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Handbook of Aromatic Plants, 2nd Revised Edition / Bhattacharjee, S.K.
Handbook of Aromatic Plants, 2nd Revised Edition
Bhattacharjee, S.K.
List Price : US$ 124.94
Our Price : US$ 99.95

  Book ID : 1208
  ISBN-10 : 81-7132-217-4 / 8171322174
  ISBN-13 : 978-81-7132-217-6 / 9788171322176
  Place of Publication : Jaipur
  Year of Publication : 2005
  Edition : (Second Revised Edition)
  Language : English
  xxviii, 548p., 94 Col. Plts., Figs., Index, 25 cm.

1. Introduction
2. History
3. Classification of Aromatic Plants Based on their Scented Plant Parts
4. Production of Essential Oils in India
5. Export of Essential Oils, Oleoresins, Cosmetics and Toiletries from India
6. Raw Materials for the Perfumers
7. Extraction of Natural Fragrance and Perfumes and Analysis of Essential Oils
8. Classification of Odour
9. Storage of Essential Oil
10. Safety Aspects of Fragrance and Flavour Materials
11. Uses of Flavours and Fragrances
12. Suggestions for Improvement of Aromatic Crop Industry
13. Abelis R. Br
14. Abeliophyllum Nakai
15. Abelmoschus Medic
16. Abies Mill
17. Abobra Nand
18. Abronia Juss
19. Acacia Mill
20. Aceras R. Br
21. Achillea L
22. Achimenes R. Br
23. Acidanthera Hochst
24. Acokanthera G. Don
25. Acorus L
26. Acradenia Kipp
27. Actinidia Lindl
28. Adansonia L
29. Adenandra Willd
30. Adenocalymma Mart ex. Meissn
31. Adenocarpus DC
32. Adenophora Fisch
33. Adiantum L
34. Corres and Koen
35. Agathosma Willd
36. Agropyron Gaertn
37. Albizzia
38. Albuca L
39. Allium (Tourn) L
40. Alnus B. Ehrh
41. Alpinia (L. ) Roxb
42. Alstonia R. Br
43. Althaea L
44. Altingia Noron
45. Alyssum L
46. Amaryllis L
47. Amyris P. Br
48. Anchusa L
49. Andropogon L
50. Anethum Tourn ex. L
51. Anthemis L
52. Anthocephalus A. Rich
53. Anthriscus (Bernh) Pers. emend. Hoffm
54. Antirrhinum L
55. Apium L
56. Aquilaria Lam
57. Arbutus (Tourn. ) L
58. Archangelica Hoffm
59. Aristolochia (Tourn) L
60. Armoracia P. Gilib
61. Arnica Rupp ex L
62. Artabotrys R. Br
63. Artemisia L
64. Asarum L
65. Aspalanthus L
66. Asparagus Tourn
67. Aster Tourn. ex. L
68. Astrophytum Lamaire
69. Atalantia Correa
70. Atractylodes DC
71. Azadirachta A. Juss
72. Babiana Ker-Gawl
73. Baikiaea Benth
74. Barosma Willd
75. Bauhinia L
76. Bellis (Tourn. ) L
77. Berberis (Tourn. ) L
78. Betula (Tourn. ) L
79. Blumea DC
80. Bolusanthus Harms
81. Borago L
82. Boronia Sm
83. Boswellia Roxb
84. Brassica L
85. Brunfelsia Plum ex. L
86. Brya P. Br
87. Buddleia (Houst) L
88. Bulbophyllum thou
89. Bulnesia C. Gay
90. Bupleurum L
91. Bursera (L. ) Jacq
92. Calamintha (Tourn) Lam. Mill
93. Calendula L
94. Callitropsis R. H. Compt
95. Calochortus Pursh
96. Calophyllum L
97. Camellia L
98. Camphorosma L
99. Canangium Baill. f
100. Canarium Stickm (Rumph)
101. Cardiocrinum (Endl) Lindl
102. Carissa L
103. Carum L. (Rupp. ex. L. )
104. Caryopteris Bunge
105. Cassia Tourn ex. L
106. Catasetum L. C. Rich
107. Cattleya Lindl
108. Cedrus (Tourn. ) Mill
109. Cestrum L
110. Chaerophyllum L
111. Chamaecyparis Spach
112. Chenopodium (Tourn. ) L
113. Chimonanthus Lindl
114. Chonemorpha
115. Chrysanthemum L
116. Cinnamomum Schaeff. (Trew) L
117. Cistus L
118. Citharexylum Mill
119. Citrus L
120. Clausena Burm. f
121. Clematis Dill, e L
122. Clerodendron Cav
123. Coffea L
124. Collinsonia L
125. Commiphora Jacq
126. Convallaris L
127. Copaifera L
128. Coriandrum L
129. Crassula L
130. Crataegns L
131. Crinum L
132. Crithmum L
133. Crocus (Tourn. ) L
134. Croton L
135. Cryptomeria D. Don
136. Cucumis (Tourn. ) L
137. Cuminum L
138. Cuphea P. Br
139. Cupressus L
