinava Grantha Mala - Dvitiya Puspa / Jyotishi, Chetana
117. Nritanjali: An Introduction to Hindu Dancing / Ragini, Sri
118. Nrtyadhyaya of Ashokamalla: An Important Treatise of Bharatiya Natyashastra (Sanskrit Text with Hindi Translation) / Vacaspati Gairola (Tr.)
119. Odissi Yaatra: The Journey of Guru Mayadhar Raut / Kaktikar, Aadya & Raut, Madhumita
120. Odissi: An Indian Classical Dance Form / Hejmadi, Priyambada Mohanty & Patnaik, Ahalya Hejmadi
121. Odissi: The Dance Divine / Gauhar, Ranjana & Parasher, Dushyant
122. A Panorama of Indian Dances / Rao, U.S. Krishna & Devi, U.K. Chandrabhaga
123. Performing Artistes in Ancient India / Iravati (Dr.)
124. Performing for Tourists: Redefining Performances, Performers and Audiences / Rijal, Shiva
125. The Plays of Girish Karnad and Tradition / Pandey, Manoj K.
126. The Plays of Girish Karnad: Critical Perspectives / Dodiya, Jaydipsinh
127. Poetry, Drama and Aesthetics (Selected Papers) / Tripathi, Radhavallabh & Chakraborty, Satyanarayan (Eds.)
128. Rabindranath Tagore; 2 Volumes / Sinha, Biswajit
129. The Ramayana in Kathakali Dance Drama / Singh, N.K. (Ed.)
130. Rasalila: A Musical Study of Religious Drama in Vraja / Thielemann, Salina
131. Revealing the Art of Natyasastra / Namboodiripad, Narayanan Chittoor
132. Rituals as Ideology: Text and Context in Teyyam / Chandran, T.V.
133. Sakuntala or The Lost Ring: An Indian Drama; Translated into English Prose and Verse from the Sanskrit of Kalidasa / Williams, Sir Monier
134. Sangitanarayana: A Seventeenth Century Text on Music and Dance from Orissa; 2 Volumes / Misra, Purusottama
135. Sanskrit Drama in Performance / Baumer, Rachel Van & Brandon, J.R.
136. Sanskrit Drama: With Special Reference to Prahasana and Vithi / Ramaratnam, S.
137. Sanskrit Play Production in Ancient India / Mehta, Tarla
138. Sanskrit Theatre / Sinha, Biswajit
139. The Sanskrit Theatre and Stagecraft / Marasinghe, E.W.
140. The Science of Bharata Natyam / Vaidyanathan, Saroja
141. Shriram Bharatiya Kala Kendra: A History Sumitra Charat Ram Reminisces / Khokar, Ashish
142. So Many Journeys by Bharatanatyam Dancer / Chandran, Geeta & Chandran, Rajiv
143. South Indian Theatre / Sinha, Biswajit
144. Speaking of Dance: The Indian Critique / Bose, Mandakranta
145. Splendour of the Classical Dances of Andhra Pradesh / Janapathy, Varalakshmi
146. A Study of Abhinavabharation Bharata's Natyasastra and Avaloka on Dhananjaya's Dasarupaka / Gupta, Manjul
147. Tantra - Mantra - Yantra in Dance: An Exposition of Kathaka / Srivastava, Ranjana (Dr.)
148. Theatre in South Asia: Frontiers of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Overseas / Banerjee, Utpal K.
149. The Theatre of the Hindus by H.H. Wilson, V. Ragavan, K.R. Pisharoti and Amulya Charan Vidyabhusan / Singh, P.N. (Dr.) (Introduction)
150. Tribal Dances of Arunachal / Pathak, Guptajit & Gogoi, Raju
151. Tribal Dances of India / Mehta, Usha
152. Tribal Dances of India / Tribhuwan, Robin D. & et. al. (Eds.)
153. Tribal Masks and Myths / Tribhuwan, Robin N. & et. al.
154. Uday Shankar: Twentieth Century's Nataraja / Mukhopadhyay, Ashoke Kumar
155. Vanishing Temple Arts: Temple of Kerala and Kanyaakumaari District / Bhalla, Deepti Omchery
156. Yaksagana and Its Sanskrit Sources / Hegde, G.S. (Dr.)
165-E, Kamla Nagar, Delhi - 110007 (INDIA)