140. Curcuma (L. ) Roxb
141. Cyclamen L
142. Cydonia Mill
143. Cymbopogon Spreng
144. Cymbidium SW
145. Cyperus L
146. Cypripedium L
147. Cytisus L
148. Dacrydium (Soland) Lamb
149. Daphne Tourn ex Lin
150. Datura L
151. Daucus (Tourn. ) L
152. Delphinium Tourn ex. L
153. Dendrobium SW
154. Dianthus L
155. Dictamnus L
156. Dillenia L
157. Diospyros L
158. Dipterocarpus Gaertn. f
159. Disa Berg
160. Dombeya Cav
161. Dryobalanops Gaertn. f
162. Echinocereus Engelm
163. Echinophora Tourn. ex. L
164. Echinopsis Zucc
165. Echites P. Br
166. Elettaria Matron
167. Elsholtzia Willd
168. Elyonurus Hamb. and Bonpl. ex Willd
169. Endymion Dumort
171. Epipogium (Gmel) L. C. Rich
171. Eranthis Salisb
172. Erimophila R. Br
173. Erigeron L
174. Eriocephalus L
175. Erythrina L
176. Eucalyptus L'Her
177. Eucarya Mitch
178. Eucharis Planch
179. Eugenia L
180. Falcaria Host
181. Ferula Tourn. ex. L
182. Foeniculum Tourn. ex L. (Mill. )
183. Freesia Eckl. ex Klatt
184. Fritillaria L
185. Galanthus L
186. Gardenia Ellis
187. Gaultheria Kalm ex. L
188. Gelsemium Juss
189. Genista L
190. Gladiolus L
191. Glotiphyllum Haw. ex. N. E. Br
192. Goodyera R. Br
193. Gustravia L
194. Gymnadenia R. Br
195. Haematoxylon L
196. Hamamelis Gronov. ex L
197. Hamiltonia Roxb
198. Hedeoma Pers
199. Hedychium J. Konig
200. Helichrysum (Vaill. ex. L. ) Mill
201. Helleborus (Tourn. ) L
202. Hespiris L
203. Hiptage Gaertn
204. Holarrhena R. Br
205. Hosta Tratt
206. Humulus L
207. Hyacinthus (Tourn. ) L
208. Hydrangea L
209. Hymenocallis Salish
210. Hypericum L
211. Hyssopus L
212. Illicium L
213. Inula L
214. Iris L
215. Ixora L
216. Jasminum L
217. Juniperus Tourn. ex. L
218. Koempferia L
219. Laburnum Medic
220. Lachenalia Lacq. f. ex. J. Murr
221. Larrea Cav
222. Laurus (Tourn. ) L
223. Lavandula (Tourn. ) L
224. Lawsonia L
225. Leptactina Hook. f
226. Leptospermum J. R. Fort
227. Leucojam L
228. Levisticum (Riv. ex. L. ) J. Hill
229. Ligusticum L
230. Lilium L
231. Limnanthes R. Br
232. Lindera Thunb
233. Linnaea Gronov. (L. )
234. Lippia Houst. ex. L
235. Liquidambar L
236. Lonicera L
237. Luculia Sweet
238. Lupinus (Tourn. ) L
239. Lychnis (Tourn. ) L
240. Lycoris Herb
241. Magnolia L
242. Majorana (Tourn. ) Rupp. or Mill
243. Mammillaria Haworth
244. Matthiola R. Br
245. Matricaria (Tourn. ) L
246. Maxillaria R. & P
247. Medicago Tourn. ex L
248. Melaleuca L
249. Melia L
250. Melissa Tourn. ex. L
251. Mentha (Tourn) L
252. Mesua L
253. Michellia L
254. Micromeria Benth
255. Mimusops L
256. Millingtonia Linn. f
257. Molopospermum (L. ) Koch
258. Monarda L
259. Monstera (Adams) Schott
260. Marina (Tourn. ) L
261. Moringa (Burm) Adams
262. Murraya Koen. ex. L
263. Muscari Tourn. ex. Mill
264. Myristica L. (Gronov)
265. Myrocarpus Allem
266. Myroxylon J. et G. Forst
267. Myrrhis (Tourn. ) L
268. Myrtillocactus Concole
269. Myrtus (Tourn. ) L
270. Narcissus (Tourn. ) L
271. Nasturtium R. Br
272. Nelumbium Juss
273. Nemesia Venten
274. Neottia L
275. Nepeta L
276. Nerium L
277. Nicotiana L
278. Nigella L
279. Notholirion Boiss
280. Nuphar Sm
281. Nyctanthes L
282. Nyctocereus Britton & Rose
283. Nymphaeae J. Hill
284. Ochna L
285. Ochrocarpos Thou
286. Ocimum L
287. Ocotea Abul
288. Odontadenia Benth
289. Odontoglossum HBK
290. Oenothera L
291. Oncidium SW
292. Oncoba Forssk
293. Opoponax Koch
294. Origanum L
295. Oroxylum Vent
296. Orthodon Benth
297. Orthopenthea Rolfe
298. Osmanthus Lour
299. Osyris L
300. Oxystigma Harms
301. Paeonia (Tourn. ) L
302. Pancratium L
303. Pandanus Linn, f
304. Papaver L
305. Parkinsonia L
306. Passiflora L
307. Pelargonium L'Her ex. Ait
308. Perilla L
309. Petroselinum (Hoffm. ) J. Hill
310. Peucedanum (Tourn. ) L
311. Phellandrium (Tourn. ) L
312. Philadelphus (Riv. ) L
313. Phlox L
314. Picea A. Dietr
315. Pieris D. Don
316. Pilocarpus Vahl
317. Pimentha Lindl
318. Pimpinella L
319. Pinus (Tourn. ) L
320. Piper L
321. Pistacia L
322. Platanthera L. C. Rich
323. Plumeria Tourn. ex. L
324. Pogostemon Desf
325. Polyanthes L
326. Polygonatum Mill
227. Portlandia P. Br
328. Poterium L
329. Primula L
330. Prunus (Tourn. ) L
331. Pseudotsuga Carriere
332. Psidium L
333. Ptelea L
334. Pterocarpus Jacq
335. Pteronia L
336. Pterospermum Sohreb
337. Pycnanthemum Michx
338. Quisqualis L
339. Randia Houst. ex L
340. Raphanus (Tourn. ) L
341. Reseda Tourn. ex. L
342. Rhipsalis Gaertn
343. Rhododendron L
344. Ribes L
345. Ricinus L
346. Robinia L
347. Rodriguezia R & F
348. Rondeletia L
349. Rosa Tourn. ex. L
350. Rosmarinus L
351. Rumex L
352. Ruta (Tourn) L
353. Salvia L
354. Sambucus L
355. Santalum L
356. Santolina L
357. Sarcochilus R. Br
358. Sassafrus Trew
359. Satureja L
360. Satyrium L
361. Saussurea DC
362. Scabiosa L
363. Scandix Tourn. ex. L
364. Schinus L
365. Sciadopitys Siebold & Zucc
366. Scilla L
367. Selenicereus (A. Berger) Britton & Rose
368. Selinum L
369. Sesamum L
370. Sideritis Tourn. ex. L
271. Silaus Bernh
372. Sinapis L
373. Skimmia Thunb
374. Solidago (Vaill) L
375. Spartum L
376. Spiraea L
377. Spiranthes L. C. Rich
378. Stemmadenia Benth
379. Stephanotis Thouars
380. Styrax L
381. Symphytum L
382. Syringa L
383. Tabernaemontana L
384. Tagetes L
385. Tanacetum Tourn. ex. L
386. Taraxacum Wiggers
387. Tecoma Juss
388. Tectona Linn. f
389. Terminalia L
390. Teucrium L
391. Thevetia Juss. ex. Endl
392. Thuja L
393. Thujopsis Sieb ex. Zucc
394. Thymus L
395. Tilia (Tourn. ) L
396. Trachelospermum Lem
397. Trichocereus (Bgr. ) Ricco
398. Trichophilia Lindl
399. Trillium L
400. Tsuga Corriere
401. Tulipa L
402. Umbellularia Nutt
403. Uvaria L
404. Valeriana L
405. Vallaris
406. Vanilla Mill (Plum ex. L)
407. Verbena L
408. Vetiveria Bory
409. Viburnum L
410. Viola L
411. Vitex Tourn. ex. L
412. Wilmattea Brittion & Rose
413. Wisteria Nutt
414. Xanthoxylum J. F. Gmel
415. Zephyranthes Herb
416. Zingiber Adams. (Boehm)
417. Line Sketches
418. Plates
419. General Index
420. Index of Common Names


Increased awareness about aromatic plants has encouraged many innovative and progressive growers and entrepreneurs to take up their cultivation as a commercial enterprise and more and more plants are being harnessed for preparation of newer perfumes.

This is a comprehensive book on the cultivation of aromatic plants grown or found in different parts of the world. It covers nomenclature, description, distribution, cultivation, processing, physical and chemical properties and uses of more than four hundred genera and a large number of species, which would be of special interest to readers. Moreover, several interesting aspects on history, classification, production and export of essential oils, raw materials for perfumers, extraction of natural fragrance and perfumes, safety aspects of fragrance and flavour materials, uses of flavours and fragrances and suggestions for improvement of aromatic crop industry are discussed in this book. This will be an useful and handy reference book for aromatic plant collectors, perfumers, amateur and professional gardeners, food flavour and perfume industries, farmers, processing personnel, entrepreneurs, extension workers, exporters, students, teachers and scientists.




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